How to improve the productivity of chicken farming?

1. Ring maintenance chicken is the trend: Nowadays, the industry is promoting environmental protection in various industries, and the chicken industry is no exception. Now many pig farms and chicken industry are rectifying their own environment, saving energy and reducing emissions. The pollution of the environment is the development trend of the chicken industry. In the past, the manure water in the chicken farms was flowing everywhere, the flies were flying all over the sky, and the smell around the chicken farms was very unpleasant. If it was not rectified, it would affect the external air environment and affect the impact. People's healthy life, so ring maintenance chicken is a thing to do.


2. Specialized management is the trend: With the increasing degree of chicken farming in the chicken industry, the equipment is professional, and of course the management and technology of chicken raising are constantly updated and upgraded. Only professional people do professional things. In order to be successful, no one farmer will raise chickens to understand water and electricity, and will manage people to see a doctor again. Therefore, it is a trend to hand over every job to a professional person to achieve win-win cooperation and mutual benefit.



3. Large-scale, intensive farming is the trend: large-scale, intensive chicken farming now the chicken industry is vigorously promoted. Many farmers have already used fully automatic poultry farming equipment to achieve a large-scale chicken raising model. Some small-scale households are small in scale, and broiler feeding equipment and chicken-raising technology are backwards. They can't adapt to the development of chicken industry, and the benefits are very small or even loss-making. Therefore, small-scale farmers need to change the current farming situation before they can raise chickens. Win in the middle.


4. Green drug-free chickens are imperative: With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, there are higher requirements for food. Green food is no stranger to us, and more and more people pay attention to food safety, so How farmers produce green and safe chicken products is something that farmers need to consider now, which is related to the economic benefits of farmers and the health of people.

The process of broiler feeding management should be carried out according to the growth stage of broilers. Generally, broilers will be divided into three growth stages, so farmers should adjust the feeding points according to these three different stages, as well as the nutrient ratio and content of feed. Etc., to be scientifically raised, in line with the growth needs and standards of broilers, so that they can grow healthily.


The important role of chicken environment


Chicken raising is not only a very simple matter in poultry cage equipment, but also the role of the environment. Sometimes a good environment will also affect the growth and development of chickens. The environmental factors are environmental stress, including the temperature of the house, ventilation, and density. , high temperature, low temperature, high wind, dust, fog, etc. caused by light, feeding methods, equipment and the environment.

For example, the harmful gas in the chicken house that we often see exceeds the standard, which will cause respiratory diseases. The heat preservation, ventilation, lighting and equipment of the chicken house are all guarantees for the health of the chickens. The temperature and humidity in the chicken house will be balanced. It has a decisive role in the health of chickens in the early feeding of chickens.


The digestive system and respiratory system can induce a variety of viral diseases and bacterial diseases under overload conditions. Bacterial excess of some feed ingredients directly causes intractable diarrhea. Long-term failure to recover leads to a decrease in the body's resistance and induces a chain of certain viral diseases. The outbreaks of some diseases have followed the outbreak of bad weather, which is caused by the external environment.


Poor environmental factors will bring stress to the chickens, affect the normal activities of the chickens, affect the growth and development of the body, reduce the body's immune function, increase the probability of infection of the body, and hinder the growth and development of the chickens. The neuroticism caused by excessive light is excitatory, easy to be shocked, the feed conversion rate is increased, and the anal fistula is induced.


Why do you need to use medicine to prevent chicken disease?

With the development of fully automatic poultry farming equipment, more and more people choose to use automatic poultry farming equipment to raise chickens, and the number of breeding has also increased. Therefore, the cost of raising chickens has also begun to rise. How to effectively prevent disease becomes a problem.


1. Newcastle disease


Newcastle disease is a viral acute infectious disease. It has no epidemic season and can be attacked all year round. It is highly contagious, has a high incidence, is extremely fast, and has a very high mortality rate. When the disease occurs, it is characterized by difficulty in breathing and diarrhea in the chicken. If the pathology is acute, it will die within a few minutes to a few hours after the onset. If it is a subacute flower, the chicken will begin to be weak, loss of appetite, loose feathers, and fainting. Drowsiness, inconvenient movement, a squeaky voice in the mouth, and finally death.


Prevention and treatment method: Because the attack of this disease is extremely rapid, it is generally based on prevention. When the chicken is used, it should be vaccinated in time. It is necessary to strengthen the feeding and pay attention to the sanitation and disinfection. The drug treatment can be carried out in time after the onset of the disease, and the large-dose spray of the Newcastle disease I-line vaccine can be used for effective prevention and treatment.


2. Avian cholera


Avian cholera is a common infectious disease among poultry. It occurs mainly in long-term rainy weather and spreads through the digestive tract and respiratory tract. The specific manifestations of the disease are sepsis, diarrhea, and the same as Newcastle disease, which is divided into acute and chronic, with acute onset and high mortality. Chronic is characterized by joint inflammation and edema, depression, loose feathers, difficulty breathing, diarrhea and feces. Gray yellow white green.



Prevention and treatment methods: The disease is extremely harmful, and there is no good treatment. It should be based on prevention, timely vaccination prevention, and chronic drug treatment after the onset. If it is acute, the diseased chicken must be disposed of in time. If it is a chicken farm, there is basically no problem. The chicken farms should be completely blocked. All the chickens in the farm will be smothered and burned, and then the site will be completely disinfected. After two months, the chickens will be re-introduced.


3. Colibacillosis


Escherichia coli is a common disease caused by Escherichia coli. It does not specifically represent a disease, but is a unified term for diseases caused by E. coli. When the disease occurs, it becomes diarrhea, depression, loss of food or no food, and often kills the liver of the chicken and causes death.


Control methods: First of all, we must reduce the density of breeding, do a good job in the sanitation environment and disinfection work, drinking water and feed must be clean and clean, to prevent the occurrence of this disease due to degraded or mildewed drinking water feed. When the disease occurs, it can be controlled by the special effect of the medicinal medicinal stalk, and vitamins can be added to the feed to enhance the disease resistance.


In order to prevent the spread of diseases, it is recommended to select suitable poultry equipment suppliers to purchase equipment such as chicken cages, and use poultry farming equipment for breeding, which can effectively reduce the occurrence of diseases and facilitate management.


How to maintain chicken farming equipment?

Anyone who has used fully automatic chicken equipment should know the benefits of chicken equipment. Although it feels a bit expensive when you buy it, you will feel the value of your money when you use it later. The automatic chicken raising equipment saves a lot of manpower and material resources, and greatly reduces the cost of raising chickens. Even tens of thousands of chickens can only be solved by 3-5 people.

Is it very exciting to see this place? There are many advantages to automating chicken equipment, so we need to maintain and maintain it to bring more benefits to chicken farmers.


Regularly clean the dust on the photoelectric switch. Because the feed will produce a lot of dust when it enters the silo, the chicken will also produce a lot of dust during the activity, which will cause the feeder to fail to operate normally.

Always check the aging of the motor belt to prevent accidents and burn the motor. Maintain the motor at intervals. Pay attention to the working condition of the cycloid reducer. If oil is found, fill the gear oil in time.


After raising a batch of chickens, in order to prevent rust, you can add some butter to the motor shaft of the chicken feed line. Of course, you can use other oils for maintenance.
Every day before turning on the automatic chicken equipment, the obstacles on the track should be cleaned up to avoid the phenomenon of equipment deviation or derailment during operation.


Have you learned these? The maintenance and repair work of chicken equipment must pay attention to it. Usually, it is necessary to do the inspection work. If it is found to be damaged, it must be dealt with in time. Never wait until there is a big problem. Fully automatic chicken equipment is equivalent to your money making tool. It works efficiently and you earn a lot of money!



What the adverse effects of nitrogen

The most not lacking in the chicken poultry farming equipment is the feces, so keep the house dry, promptly remove the feces and debris, strengthen ventilation and regular disinfection. Excessive ammonia in the chicken house will cause poisoning. To reduce the excessive ammonia gas, it is necessary to better manage the chicken house.

In summer, ammonia may be more. Because of the high temperature in summer, it may cause rapid decomposition of chicken manure. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the temperature of the house in time. There is no sweat gland in the chicken. The heat generated in the body can only be lost by breathing. The adaptability to high temperature is very poor. Another effect of high temperature is to reduce the feed intake. For every 1 °C increase in the temperature of the house, the feed intake of the broiler is reduced by 1.6%. The chicken house can be put with sand to facilitate the broiler. The sand bath and the heat dissipation of the chicken body can make the broiler eat the sand shovel, which is good for food digestion.

We can also reduce the density of chickens in the house to facilitate the circulation of air inside and outside, reduce the production of ammonia and supply sufficient water. In summer, the temperature is high, the broiler's breathing is accelerated, the body's water evaporation is large, and its drinking water is significantly increased. Therefore, set up enough sinks to ensure that each chicken can drink enough water. In addition, keep the drinking water clean and hygienic.

Maintaining a good ventilation environment is also a very important factor in reducing the ammonia in the house. In summer, the temperature will be higher. If there is sufficient oxygen in the house, the door and window must be opened frequently, or the exhaust fan can be installed.


Spring laying hens pay attention to five

The use of chicken cages to raise chickens is a popular chicken raising method in the chicken industry. The chicken cages are raised in a multi-layer cage. The breeding density is large and the number is large. It is very popular among farmers, using chicken cages to raise chickens, and which are Need to pay attention to the chickens to pay attention to the matter, only pay attention to all aspects of feeding points, scientific and reasonable breeding can be able to raise the higher yield of the chickens, the following authors to tell the majority of farmers to use the chicken battery cages in spring Chicken's precautions.


1. Pay attention to the temperature to avoid the chickens from getting cold.
In the early spring, the temperature difference between day and night is large. While gradually removing the cold-proof facilities, pay attention to avoid the cold of the flocks. Do not relax management due to management problems. One-sided pursuit of lowering the cost of insulation, and suddenly withdrawing the heating or insulation measures, resulting in a daily temperature difference. Too big a chicken has a cold.


2. Pay attention to the ventilation and keep the air fresh inside.
While ventilating and ventilating, it is also necessary to pay attention to heat preservation. The number, size and direction of window opening should be determined according to the temperature, wind and wind direction. The upper window should be opened first, then the lower part should be opened; the window should be opened during the day and closed at night; When the temperature is high, the window is opened, and when the temperature is low, the window is closed; when there is no wind, the window is opened, and when there is wind, the window is closed. This can avoid respiratory diseases in the spring and increase the egg production rate.



3. Pay attention to epidemic prevention management.
Spring is the season of microbial growth, and the windy and rainy climate is conducive to the spread of disease. Good environmental sanitation and enhanced epidemic prevention should be listed as the focus of daily management. After the spring, the inside and outside of the chicken house and the entire chicken farm should be thoroughly cleaned once to reduce the threat of disease. In addition, from the chicken group, sick chickens, weak chickens, disabled chickens and laying hens are eliminated and eliminated, and disease prevention work is strengthened, and feces and disinfection are diligently removed. Conditional chicken farms should be monitored for antibodies against newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis and other diseases, and they can be immunized immediately, and preventive drugs can also be administered.


4. Pay attention to reasonable lighting.
Laying hens must have 14 to 17 hours of light per day. If you use red light, the effect is better.


5. Pay attention to the comprehensive nutrition of feed

Reduce feed energy. After warming the spring, if you continue to feed high-energy feed, it will increase the weight of the chicken and affect the egg production rate. Therefore, spring should reduce the metabolic energy in chicken feed. The method is to reduce the amount of grain feed such as corn.

Increase the protein content. The hens consume more protein during the laying period, so the amount of crude protein in the feed should increase according to the increase of egg production rate. For every 10% increase in egg production rate, the digestible protein in the feed increases by 0.5%, but the highest is not. More than 18.5%, the method is to add more fishmeal, bean cake.


Fully automatic layer chicken breeding equipment

With the continuous improvement of the industrialization and intensification of the chicken industry, some achievements have been made in the equipment for raising eggs (meat) chickens and related environmental regulation and control technologies in China, such as nipple drinking water technology, automatic feeding technology, wet curtain evaporative cooling technology, large livestock fans and vertical ventilation technology, and welfare and healthy breeding technology.According to the current nutritional requirements and needs of life in our country, the market and its supporting facilities for the construction of corresponding livestock farming technology equipment and feeding equipment, environmental control technology development continuously put forward new requirements, and the new breeding process model more in line with the physiological behavior demand of chicken, beneficial to the improvement of the animal health and production performance.Below introduce a few common equipment that raise a chicken to everybody.


1. Layer cage: Layer battery cages is a popular form of broiler chicken at home and abroad. The reason is that the design of the layer cage provides a comfortable environment for the chicken. At present, the poultry equipment suppliers mostly use the hot-dip galvanizing process to make the chicken cages play a better role in the feeding process. The main advantages of the design of the layer cages are in the front net and the cage door. Density, the angle of the egg from these aspects more reflects the interests of the chicken.


2. Broiler cage: Chicken cages specially made for broiler breeding. In order to overcome the inflammation of the broiler's chest due to the hard bottom of the cage, Dajia uses high-quality steel to make the meat cage group. The chicks are not required to be sent to the slaughterhouse. Turning the cage saves the trouble of catching chickens and avoids the possible adverse reactions of chickens.



3. Brooding cage: The brooding cage is a cage specially made for raising chicks. The use of brooding cages can prevent chicks from coming into contact with feces, can effectively prevent the occurrence of diseases, and has a small footprint, which can reduce manpower and material resources.


4. Decontamination system: The automatic decontamination machine is a kind of farm cleaning equipment that uses the power of multi-pole rotation to achieve the purpose of repeated decontamination. Widely used for caged poultry and livestock manure clearing, can realize unmanned management, automatically clear the feces, set the time arbitrarily, move the temporary defecation, the operation is simple and quick, automatic manual and arbitrary conversion; use the scraper to clear the feces It can be easily managed and does not require a lot of personnel, and the chicken manure can be improved with the internal environment of the house and the disease can be reduced as the manure is run to the end and falls into the septic belt and sent to the pull truck.


5. Feeding system: The feeding machine is specially used for feeding equipment of cages. It can feed cages from three to five layers. The feeding machine has unique structure, novel and practical, saving time and labor, uniform feeding and less loss. It adopts the advantages of battery power supply, DC motor drive, low noise, convenient operation, flexible steering, small head space and convenient maintenance. Therefore, it is very popular among farmers. The use of the feeder not only saves time, but also liberates. Manpower: The feeding machine directly pushes the material, is safe, convenient, energy-saving, no noise, and the chicken response is small. The feeding machine can realize 10,000 chickens for 40 minutes to complete the feeding, which is very convenient.



The effect of water shortage in laying hens

Water is an indispensable ingredient. For the growth and development of chickens in poultry farming equipment for sale,it is not feasible to only know how to supplement the chickens with the corresponding nutrients, but pay little attention to the supplement of water sources. How does water shortage affect chickens?

The stomach of the chicken is very small, so the carrying capacity of the water is limited. Therefore, in order to maintain the good performance of the laying hen, it must be continuously supplied with fresh drinking water. If the chickens drink insufficient water, it will lead to the laying hen. The digestion and absorption of the feed is poor, resulting in thick blood, rising body temperature, the growth of the flock and the amount of eggs produced, and the water in the excreta will also drop significantly. In severe cases, the chicken will be dehydrated.

If the chicken is seriously dehydrated, the excessive loss of water in the laying hen may cause it to completely stop eating, the digestive function may decline or even be completely lost, and its immunity and disease resistance will also be weakened. The lack of water in the chicken will also affect its egg production. When the chicken is short of water for 24 hours, the egg production rate will drop by 30%, and the water shortage will increase for 36 hours.

Of course, the water added to the chicken must be clean drinking water. In the daily feeding process, not only the nutrients should be added to the chickens, but also the sufficient water needed for the chickens. Only then can our chickens grow healthily.


What does automated chicken equipment include?

Nowadays, the equipment in various industries is becoming more and more automated. Of course, the chicken industry is no exception. Nowadays, more and more automated chicken equipment production and use can greatly reduce the work problems and convenience of farmers, so now the chickens are automated. Equipment comparisons are welcomed by farmers. What is included in automated chicken equipment? What are their characteristics?

1. Layer battery cages: Layer cage is a popular form of broiler chicken at home and abroad. The reason is that the design of the layer cage provides a comfortable environment for the chicken. The layer cage produced by our company. Using the hot-dip galvanizing process, the chicken plays a better role in the feeding process. The main advantage of the design of the layer cage is in the front net and the cage door. The density of cage feeding and the angle of the egg are more reflected in these aspects. 

2. Broiler battery cages: A chicken cage specially made for broiler breeding. In order to overcome the inflammation of the broiler's chest due to the hard bottom of the cage, the meat cage is made of high-quality steel. The chicks are not required to be caged from the cage until they are sent to the slaughterhouse. To save the trouble of catching chickens, and to avoid adverse reactions that may occur in chickens.

3. Brooding cage: The brooding cage is a cage specially made for raising chicks. The use of brooding cages can prevent chicks from coming into contact with feces, can effectively prevent the occurrence of diseases, and has a small footprint, which can reduce manpower and material resources.

4. Decontamination system: The automatic decontamination machine is a kind of farm cleaning equipment that uses the power of multi-pole rotation to achieve the purpose of repeated decontamination. Widely used for caged poultry and livestock manure clearing, can realize unmanned management, automatically clear the feces, set the time arbitrarily, move the temporary defecation, the operation is simple and quick, automatic manual and arbitrary conversion; use the scraper to clear the feces It can be easily managed and does not require a lot of personnel, and the chicken manure can be improved with the internal environment of the house and the disease can be reduced as the manure is run to the end and falls into the septic belt and sent to the pull truck.

5. Feeding system: The automatic feeding machine is specially used for feeding equipment of cages. It can feed cages from three to five layers. The feeding machine has unique structure, novel and practical, saving time and labor, uniform feeding and loss. Less, using battery power, DC motor drive, low noise, easy operation, flexible steering, small head space, easy maintenance, etc., so it is very popular among farmers, using feeders not only saves time, but also liberates The manpower: the feeding machine directly pushes the material, is safe, convenient, energy-saving, no noise, and the chicken reacts little. The feeding machine can realize the feeding of 10,000 chickens in 40 minutes, which is very convenient.


Chicken cage must meet the standard of use

The importance of the quality of the chicken cage is what we need to know. We are familiar with the chicken cage, but we don't know much about the importance of quality. Then we need to understand the importance of the quality of the chicken cage.


The quality of the chicken battery cages is crucial. The size and weight of the standard chicken cage breeder are higher than those of the egg breeder. The requirements for the cage are also higher. Some farms use egg cages to raise broiler breeders, and some use cages that do not meet the standard for cost savings. This will limit the genetic potential of broiler breeders, which in turn affects their health and performance. In general, the length, height, depth and firmness of broiler cages are greater than that of egg cages. The production performance is better for the two-step cage. The specification of each layer is 195×40×40 (cm). 5 grids, two for each grid, easy to manage and observe, and conducive to artificial insemination. The cock cage is required to be tall, so that it has full freedom of movement. Do not let its head rise above the cage to avoid damage to its crown and meat, affecting the quality of semen.



The time and intensity of artificial light supplementation in chicken cages can be based on the data recommended by the breeder management manual, but the distribution of the light source must be balanced. The two-step cage lighting is easy to solve. Generally, the ground is irradiated with a slope of 2 meters, and the light bulb is added with a light-angle reaction cover to ensure that the upper and lower layers of the chicken can receive sufficient strength. The illumination intensity should be based on the illuminometer test data. The illumination intensity obtained by wattage conversion is large, which may cause insufficient illumination or waste.


Chicken cages are an indispensable tool for raising chickens. These kinds of knowledge are also things we must understand. Chicken raising is a process of accumulating farming knowledge.


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