A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

How to choose a reasonable chicken farm site?

In the chicken industry, many small and medium-sized farms do not have a correct understanding of site selection, site selection is also crucial, so how do we correctly choose a reasonable site?The author explains how to choose a good site to reduce losses for the chicken industry.


1. Laying site selection requirements


Site selection is closely related to health and epidemic prevention, environmental control, production safety, product quality and daily management of farms.


Slaughtered livestock and poultry are also, and livestock products processing factory must choose in the ecological environment is good, do not accept the industrial "three wastes" and agriculture, urban life, the production of medical wastes pollution siting should avoid the water source protection zone, scenic areas, densely populated areas such as environmental sensitive area, accord with environmental protection, veterinary epidemic prevention requirements, rational layout, production area and living area.


500 meters around the breeding area shall not be harmful to the environment, and some water sources have hidden dangers of pollution.


The farm must be equipped with certain instruments and equipment, such as changing rooms, disinfection rooms, veterinary rooms, etc.



2. Natural conditions of the chicken farm


Topography: the farm should choose higher terrain, dry and flat, good drainage and lee sun places.Plain areas generally choose flat open, higher terrain, conducive to drainage.Mountain site, generally choose sunny gentle slope, pay attention to avoid landslides debris flow.


Water quality: to understand the flow of surface water, groundwater level, water quality needs to understand the ph, hardness, transparency, there is no pollution and harmful chemicals.


Climatic factors: understand the local climate change, the chicken farm can not choose the mountain pass or winter wind direction in the valley, the poor ventilation of the small basin is not suitable for the construction of the farm.


Choose a suitable poultry equipment suppliers.


3. Social factors


Water, electricity, and transportation.


The environment of the farm and the quality of veterinary control conditions nearby are the key factors for the success or failure of the chicken farm.

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