A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Measures to raise chickens to cope with high temperatures in summer

In the case of high temperature in the chicken house, the performance of the chicken is reduced, the amount of drinking water is increased, and the feces are thin. To create a good condition for the laying hen to maintain the health of
the chicken, the following measures can be taken.


1. Improve ventilation conditions. The suitable relative humidity of laying hens is 50% to 55%. If the relative humidity is greater than 72%, the chicken house is stuffy and the feathers are stuck, which is easy to cause disease. If the
relative humidity is lower than 45%, the dust inside the house is flying. Chicken is prone to respiratory diseases. When the humidity is low, sprinkle water properly in the house.

2, improve nutrition Because high temperature and high heat, most chickens reduce feed intake, egg production rate is reduced, so it is very important to improve nutrition and maintain body heat balance.

3, improve management In the high temperature and high heat season, control of house temperature is the basis of all management, the core is to relieve or relieve high temperature and high heat stress response. It is necessary to set up
a group to manage the breeding. Pay attention to observe the flock, if there is any abnormality, take timely measures. Increase the number of feedings and feeds in the morning and evening, and use cold water to increase the light time.
It is better to not feed and drink water during high temperature, reduce the amount of chicken movement, and keep the chicken in a quiet state.

4. The construction of the house must be kept in the house and the air is fresh. It depends on the air circulation in the house. It is generally combined with temperature difference ventilation and mechanical ventilation. The temperature
inside the house is ventilated within 24 °C by the temperature difference. When the temperature inside the house exceeds 24 °C, it depends on mechanical ventilation in automatic poultry farming.

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