A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Production advantages of using broiler cages to raise broilers

Because the demand for broiler chickens is getting bigger and bigger in the society, some people have seen business opportunities and started to raise broilers. The chicken meat is rich in protein and the meat is delicious, which is very popular among people. So what kind of production advantages does it have for farmers to use broiler battery cages to raise broilers? The authors refer to the experience of poultry equipment manufacturers and now share them with farmers.

1. Early growth of broilers is very fast. Generally, the weight of the chicks is 40 grams. After 56 days of feeding, the body weight is close to 2000 grams, which is 50 times the weight of the shell. Some people like to compare the early growth rate of broilers is "100 meters race", feeding management techniques must be appropriate, otherwise it is difficult to make up.

2. Short production cycle and fast turnover. Domestic broilers usually reach the market standard at 8 weeks of age and weigh more than 1.5 kg. After each batch, they should be cleaned, disinfected and fumigated for 10-14 days. A batch of pigs is raised in about 10 weeks. If the chicks are supplied in time, 5 batches can be produced in one year.

3. The feed utilization efficiency is high. The domestic conversion rate of broiler feed is 2.5-2.8:1, which is close to 2:1 in many countries around the world. Broilers shorten the developmental stage by increasing early growth rate and are listed at 7 weeks of age to further increase feed conversion.

4. Chicken cages have high stocking density and high utilization rate of chicken houses. Compared with laying hens, broilers are quiet and not moving. In addition to eating and drinking water, they rarely fight, especially in the late fattening period, due to the rapid increase in body weight, the amount of activity is greatly reduced. Although the density increases with the growth of the chicken, the density of the air in the house is small, and the breeding density can be increased as long as there is suitable ventilation. Generally, the density of light chicken cages is 24-32/m2, and that of medium chickens is 20-24/m2.

5. Suitable for automatic poultry breeding equipment to save labor. Feeding broiler chickens is caged, with high density, chickens are in cages, feeding, picking eggs, clearing dung, epidemic prevention, etc., and automated production lines can improve labor efficiency.

6. Improve feed efficiency by 5-10% and reduce total cost by 3-7%.

7. It is not easy to get coccidiosis, which can save a lot of expenses.



Chicken farm broiler equipment disinfection work

More and more chicken farmers choose to raise broilers in broiler cages for sale. It is important to know that there are a large number of harmful microorganisms in the natural environment of broiler chickens. The waste, eggshell, and fluff of the hatchery, plus the temperature and humidity conditions during hatching, are also a good environment for breeding and growth. If you do not pay attention to the strict disinfection of the hatchery environment, hatching equipment and eggs, once the epidemic is prevalent Will have disastrous consequences.





Broiler farmers recommend that the hatchery environment and poultry farming cage equipment should be disinfected once a week. The concentrations used were 1%, 0.3%-0.5%, 5%. The disinfectant is sprayed with water at the concentration used above. The hatchery should be kept clean. It is strictly forbidden for the incubator to be a non-worker. The staff entering the hatchery should also be strictly disinfected and changed to enter. The disinfection of the incubator is mostly based on formaldehyde fumigation. Generally, 42 ml of formaldehyde solution per square meter of space is added with 21 g of potassium permanganate, and the temperature is 20 to 2490, and the relative humidity is 70% to 80%, and the fumigation is closed for about 30 minutes. The disinfection of the eggs is as early as possible after the chicken body is produced, but the production is often carried out after centralized collection of eggs. There are many methods for disinfection and disinfectants used, but it is commonly used to fumigate with formaldehyde. The dosage is 28 ml of formaldehyde per cubic meter of space, 14 g of potassium permanganate, and fumigated for 20 to 30 minutes. Special attention should be paid to: hatching 24-% of the eggs, the embryos are very sensitive to formaldehyde, do not use formaldehyde fumigation at this time, if necessary disinfection, can be replaced with other disinfectants.


Incubators and eggs should be disinfected after hatching and placing. The method and the amount of formaldehyde are basically the same as the disinfection of the eggs. It should be noted that the time to use formaldehyde fumigation after the tray is shorter, usually 10-15 minutes. Formaldehyde gas is strongly irritating to the mucous membrane of animals, and should be used for its own protection. The formaldehyde gas in the incubator and the egg store should be quickly eliminated after each disinfection. Some hatcheries have tried formaldehyde fumigation of freshly shelled chicks to control Marek's disease and chicken white mites. The production practice proves that the method of raising chickens in chicken equipment is difficult to control due to formaldehyde concentration and fumigation environment conditions. If it is slightly careless, it will lead to blindness of the chicks, so it should not be promoted.




How to reduce the cost of breeding using broiler cages?

When farmers use broiler rearing equipment for cultivation, the initial investment is large, especially for large-scale farmers, which require more automation equipment, but these equipments are necessary and can be used for a very long period of time. In addition, the feed is a big expense. Then, when raising chickens, how should farmers reduce the cost of breeding while ensuring the health of the chickens?

1. Adjustment of feed formula: in actual production, high-yielding chickens' egg production peak can last for more than 4 months, and the maintenance time of high-level feed nutrition should be appropriately extended. After that, the amount of high protein feed should be reduced according to the decrease of egg production rate to avoid nutrient waste. The vitamin content and protein level in the feed can be increased appropriately when the chickens are immunized, sorted, transferred and debeaked. Feed little and feed often. Do not feed more than 1/3 of the feeding trough each time, try to let the chicken feed trough to eat the feed before adding, strictly prevent the rest of the feed moldy deterioration.

2. Avoid waste: feed should be less to the diligent, each feeding does not exceed 1/3 of the feeding trough, try to let the chicken feed the feed in the trough and then feed, to prevent the remaining feed from mold and deterioration. At the same time, pay attention to the storage of feed and raw materials, and avoid rats.

3. Timely and correct debeaking: the experiment shows that debeaking saves about 6% of the feed compared with the chickens with continuous debeaking, and the experienced workers can be arranged to debeaking the layers when they are 7-9 days old.

4. Eliminate bad individuals: pay attention to observe the chickens, and find that sick chickens, weak chickens, low-yield chickens, and stopped chickens should be eliminated in time. These chickens generally account for 3%-5% of the total number of flocks. For each additional day, each chicken needs to consume 100 grams of feed. Some chicken farmers often cannot decide to eliminate them, and the result is a waste of feed.

Breeders must have certain chicken raising experience in order to accurately eliminate "useless chickens": hens with crowns, pale faces, crowns shrinking, and yellow legs should be eliminated. The distance between the phalanges of the normal laying hens is more than 3 fingers, and the distance between the phalanges and the sternum is more than 3 fingers. When the peak of laying eggs is over, it is found that the distance of the chicken's phalanges is less than 1.5 fingers, and the crossbow is less than 2 fingers, too fat or too thin. Hens should be eliminated in time; abdominal enlargement, accumulation of water in the abdominal cavity or accumulation of more liquid, hens with inconvenient walking should also be eliminated in time.

The above is a summary of the methods used to reduce the cost of breeding in the process of using broiler battery cages for aquaculture.



Increase the key that raises chicken benefit

Chicken and eggs are becoming a necessity for the masses, and the nutritional value of chicken and eggs is very high. If farmers want to get high benefits by raising chickens, they must improve the production performance of the flocks. Improve the efficiency of raising chickens and make reasonable and scientific feeding methods. The authors refer to the experience of poultry equipment manufacturers to talk about the key points to increase the efficiency of chicken farming.

1. Breeding of laying hens and broilers in cages: Nowadays, the chicken industry is in a state of intensive, large-scale farming. The use of cages is the basis for intensive chicken farming, and the use of chicken battery cages to raise chickens can also increase the number of chickens raised for farmers. The use of chicken cages to raise chickens is a multi-layer feeding mode, so the area of the house can be used very well. Moreover, chickens are kept in chicken battery cages for easy management, which can increase the efficiency of raising chickens in terms of quantity and cost.

2. Prepare a well-balanced feed: Whether the feed is formulated properly is directly related to whether the nutrition in the chicken population can reach equilibrium. Only when the nutrition is balanced can the laying hens and broilers be able to perform normal growth and production performance. Farmers need to formulate reasonable feeds according to different breeds of chickens and various types of nutrients required for different growth stages. This will allow a balanced diet for each stage of the chicken's growth.

3. Scientific management of feeding: Whether the health of the flock and the growth and production performance can be properly played have a great relationship with the breeding management of all aspects of the farmers. Therefore, to do a good job in feeding management is to lay the foundation for increasing economic efficiency. There are many aspects of feeding management: environmental management, feeding work, feed nutrition, and disease prevention and regular disinfection work are all things that farmers need to do.

4. Do a good job of disinfection and immunization: Disease is a killer that hinders the health of the flock and hinders the farmers from obtaining high benefits. Therefore, prevention of the occurrence of various diseases has become a job that farmers must do. At present, the better means to prevent diseases is to disinfect frequently, and to immunize the chickens, so these two jobs can not be ignored by farmers, and must be carried out scientifically and reasonably.

5. Reduce stress of debeaking and immunization: debeaking and immunization are necessary in the process of breeding egg-broiler chickens. However, these two kinds of jobs are relatively large to the layer and broiler, easy to cause the stress response of the chicken. The growth and production performance of layer and broiler will be affected. So farmers in debeaking and vaccination, must add antibiotics and vitamins in the feed, in order to reduce the role of stress factors, choose debeaking and immunization time also choose after dark or before dawn, do not disturb the chicken group.


Summer broiler culture management considerations

Due to the high temperature in summer, various bacteria are easy to appear in the broiler house, and the breeding is also very fast. How to ensure the survival rate of broiler in the battery cage for broilers in the summer heat?







1, reduce the density, under high temperature conditions, if the reproductive density is high, it is easy to cause heat stress. Therefore, in order to properly reduce the density of chickens, chicken farmers can eliminate those chickens, chickens and weak chickens in time, thereby reducing the density and avoiding them. Casualties affected healthy flocks in chicken cages.

2, adequate drinking water, summer, high temperature, chicken needs more water, water must be clean. Unclean water can easily cause disease. Therefore, chicken farmers should adjust the waterline during the summer to provide adequate clean drinking water.

3. Power usage problems, in the summer, wind turbines can not be stopped, wet curtains can not be broken. If the power is turned off, many chickens will die. Therefore, we must ensure that the circuit is ok. In addition, under high temperature and high load, power is prone to fire and other problems, so care should be taken to protect the circuit of the house.

4, the weather changes, in the summer, not only high temperature, but also strong winds and heavy rain, chickens not only pay attention to temperature, but also pay attention to humidity, and the impact may be caused by strong winds, impact the chicken house.

5, feed feeding, feeding chicken in summer, in order to avoid chickens in the chicken house due to heat stress do not eat feed, you can avoid high temperature time to feed the chicken, so summer feeding, usually in the morning and evening.

6, high temperature and high humidity in summer, more rain, the feed is prone to mildew. In addition, in order to ensure that the feed will not become moldy after long-term intake after entering the sink, the chicken farmers should ensure that the sink is cleaned once a day.

7, feed heat stroke to pay attention to add heatstroke cooling products in the feed, generally summer chicken farmers need multi-dimensional addition, in order to improve the ability of the flock to resist thermal stress, in automatic stratification feeding equipment.

8, need to pay attention to cooling during the day, ventilation at night can not be ignored. There are large differences in climate change in summer, so in order to improve the survival rate of broilers in broiler cages for sale and reduce the loss of chicken farmers, these management issues are expected to be remembered.



What are the advantages and disadvantages of caged broilers?

In recent years, with the increasing intensification of broiler culture, a more advanced broiler breeding model – the use of broiler rearing equipment to raise chickens is quietly emerging, and broiler cages are increasingly attracting attention and rapid development in the industry.

Advantages of caged broilers:

1. Make full use of the building space to reduce the cost of each chicken's site and construction investment.

2. The return on feed is high and the chicken has a strong growth advantage.

3. Easy to warm up and save energy, the fuel cost per chicken is greatly reduced.

4. Intestinal diseases are greatly reduced.

5. It is possible to detect the disease weakly at an early stage and facilitate timely elimination, which is helpful for controlling large groups of diseases.

6. Can be released 40 days before, shortening the feeding cycle.

7. Save on the cost of medicines, and the cost of each chicken is less than one yuan.

Disadvantages of caged broilers:

1. One-time investment is high.

2. Ventilation is difficult.

3. Disinfection with chicken can not be thorough, there will be dead ends.

4. When the trough is limited, the chicken will compete for food and there will be a stepping on the death.

The above shortcomings can be overcome. Please refer to the previous article for specific measures.

In the breeding industry in recent years, the adoption of broiler battery cages mode is very common in many chicken farms. In addition to some farms that use the free-range model, most farmers choose to use broiler farming equipment to breed broilers.


Chicken hatching conditions

Through the influence of external conditions, the process of hatching chicks is called hatching. The quality of hatching technology directly affects the hatching rate of the eggs, the survival rate of the chicks, their growth and development and future production performance. The key to hatching technology. It is the conditions for hatching. The hatching conditions of the eggs are mainly temperature, humidity, ventilation and hatching in  poultry farm equipment suppliers






Temperature is the most important factor in incubation. It determines the growth, development and viability of the embryo. The normal development of the embryo can only be guaranteed at a suitable temperature. Temperatures that are too high or too low are harmful to the development of the embryo and can cause embryo death if severe. When the temperature deviates, the embryo develops rapidly, but the embryo is weak. If the temperature exceeds 42 °C, the embryo will die after 2-3 hours; if the temperature is low, the embryo grows slowly, if the temperature is lower than 24 °C. Embryo death can occur after 30 hours.


Control the incubation temperature by watching the thermometer frequently and see if the temperature is within the set temperature range. In different incubation periods. The optimum temperature is given according to the different states of embryo development. When regularly checking the development of the embryo. If the embryo is found to be too fast, it means that the set temperature is too high, it should be properly cooled; if the embryo is found to be too slow, indicating that the set temperature is low, it should be properly warmed up; the embryo development is consistent with the push, indicating that the humidity is appropriate in poultry farming equipment for sale




Cascading layer chicken cage raising management points

In recent years, with the improvement of the research and development level of animal husbandry equipment, the development of automation level has been greatly promoted, and with the sharp increase of labor costs, workers urgently need to reduce the reality of labor intensity and a large number of young professionals with knowledge and skills. The addition of this has spurred the enthusiasm of aquaculture companies to invest in automation equipment. The feeding equipment of laying hens has also undergone tremendous changes along with the development of the animal husbandry. The cascading mode of laying hens has been widely recognized by the laying hens and the development prospects are promising.

1. Advantages of the battery layer chicken cage mode

The battery layer cage equipment is the first choice for large-scale, intensive, automated, and standardized laying hens at home and abroad. It has the following advantages: Small footprint, high space utilization, easy to achieve intensive and large-scale breeding. The chicken manure is layered and cleaned, and the natural air drying makes the chicken manure water greatly reduced. The chicken manure utilization rate is high, and the environmental pollution is extremely small. Fully automated control, greatly reducing the number of operators, reducing labor intensity and increasing labor productivity. The use of a fully enclosed feeding mode is conducive to the prevention of infectious diseases and improves the performance of the chicken flock.

2. The main points of chicken group management in the cascading mode

2.1 Caging time of chickens

Due to the overlapping of multiple layers of cages, it is inconvenient to catch chickens. The laying time of laying hens can be extended appropriately and basketed when individual chickens lay eggs. At this time, vaccines that require immunization such as Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, avian flu, and egg drop syndrome should be completely exempted.

2.2 Feed replacement

When the flock's egg production rate reaches 5%, the prenatal feed should be replaced with a peak material. Refueling takes a one-week transition. At this time, the feed should be of good quality and the nutrient composition is stable. Do not replace the finished feed and raw materials at will.

3. Use and maintenance of cascading layer chicken cage mode equipment

In the battery layer chicken cage mode, the density of the flock is large, and the facilities are strict. The equipment maintenance should be highly valued to avoid accidents. It is recommended to pay attention to the following problems when using the battery layer rearing cage equipment in Ghana: 1. Power assurance system 2. Illumination 3. Feeding and feeding system














How to manage chicken farm is the most effective

The high temperature in summer makes the industry of chickens somewhat difficult. Especially for chickens, there is no sweat gland. For chickens, when the temperature reaches 32 °C, the chickens will show strong heat stress and the disease resistance will be weakened. The egg production rate has dropped drastically. The long-term heat stress of broken eggs will also cause the death of chickens. Therefore, the management of chicken houses in summer is very important.






First, to ensure the amount of ventilation required by the flock.

Conditional chicken farms can be equipped with exhaust fans to increase the wind speed inside the house and accelerate the discharge of heat in the house to ensure ventilation. Or the chicken farm can expand the door and window of the chicken house and the roof skylight to make full use of the natural wind to cool down. Keeping the flow of fresh air is the key to ensuring that suffocating chickens occur.

Second, strengthen the management of feeding, and do a good job in the house, outside the health and factory health Chicken Breeding Equipment in Indonesia.

1. The chicken house will clear the feces on time, and the feces can be cleaned 3 times a week, and the automatic scraping can be done twice a day. To change the environment inside the house has a significant effect on improving production levels.

2. Reduce stress and ensure the health of the flock. Can not break water, cut off the material, ensure light intensity, ventilation, refueling should have a week of excessive time.

3. Do a good job in environmental sanitation and hygiene inside and outside the house. The premise of effective disinfection is to do a good job of sanitation, and disinfection on chicken manure is ineffective. Chicken feathers, chicken manure, and dead chickens cannot be thrown at random.

4. Pay attention to disinfection in the waterline during the summer. In summer, the temperature is high and the germs breed faster. From the mouth of the disease, we must pay attention to the disinfection of drinking water. It can be properly arranged once a week in the waterline.

5. Provide high quality fresh feed to the flock.

6. Appropriate increase in protein and vitamins, especially methionine and lysine levels, in the feed. Heat stress buffers such as vitamin C and vitamin E can be added to the feed in poultry cage manufacturer in china.

7. Reduce the density of the flock. Reducing the number of chickens in the house reduces the amount of heat produced by the chicken. For cascading feeding, the number of upper-layer chickens should be appropriately reduced.

Third, the wet curtain ventilation device can be installed to reduce the temperature. Wet curtain ventilation can reduce the room temperature by 3-5 °C compared with the general fan ventilation. If there is no condition, the chicken body can be cooled by regular water spray.

Fourth, do a good job in the immune work of the chickens to prevent the occurrence of various diseases.

Fifth. Drink plenty of cool deep well water for the chickens.



Reasons for the increased incidence of infectious diseases in chicken houses

With the continuous expansion of the breeding industry, infectious diseases in chicken farms have become an important factor restricting the income of farmers. The following is the reason for the increase in the incidence of infectious diseases in chicken houses automatic poultry farming equipment.

1. The success or failure of immunization is the key to preventing infectious diseases. The immune effect directly affects the occurrence and control of epidemics. Many chicken farms are more irritated, and although they have been vaccinated, there are still cases of morbidity.

2, improper feeding and management, poor ventilation. Poultry houses should be clean and well ventilated, which can reduce the incidence of many respiratory diseases and other conditional pathogens. To solve the contradiction between ventilation and heat preservation, vents can be used in high places or overhead roofs. Blowing to the bird. Another method of ventilation is to open the doors and windows at the same time, and to blow the dirty air inside the house to close the doors and windows with instant ventilation, so that the effect on the chicken is small.



3, poor feed quality. Feed nutrition is not comprehensive or some ingredients are excessive. Insufficient vitamins, trace elements, etc., affect the growth and development of birds and reduce disease resistance in poultry equipment manufacturer in china.


4, health and epidemic prevention measures are not strict, the environment around the farm is dirty, the poultry corpse is discarded casually, and there is no harmless treatment such as deep burial. We must pay attention to disinfection, eliminate the source of infection, strictly prevent epidemic prevention measures, cut off the route of transmission, and do a good job in immunizing poultry.





How to save feed when using chicken cages to raise broilers?

Feed costs for raising chickens account for about 70% of the total cost, so if farmers want to save on farming costs, they must start with saving feed. However, feeding is the basic guarantee for the meat yield of broilers. How to save the feed scientifically and rationally is a problem for farmers? The author will share some of the key points of scientific and material saving when using broiler rearing equipment to raise chickens, which can be used by farmers for reference.

First, scientific feeding: 1. Feed the full price feed. The full-price feed formula is reasonable, can fully meet the growth and development of the chicken and the egg production needs, and high utilization rate.

2. Scientific feeding. Although the wet material is good in palatability, it is easy to be wasted in high temperature and waste, and the cold season is too cold to affect digestion. The best way is to change the wet material to dry material and give enough water.

3. Adjust the feed. According to the production environment of the chicken, the various nutrients in the diet are adjusted. The weather is hot. When the temperature is high, the energy, protein and limiting amino acids in the diet should be increased. When the weather is cold, the energy should be increased appropriately. Practice has proved that adjusting feed is one of the ways to improve production performance and reduce costs.

Second, timely debeaking: generally, the debeaking time is 6 ~ 9 days old and 10 ~ 12 weeks old, respectively. The upper and lower beaks are cut off by 1/2 and 1/3 respectively, so that the feed can be eaten without dropping the feed.

Third, the timely elimination of cock: before 21 days of age or after the identification of the elimination of the public chicks. If it is not eliminated in time, it will not only consume more materials, but also occupy more feed area, more manpower and material resources, and also interfere with the normal life of the mother and affect its growth and development. For males and females, the ratio of male to female should be appropriate. Generally, the ratio of male to female is 1:15-20, and that of broiler is 1:9-14. If artificial insemination is used, the proportion of male hens can be increased to 1:30 to 50, thus reducing the consumption of large amounts of feed.

Four, broiler chicken feed line raising good varieties: choose good quality chicken feed line breeding, the same age, the same amount of feed consumption, good quality chicken production performance is much higher than other varieties. There are more than a dozen varieties of high-yielding layers and broilers in the world today.

Five, pay attention to feed storage: scientific storage of feed, will not cause mold deterioration of feed, increase in fat oxidation, pests and mice. Storage should be done to avoid light, clean, ventilation, pest and rat control, once found problems in a timely manner.

The above is the point shared by the authors. The method of using the poultry farming equipment to raise broiler chickens is expected to help the farmers.







Chicken heat stress prevention and control measures

About heat stress refers to a series of abnormal reactions caused by temperature regulation and physiological functions of chickens in high temperature environment, which have different effects on the feed intake, production performance and feed conversion rate of chickens. Even chickens have heat shock and death. So how do you prevent heat stress and reduce or overcome all the adverse effects it has on chickens?


First, take the first step to reduce the temperature of the house, and open enough ventilation holes in the house. At the same time, plant trees and grasses should be properly planted around the house to reduce the direct sunlight and heat radiation. This can also adjust the small ecology in the chicken farm. climate.


Spray cooling, this is a very effective cooling measure. Use a rotary nozzle sprayer to pump well water or cool water to spray the cold water directly onto the roof of the chicken house or the chicken body. Spray water once every 2 hours to 3 hours to reduce the room temperature by 4 °C ~ 8 °C. Strengthen ventilation and cool down. Install fans and exhaust fans in the poultry house, increase the air inlet and outlet of the chicken house, use longitudinal ventilation to blow the wind directly to the chicken body, or set a water curtain at the air inlet to allow the outside hot air to cool before entering Chicken coop.




Strengthen feeding management, adjust diet structure, reduce adverse effects caused by heat stress, change feeding time, avoid feeding the hottest time, choose to feed in the morning, evening or night relatively cool time to help Chickens are fed. Appropriate reduction of stocking density The chickens have a high density of feeding, heat production, and large heat dissipation, resulting in an increase in the temperature of the house, and high-density feeding will make the heat stress more serious in Poultry Farming Machinery.



Excluding harmful gases in the house due to high ambient temperature and increased drinking water, most chickens are diarrhea, and chicken feces in the house produce a large amount of ammonia gas and hydrogen sulfide gas, which aggravates the chicken heat stress response in Chicken Battery Farm Equipment For Sale.