A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Management points of the external environment of the chicken house

In the process of raising chickens, many farmers tend to pay attention only to the environmental and sanitary inspections in the chicken houses. Regarding the environmental management outside the chicken house, it is often not reasonable science. In fact, if the external environment of the chicken house is bad, the same will also threaten the healthy growth of the chickens. Moreover, the harsh external environment also creates conditions for disease transmission, so the environmental management outside the house is just as important. The author will talk about the key to the external environment of the chicken house using chicken battery cages:

1. During the daily handling process, the farmers must pay attention to the cleaning operations outside the chicken house, and ensure that there are no garbage, no weeds, no debris, no residual feathers, no dead chickens, no residual feces, etc. The presence of dirt reduces the presence of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms in the house.

2. Regarding the roads of chicken farms, farmers should also pay attention to cleaning operations. Conditional farmers can disinfect them once a day with quaternary ammonium salt disinfectants. Local farmers within 5 meters around the chicken houses should also be disinfected every week. The operation, claiming that farmers can spray disinfection with 3% caustic soda solution. Use 1 kg of disinfectant solution per square meter of floor.

3. There are a lot of feces in the chickens every day. In addition to paying attention to the cleaning of the manure in the chicken house, the farmers should also pay attention to the treatment after the manure is cleaned outside the chicken house, and advocate that the farmers will dig the septic tank near the chicken house. The general size is 7 cubic meters per 1000 chickens. Note that the creation position of the septic tank should be selected in the downwind direction 30 meters away from the chicken house. The removed feces are placed in the pool every day, and the pool is covered with a plastic sheet to prevent fecal exudation and fermentation.

Fourth, if there are more chicken farms around the farmer's house, then it is necessary to pay more attention to the transmission of the disease. Do a good job of avoiding all the work. For the local chicken farms and chicken houses that are relatively close to the chicken farms, in order to control cross-infection, it is necessary to avoid the mutual breeding between the farmers and the chickens in other chicken houses. The staff and the staff were instigated to do a good job of segregation.

The above four points are the authors telling the farmers that when using poultry farming equipment, the management of the environment outside the chicken house is the key.


Management of Safe Raising Chickens in Farms in Autumn and Winter

There are some differences in the way chickens are raised in different seasons, especially in autumn and winter when the daily temperature and temperature difference between day and night vary greatly. In order to provide a good living environment for the chickens in the battery cage for chickens and give better play to the production performance of the chickens, attention should be paid to the control of temperature, humidity and ventilation.



The temperature in the chicken coop should be kept at 18℃~23℃, and the minimum temperature should not be lower than 15℃. Adjust the size of the air inlet every day according to the weather and the performance of the chickens. Don't let the cold wind blow the chickens directly to prevent the chickens from getting sick due to cold stress. Don't open the air window facing the temperature controller to prevent cold air from blowing directly into the temperature controller so that the temperature around it does not conform to the actual temperature in the chicken coop. When installing the timing temperature control exhaust fan, select the louver with complete louver instead of the north exhaust fan.





Before winter comes, clean the Chicken Breeding Equipment Machinery of the chicken cage to avoid the influence of too much dust. There are no chickens or very few chickens on the scaffolding at one end of the air inlet in the chicken house and on the ground, indicating that it is cold here. Adjust the air inlet or plug the air leakage to prevent stress and prevent the occurrence of common cold in the chicken coop. Every day before leaving work, check the exhaust fan and motor to see if the temperature-controlled exhaust fan is sensitive. Watch the weather forecast every day in order to do prevention work well in advance.


Do a good job in the temperature management of chicken coops in winter. When the temperature in the coops is suitable, increase the ventilation. Adjust the water pressure of nipple drinking line to below 10cm, or adjust the water level of drinking device to below 1cm. Check the drinking water line frequently, and replace or repair the nipple joint with water leakage. If the drinking water device leaks water, it should be handled in time to prevent the excessive ammonia smell in the chicken coop caused by water leakage from affecting the health of the chicken flocks.


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