A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Common methods for chicken prevention programs

The use of chicken equipment to raise chickens allows farmers to enjoy the advantages of easy chicken raising and efficient chicken raising, but no matter what method is used to raise chickens, the disease prevention work must be paid attention to by farmers. Only the chickens are healthy and the prevalence is low. Can play a good growth and production performance, so that the benefits are better.

First, the house around the house cleaning: chicken house and chicken farm is a poor sanitation area, poor hygiene will easily breed bacteria to the chickens, so the farmer should be cleaned and kept clean during daily management .

Second, Frequently clearing feces: chickens produce feces every day. If the farmer does not pay attention to the cleansing of the feces, or if the feces are not clear for a long time, the feces will produce harmful gases such as ammonia, which seriously affect the flocks. health.

Third, regular disinfection: regular disinfection of the  chicken farm equipment can effectively kill the pathogenic microorganisms in the chicken house, is a key measure to prevent disease and ensure the health of the house.

Fourth, regular drug prevention: Viral diseases are achieved through the vaccination of vaccines, and most of the bacterial diseases rely on the regular delivery of drugs to achieve the purpose of prevention.

The above is a common method of chicken prevention program in the process of raising chicken equipment to raise chickens.

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