A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Details of laying hens using laying hen breeding equipment

Details of laying hens in Tanzania used laying hen breeding equipment. With the gradual evolution of the breeding industry now, more and more chicken farmers use laying hen breeding equipment to raise laying hens. What should we pay attention to in the process of breeding layers? The following author will explain to you, the details about the laying hens using the laying hen breeding equipment to pay attention to.

1. Stage feeding can not be ignored: the laying period of commercial laying hens is divided into 3 stages, and each stage is fed with diets with different nutritional levels to meet their egg production needs. In the early stage of egg production, that is, from the start of production to the peak of egg production, the egg production rate is more than 80%. The nutritional content of protein and calcium in the diet during this period should increase with the increase of the egg production rate of the flock. In the middle period of laying, which is a period after the peak of laying, the laying rate is 65% -80%. In the late laying period, the laying rate is less than 65%. The protein, calcium, and phosphorus content of the diets at these two stages should decrease as the egg production rate of the flock decreases.

2. Do a good job of controlling the age of primiparous births: Adopting the fasting method during sexual maturity period will have a good effect on delaying the age of primiparous broilers and increasing the high and stable yield of chickens. The specific method is to start fasting for 8-10 days after the flock laying rate reaches 5%.

3. Master the scientific feeding time and frequency: In order to maintain the strong appetite of the flock, there must be a certain slot setting time every day to prevent the feed from being stored in the feeding tank for a long time, which will cause the chicken to have anorexia and picky eating habits.

4. Drink water in time. If the flock is cut off for 24 hours, the egg production will decrease by 30% and it will take 25-30 days to return to normal. If the flock is cut off for 36 hours, the egg production will not return to the original level. If the water is cut off for more than 36 hours, some chickens will stop laying eggs, which will cause moulting. Therefore, adequate drinking water must be provided in a timely manner.

5. Feed some health sand appropriately: Whether it is breeder or commercial layer hen, it is necessary to supplement grit frequently, especially for cage chickens. The size of the gravel should be moderate, preferably 4-5 mm in diameter. Feeding method is that flat chickens can be placed in sand troughs, and cage chickens can be mixed with 0.5% grit in the feed.

The above is what the author explained to you about the benefits of using laying egg hen cage equipment for chicken breeding. After reading the above article, do you have a deeper understanding of laying hen breeding equipment? In later life, I can also use this knowledge cleverly to solve problems.

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