A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Automatic chicken cage manufacturers tell you the measures to manage chicken coops in autumn

Autumn is an eventful season for raising chickens. If management is not in place. The egg production of laying hens will decrease, and the quality of eggs will also be poor. This requires farmers to do better in feeding management. So next, automatic chicken cage manufacturers will tell you the precautions for raising laying hens in autumn.


Daily management

Farmers need to observe the spirit, appetite, and feces of the chickens every morning and evening when feeding. Those chickens with listlessness, loss of appetite, and abnormal feces can be isolated and observed.


Adjust the flock appropriately

Farmers can eliminate chickens that do not lay eggs and chickens that have a short laying time. Leave chickens with good production performance, strong physique, and normal egg production.




Control the density of chickens in poultry battery cages

Control the density and group reasonably. According to the age, rearing and ventilation conditions, the suitable density for ground free-range rearing is generally 25-30 per square meter for 1-20 days old, and 15-20 per square meter for 21-40 days old.


Increase feed nutrition

The flock of chickens has gone through a long period of egg laying and hot summers. The chicken body is already very tired. After the fall, you should feed more animal protein feeds. Allow chickens that have not yet moulted to continue laying eggs. Promote moulted chickens to quickly grow into feathers and resume production as soon as possible. Because the chicken's nerves are very sensitive at this time, when adding more nutritious feed, it must be added slowly to prevent the chicken's nerves from being stimulated and moulting will stop production.

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