A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

The correct management method of layer battery cages for raising chickens

The method of raising chickens in layer battery cages has been recognized by many farmers. This kind of breeding method not only has a small area, but also can effectively use the space. So as to promote the income of farmers. However, some farmers have some problems in management, and we will discuss them today.


Farmers should clean and maintain equipment on time. It is recommended to fill the gear with lubricating oil once a month. The exhaust system should be adjusted according to different worlds. Clean the rotating gears of the machine to ensure the normal and effective operation of the machine. In this way, the service life of the equipment can be guaranteed.


When machinery and equipment are in operation, it is forbidden to personally observe the operation and operation of machinery and equipment and open related maintenance holes for maintenance. When carrying out inspections, overhauls and maintenance, workers must ensure that the power switch is turned off. And ban the power switch, otherwise it may cause more serious accidents.



If the feeder does not move. It may be that the motor is destroyed. At this time, you can rotate the feeder, tighten the rope, adjust the position of the limit switch, calibrate and replace, and then disassemble and replace the motor.


If the broken egg rate is high. It may be that the chicken is pecking the egg, the egg shell is thin, the egg claw of the automatic egg collection system is broken, the raw egg rolled from the cage on the net and the raw egg carried by the egg collide, and the raw egg from the automatic egg collection machine The egg clashes with the raw egg on the middle egg net. At this time, farmers can find out the corresponding problems. The following methods can be adopted: change the feed formula, find the broken egg claws and replace them, apply the egg blocking line, adjust the height-to-width ratio of the egg picker, and make it cache.


The correct management method of layer battery cages for raising chickens

The method of raising chickens in layer battery cages has been recognized by many farmers. This kind of breeding method not only has a small area, but also can effectively use the space. So as to promote the income of farmers. However, some farmers have some problems in management, and we will discuss them today.


Farmers should clean and maintain equipment on time. It is recommended to fill the gear with lubricating oil once a month. The exhaust system should be adjusted according to different worlds. Clean the rotating gears of the machine to ensure the normal and effective operation of the machine. In this way, the service life of the equipment can be guaranteed.


When machinery and equipment are in operation, it is forbidden to personally observe the operation and operation of machinery and equipment and open related maintenance holes for maintenance. When carrying out inspections, overhauls and maintenance, workers must ensure that the power switch is turned off. And ban the power switch, otherwise it may cause more serious accidents.



If the feeder does not move. It may be that the motor is destroyed. At this time, you can rotate the feeder, tighten the rope, adjust the position of the limit switch, calibrate and replace, and then disassemble and replace the motor.


If the broken egg rate is high. It may be that the chicken is pecking the egg, the egg shell is thin, the egg claw of the automatic egg collection system is broken, the raw egg rolled from the cage on the net and the raw egg carried by the egg collide, and the raw egg from the automatic egg collection machine The egg clashes with the raw egg on the middle egg net. At this time, farmers can find out the corresponding problems. The following methods can be adopted: change the feed formula, find the broken egg claws and replace them, apply the egg blocking line, adjust the height-to-width ratio of the egg picker, and make it cache.


Why clean poultry farming equipment regularly

In the ordinary use of poultry breeding equipment, maintenance is very important. Because the chicken coop is very dirty when used frequently. It also needs regular cleaning and maintenance in normal times.




1. Every time you raise a batch of chickens, check the buckle of the feed line and the screws of the lifting system and other places to tighten it, and you can also fill the motor shaft of the feed line of chickens with butter for maintenance, and the motor bucket can drip a few drops of vegetable oil. To prevent rust.


2. If some chicken-raising equipment is fed by a chain drive seeding feeder, always check whether the chain and sprocket are normal, whether there are signs of looseness, rust, etc. Only when the equipment performance is good, the work efficiency can achieve the certain effect we expect.


3. Before starting the switch of the chicken raising equipment, check whether there are any obstacles on the track. If there are obstacles, it will cause the chicken breeding equipment to run off and deviate. Therefore, you must check carefully before starting the device every day and then start it. And it is necessary to regularly check the line switches and contacts of the blanking line control, check whether there is any looseness, to prevent poor contact.


4. The cooperation between the parts of the layer feeder is controlled by the quenching gear and the chain, so the lubrication between the quenching gear and the chain must be maintained to avoid damage to the accessories due to lack of lubrication.


5. When feed enters the silo, a lot of dust will be generated, which sometimes causes the feeding mechanism to fail to start, because the photoelectric switch used to control the feeding stop mechanism covers the dust, which makes the feeding mechanism unable to start, so it is necessary Clean the dust on the photoelectric switch regularly.


Automatic chicken cage manufacturers tell you the measures to manage chicken coops in autumn

Autumn is an eventful season for raising chickens. If management is not in place. The egg production of laying hens will decrease, and the quality of eggs will also be poor. This requires farmers to do better in feeding management. So next, automatic chicken cage manufacturers will tell you the precautions for raising laying hens in autumn.


Daily management

Farmers need to observe the spirit, appetite, and feces of the chickens every morning and evening when feeding. Those chickens with listlessness, loss of appetite, and abnormal feces can be isolated and observed.


Adjust the flock appropriately

Farmers can eliminate chickens that do not lay eggs and chickens that have a short laying time. Leave chickens with good production performance, strong physique, and normal egg production.




Control the density of chickens in poultry battery cages

Control the density and group reasonably. According to the age, rearing and ventilation conditions, the suitable density for ground free-range rearing is generally 25-30 per square meter for 1-20 days old, and 15-20 per square meter for 21-40 days old.


Increase feed nutrition

The flock of chickens has gone through a long period of egg laying and hot summers. The chicken body is already very tired. After the fall, you should feed more animal protein feeds. Allow chickens that have not yet moulted to continue laying eggs. Promote moulted chickens to quickly grow into feathers and resume production as soon as possible. Because the chicken's nerves are very sensitive at this time, when adding more nutritious feed, it must be added slowly to prevent the chicken's nerves from being stimulated and moulting will stop production.


Main points of raising chickens in different stages of broiler cages

Automatic chicken cages are now a new way to breed broilers. Many farmers are gradually changing to cage methods. Using broiler battery cages to raise chickens is different from the usual method of raising chickens. Therefore, farmers should learn the skills of caged chickens in time.


In the process of raising chickens. Although the breeding cycle of broilers is short, the concerns of farmers in different growth cycles are different. Only by carrying out breeding management according to different growth stages can the growth performance of broilers be ensured.


A broiler within 14 days. This is the brooding stage. Farmers need careful management. The chicks should be boiled in time after they enter the chicken house. Farmers can add some glucose or antibacterial drugs to the water. Feeding should be based on the nutritional requirements of the chicks. To be less fed and more frequently added.


Two broilers are one month old. This is the middle stage of broiler growth. The broilers of this period grew rapidly. Therefore, farmers can increase feed according to the growth of broilers. It is also necessary to pay attention to the ventilation, disinfection and reasonable immunization of the chicken house. Reduce the prevalence of broilers.


Three broilers are available in 36 days. At this stage, broilers are in the fattening period. This stage is very important, and the quality of the farmed chicken will be good. Farmers will get better economic benefits. Farmers should pay attention to providing high-quality feed and pay attention to the stocking density.


The above is the main points that farmers should pay attention to at different stages of broiler raising described by automatic chicken raising equipment suppliers.


Precautions for feeding chickens in layer cages

In the process of raising chickens in layer cages, farmers want layers to perform better. In addition to the precautions during daily feeding, feeding work is also very important.


First, don't use raw bean cakes to feed chickens. Protein is an essential nutrient in the body of laying hens. Bean cake farmers know that it is a good protein nutrient feed. However, some of the substances contained in the bean cake will prevent the growth and development of the chicks and affect the laying of eggs. The correct way is to cook the raw beancake to destroy the harmful substances in it. In this way, after the chickens eat, they can develop quickly and lay more eggs.



The second eggshell cannot be fed to the chicken if it is not disinfected. A lot of calcium is needed for eggshell formation. Therefore, calcium is an indispensable nutrient in laying hens. Feeding eggshells is easy to absorb, which can further increase the egg production rate. It can also prevent chickens from getting rickets and laying soft eggs. Therefore, eggshells are very popular among farmers. But eggshells are easy to deteriorate and are not easy to preserve. Farmers need to dry the eggshells, sterilize and store them.


Do not feed chickens to the third raw grain. Many farmers buy raw grains for chickens, which is wrong. This is a waste of food and whether good results have been achieved. Because chickens have no teeth, the digestive tract is relatively short. Food is difficult to digest and cannot meet the nutrient needs of chickens.


The above is the mistake of feeding chickens in the process of using poultry chicken cages to raise chickens. I hope that farmers can pay attention to the above wrong feeding methods after understanding these only. Feed the chickens scientifically and reasonably.


Things that newbies should pay attention to when using automated layer cages

Modern chicken cage suppliers believe that farmers have already discovered this. Today's chicken raising methods have made great progress and changes compared with before. The use of automated chicken farming equipment for large-scale chicken farming has also become popular. For novices, what should be paid attention to when using automated breeding equipment?


First of all, you must choose the right chicken raising equipment for your chicken house. Although fully automated chicken farming equipment is essential. However, due to price or blindly following the trend, the fully automated chicken farming equipment adopted by some farmers basically does not match the chicken coop. This will result in waste of resources or insufficient equipment purchase. Common chicken equipment such as layer chicken cages, drinking equipment, ventilation and cooling equipment, feeding equipment, and manure removal equipment are indispensable.



Secondly, we must be familiar with the use of fully automated chicken farming equipment. Although the fully automated chicken raising equipment is simple and quick to operate, it still requires familiarity and learning. Some farmers do not understand clearly, it is easy to cause problems such as low efficiency and equipment loss during use.


Finally, disinfect before using the fully automated chicken breeding equipment. In the process of use, the equipment and environment should be disinfected and sterilized from time to time according to their own conditions to reduce the prevalence of chickens.


How to treat heatstroke in automatic breeding equipment breeding laying hens?

The temperature is high in summer. Chickens are prone to heat stroke. If the farmers use automatic layer cages to raise chickens. The symptoms of heatstroke in chickens are more obvious. The main change now is that the amount of water collected has decreased and the amount of drinking water has increased. What do farmers need to do to prevent chicken heatstroke?


First, farmers must provide clean and cold water. Under normal circumstances, chickens have 60% to 70% water. Due to the high temperature in summer, the water consumption of chickens will increase accordingly. Farmers must ensure that the chicken coop has sufficient and clean water. Farmers can also add appropriate amounts of vitamins to the water. This not only promotes egg production, but also suppresses the rise in body temperature of chickens.


Second, cool down the chicken coop. Farmers now buy automatic chicken raising equipment before breeding. Farmers need to make full use of modern ventilation systems to cool the chicken house. At the same time, farmers can also plant some trees around the chicken house to cool the chicken house.


Third, clean up chicken manure in time. Evaporation of chicken manure will give rise to a lot of harmful gases. Then not only will the temperature in the chicken house increase, but it will also easily cause respiratory diseases in chickens. Therefore, farmers can use automatic manure removal equipment to clean the chicken coop in time.

Recommendations on broiler farming equipment for raising chickens

More and more users are using automatic broiler breeding equipment. And the chickens come out quickly. In 50 or 60 days, farmers can obtain economic benefits. But also because of these, farmers may have some problems in management.


Do not disinfect before raising chickens. Whether it's a new chicken house or an old chicken house. Before entering the chicks. Farmers must disinfect the chicken coop. Many farmers are not fully prepared for disinfection, which makes chickens vulnerable to diseases. Therefore, farmers must completely disinfect the chicken house before entering the chicks.


Do not pay attention to the source of the chicks. The source of chickens in some farmers is not clear enough, resulting in unclear health of the chicken flocks. Here, it is recommended that breeders must choose chicken farms with trustworthy quality when buying chicks.


Improper temperature control of the chicken house. The chicks just born need a relatively high temperature to ensure healthy growth. The breeder controls the temperature of the chicken house to around 33 degrees in the first week of the chicks that have just entered the chicken house. Because the survival rate of chicks is directly affected by temperature. If the temperature is too low, the temperature of the chicken body will drop and the resistance will be weaker. This causes various diseases. Excessive temperature can cause heatstroke in chickens.


Low awareness of hygiene and epidemic prevention. The environmental sanitation of the chicken house is the key to ensuring the healthy growth of the chicken flock, so the sanitary management of the chicken house is very important. Don't let people enter and leave the chicken coop at will. If sick chickens appear, they must be aware of rapid isolation and disinfection. In terms of disinfection, farmers must regularly disinfect chicken cages and chicken house.


Four Attentions in Using Breeding Equipment to Raise Chicken Temperature Control

The use of breeding equipment to raise chickens is very simple, but there are many details that need to be paid attention to in actual operation. Especially the temperature control of the chicken house throughout the year. Let me introduce it to you today.


First of all, place the thermometer reasonably

The length and width of the chicken house in the standardized chicken house are larger. Therefore, the temperature in the east and west or north and south sides of the chicken house is not consistent. Farmers need to pay attention to the reasonable placement of thermometers. Put a thermometer in the east, middle and west of the chicken house to get the average temperature of the chicken house.


Second, cooling measures in summer

In summer, a wet curtain can be used to reduce the temperature in the chicken house. At the same time, you should pay attention to the opening time of the wet curtain and avoid low temperature in the chicken house or different temperature in the chicken house. Make chickens sick.


Third, temperature control in autumn

The temperature difference between day and night is relatively large in autumn. Farmers pay attention to adjusting the temperature of the chicken house. Pay attention to avoid the phenomenon of fluctuating high and low temperature in the chicken house.


Fourth, keep warm in winter.

In winter, the temperature is low, farmers can install heating or blowers in the chicken coop to increase the temperature in the chicken cages.


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