A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

How to prevent epidemics in farms using automatic chicken raising equipment?

With the development of technology, automatic chicken raising equipment is now used in various chicken farms to raise chickens. This can reduce manual labor and make raising chickens very convenient. In addition, we have encountered such a problem, that is, an epidemic occurred in a certain farm, which caused serious losses. Therefore, after consulting many farmers, chicken cage equipment manufacturers have sorted out some methods on how to prevent epidemics in farms.


First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the hygienic environment of the chicken house. The person in charge of each farm can formulate a suitable sanitation and disinfection system according to the situation of their own farm. Disinfection measures should also be taken when each staff enters and leaves the chicken house. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly pay attention to the disinfection and sanitation of egg boxes, turnover cages and various chicken raising equipment in the chicken house.



Secondly, before building a chicken farm, you should choose a suitable location. General chicken farms are recommended to be built far away from villages, cities and main roads. Some places with higher terrain and no polluting factories can be selected. Choosing a good site is also an epidemic prevention measure.


In addition, it is necessary to chicken cages for sale reasonably and arrange the automated chicken raising equipment in the chicken house. Keep a safe distance from each coop. Even if there are some problems in one house, it will not affect other houses. At the same time, it is also recommended to keep chickens at different stages of the flock separately. This reduces bacterial growth leading to cross-infection.


The above is how chicken cage equipment manufacturers should use automatic chicken raising equipment to carry out epidemic prevention work. We provide guidance on the sanitary environment of the chicken coop, the location of the chicken farm, and the arrangement of chicken raising equipment. We hope that the above sharing can help poultry farmers raise chickens better.


How to maintain automatic poultry farming equipment?

Do you know how to maintain automatic chicken raising equipment? Let's find out together.



  1. When the breeders use the automatic chicken breedingequipment to start, do not put anything on the motor. Too heavy things will cause the motor to bear too much pressure and burn the motor.
  2. Generally, the feed for chickens is relatively fine, so when feeding and feeding, there will be residual feed on the feeder. If this is done for a long time, a lot of dust will accumulate in the control box of the equipment, and the dust will cause the internal circuit. A short circuit occurs, which damages electrical circuits and other components, so farmers must clean the dust in the control box every once in a while.
  3. The maintenance of the automatic chicken raising equipment needs to check whether the belt is in good condition and whether it is loose. The automatic feeding machine relies on the belt to transmit the material. Only when the belt is normal can the production performance of the machine be fully exerted and the workload can be larger.
  4. Because the various parts of the equipment of chicken farm are controlled by gears and chains, it is necessary to ensure the lubrication of the gears and chains, so that the machine will not be damaged due to lack of lubrication.
  5. The motor is the heart of the feeder, and the motor has a power motor and a gear motor. Once there is a problem with the motor, the equipment cannot be used. Therefore, farmers should regularly check whether there is any abnormality in the power motor and the gear motor when using it. Repairs should be carried out in a timely manner, and the motor should also be maintained in a timely manner to extend the service life of the motor.


The above is the maintenance method of automated chicken raising equipment shared by poultry cage manufacturers, I hope it can help everyone.


Which type of chicken is automatic battery cage systems suitable for?

The conspicuous automatic battery cage system to raising chicken in the chicken house is the poultry chicken cages, so do you know the classification of automatic chicken raising equipment cages? Let's find out together.



  1. Layer battery cage systems:


The fully automatic chicken raising equipment layer cages are divided into stacked layer cages and stepped layer cages. The fully automatic chicken raising equipment layer cage net equipment uses the hot-dip galvanizing process, which is resistant to corrosion and aging, and has a long service life. 15 to 20 years. , The surface of the steel wire is smooth, which can effectively prevent the foot damage of the chickens, improve the survival rate of the chickens, and is easy to assemble, easy to raise and easy to manage, which is equivalent to saving a lot of cage nets for flat raising, reducing labor costs, and realizing feeding, The fully automatic control of feeding, drinking water, manure cleaning, and environment greatly reduces the labor intensity of workers and saves labor costs. It is the popular choice of farmers now.


  1. Broiler chicken cages:


High degree of automation: automatic feeding, drinking water, manure cleaning, wet curtain cooling, centralized management, automatic control, saving energy consumption, improving labor productivity, reducing artificial feeding costs, greatly improving the breeding efficiency of farmers, good and effective chicken flock epidemic prevention Prevention of infectious diseases: chickens do not come into contact with feces, which can make chickens grow healthier, provide chickens with a clean and comfortable growth environment, greatly advance the meat production time, save space, and improve stocking density: cage density is 3 higher than flat stocking density More than twice, save breeding feed: cage chickens can save a lot of breeding feed, chickens are raised in cages, the amount of exercise is reduced, energy consumption is less, and waste materials are reduced. The data shows that cage breeding can effectively save more than 25% of the cost of breeding, and it is durable: the complete set of caged broiler equipment adopts the hot-dip galvanizing process, which is resistant to corrosion and aging, and has a service life of 15 to 20 years.


  1. Brooding cages:


The brooding cage of the automatic chicken raising equipment adopts galvanized low carbon steel wire, which has strong tensile and compressive resistance, which is convenient for observing the growth of chicks, and is convenient for grouping and sorting. Infection rate and mortality rate, the feeding trough is equipped with an adjustment plate, which can effectively meet the feeding of chicks at different growth stages, with sufficient feed intake, eating position, and the uniformity and health of the chickens are good, and the feeding of chicks per unit area increases. The pressure regulator can adjust the water pressure to the amount, and the water supply of each nipple drinker is evenly distributed to ensure sufficient water supply for the chicks.


What kind of feed is good for raising chickens with automatic chicken raising equipment?

In the current chicken farming industry, the intensive farming mode is the trend of modern chicken farming. Therefore, many farmers are gradually using fully automatic chicken raising equipment for intensive chicken raising. Using all kinds of automatic chicken breeding equipment can provide a comfortable growing environment for chickens. Let the flock grow and produce in a safe and pollution-free environment. In addition, farmers choose the feed used by laying hens. It is possible to raise laying hens with higher yields. So what kind of feed is good for raising chickens? The automatic poultry equipment manufacturers will briefly introduce them.


The growth of laying hens living in the battery cage systems can be divided into: chicks, breeding period, laying period, mid laying period and late laying period. The main points of feed adjustment at each stage are:


  1. Chicks: Farmers generally refer to the 0-6 week old laying hens as the brooding period. The feed nutrients obtained are mainly used for the rapid growth of muscles and bones, but the digestive system is not well developed, the feed intake is small, and the muscles and bones are not well developed. The stomach has poor ability to grind feed, so chicks are nutritionally demanding, requiring high-energy, high-protein, low-fiber feed, supplemented with higher levels of minerals and vitamins. Raw materials such as corn, fish meal and soybean meal can be used when designing the formula.


  1. Breeding hens: 7-18 weeks old is the breeding period. At this stage, the chickens grow vigorously, the weight growth rate is relatively stable, the digestive organs gradually develop and mature, the bone growth rate exceeds the muscle growth rate, and nutrients such as energy and protein are needed. The demand for ingredients is relatively low, and some raw materials with high crude fiber such as bran, grass meal, etc. can be used to reduce the cost of feed. In order to limit body weight growth in the later stage of breeding, farmers can choose to use bran to dilute the nutrient concentration of the feed, and farmers from 18 weeks of age to the start of production can choose calcium raw materials with a relatively high concentration for feeding to speed up the reserve of bone calcium.


  1. Laying hens: The laying hens are in the laying period from 19 weeks of age to elimination. In the early stage of laying, the laying hens are generally at the age of 40 weeks after laying eggs or when the laying rate is from 5% to 70%. The requirement of crude protein for chickens increases with the increase of egg production rate. In addition, the formation of egg shells requires a large amount of calcium, so the demand for calcium increases. Nutrient indicators such as methionine, vitamins, and trace elements should also be appropriately increased to ensure adequate supply of nutrients, so as to ensure and prolong the peak laying period of laying hens, give full play to their production performance, and improve economic benefits for farmers. Use corn gluten meal and other fine feed ingredients to avoid affecting feeding.



In the mid-laying period, the laying hens are generally 40-60 weeks old or after the peak period when the laying rate is 80%-90%. The weight of laying hens at this stage generally does not increase. After the peak period, the laying rate of laying hens gradually increases. Decline, so the nutrition for the feed is lower than the peak. However, due to the increase in egg weight, farmers should not reduce the crude protein level in the feed too quickly, and should reduce the protein level slowly.


The late laying period is after 60 weeks of age or the laying rate drops below 70%, and the laying rate during this period continues to decline. Due to the increase of chicken age, the ability to digest and absorb nutrients in the feed decreases, and the quality of eggshells deteriorates. Therefore, farmers should appropriately increase the amount of mineral feed when adjusting the feed, which can improve the calcium level. In the later stage of egg production, with the decline of egg production, the energy requirements of laying hens are correspondingly reduced, and the energy level cannot be increased at will, so as not to make the chicken fatter and affect the production performance.


The above is the main points of feed adjustment for laying hens at different stages in the process of raising chickens and laying hens described by poultry equipment manufacturers. I hope the above descriptions can help all farmers, thank you for your attention.

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