A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Cleaning methods of various drinking water equipment in chicken coops

In the process of raising chickens, many farmers do not know how to clean drinking water equipment. This will prevent the drinking fountains from being thoroughly cleaned, which will pollute the water quality in the long term and cause the chickens to get sick. Therefore, in the process of raising chickens, different cleaning methods must be mastered for different breeding equipment.

Cleaning of drinking jug

Drinking water bottles are the most commonly used water supply equipment for chickens, especially for chicks. This kind of drinking water bottle needs to be cleaned frequently, because there will be other substances in the drinking water bottle for a long time. If it is not removed in time, it will pollute the water and endanger the health of chickens.

For the cleaning of the drinking bottle, first choose a cloth with good water absorption performance. Carefully clean the bottom of the drinking jug, the outer surface of the jug, and the inside of the jug. If the caliber of the drinking bottle is too small, when cleaning the inside of the pot, soak a fist-sized rag ball with water, put it into the inside of the pot, hold the neck of the pot with one hand, turn the pot upside down, and rotate it quickly to make the rag The ball rotates from the top of the pot to the neck of the pot inside the body of the pot. Take out the rag ball and flush it with water from the drinking water bottle. In this way, the foreign matter inside the kettle body can be removed cleanly. Adding a disinfectant to the water at the same time as the cleaning, the cleaning effect is better.

Cleaning the nipple drinker

The nipple drinker is now the most widely used drinking water device in the chicken industry. The nipple drinker often drinks water and administers the medicine. Coupled with the long-term use of the automatic drinking water system, part of the medicine is deposited in the automatic water diversion system, which will cause the chicken to get sick. Therefore, the drinking nipple should also be cleaned frequently.

The cleaning of drinking nipples must be maintained in normal times. It is known that impurities have entered the drinking fountain. Rinse the water tank and pipe with clean water to prevent impurities from accumulating in the pipe.

The above is the summary of the drinking fountain cleaning method, hoping to help farmers make better use of breeding equipment to raise chickens.

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