A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

The importance of drinking water for raising chickens in broiler cages

Moisture is an important factor in maintaining normal human body activity, as is the growth of flocks. Moisture is the most important substance to maintain the health of the body. It is also one of the important substances for laying hens. Let's talk to farmers today about the importance of water for chickens in broiler battery cages.

1. Moisture plays an extremely important role in the digestion and metabolism of chickens.

Water can help chickens digest the feed and is also a carrier for the body to expel metabolic waste. Water is not only a necessary solvent for nutrient absorption, rotation and metabolic waste excretion, but also a medium for chemical reactions in metabolic processes. Water is directly involved in many chemical reactions. Water has the characteristics of large heat capacity and high heat of evaporation. The body temperature is adjusted by absorption and discharge of water, so it is important to keep the body temperature constant. Water can also act as a lubricating fluid to keep the joint surface of the bones smooth and free to move.

2. Insufficient drinking water will have an adverse effect on the chicken body.

Insufficient drinking water in the flocks, the digestion and absorption of the feed is poor, the blood is thick, the body temperature rises, and growth and egg production are affected. If the chicken body is dehydrated by 10%, it will cause death of the chicken body. If the chicks are short of water, they can cause kidney disease, polycythemia, dry and dehydrated skin around the legs, and the inner layer of the muscles becomes soft or mushy. When laying hens lack water, ovarian necrosis occurs, the stomach is inflamed, kidney disease, egg production decreases, egg weight is reduced, eggshells are thinned, shellless eggs are completely stopped or completely stopped. It can be seen that water has an extremely important role in raising chickens in broiler cages. If the chicken body lacks water, it will affect its growth rate, especially for broilers.

3. Most of the chicken body depends on water.

The chicks contain about 70% water, and the chicks in one week old contain about 85% water, mainly in the intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid. In the total amount of body water, water in the intracellular fluid accounts for 50%, and water in the extracellular fluid accounts for 15%. Most of the water is taken from the body by drinking water, and the rest is derived from the metabolic water produced by the water and nutrients in the feed.

The above is what the farmers want to tell today, the importance of water for raising chickens using poultry farming equipment. In order for the chicken to obtain the water necessary for growth, the farmer needs to be supplemented with sufficient water for a prescribed period of time.

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