A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Why is chicken disease frequently occurring?

With the rapid development of the aquaculture industry, many people have joined the breeding industry. However, due to certain chicken raising techniques, various diseases are frequently occurring in the breeding, and the economic benefits are not good in the later stage. What is the cause of frequent chicken disease in the process?

1. Nowadays, there are many farms and the scale is similar. However, many farmers have insufficient experience, and there is almost no ability to prevent diseases and treat diseases, which leads to low ability of disease control, resulting in multiple diseases and easy to develop diseases.

2, many novice farmers have no idea of ​​prevention at all, but this is not right, it is very important for the prevention of layer chicken cage system , we must do a good job of timely prevention.

3. Low management level: Whether the technology of raising and managing the farmer is good not only directly affects the performance of the flock, but also affects the resistance and disease resistance of the flock, leading to the occurrence of the disease.

4, the concept of no disinfection: many farmers do not carry out the work of disinfection of the chicken house, the lack of necessary disinfection facilities, coupled with the poor environment of the farmer's house, resulting in the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, causing the occurrence and spread of the disease;

5, Serious stress response. Thereby affecting the normal metabolism and immunity of the chicken, resulting in poor resistance, low production performance, and easy to cause various diseases.

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