A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Automatic maintenance work of poultry farming equipment

The daily maintenance and maintenance of automatic poultry farming equipment is the basic work of farmers. The maintenance of equipment should be done daily to ensure the institutionalization and standardization of equipment maintenance. Here is a brief introduction to how to maintain and maintain poultry equipment.

In daily maintenance, farmers must pay attention to wiping the inside and outside of the battery chicken cages, and treat the parts such as the chicken cage door, screw, rack, and wheel box without oil pollution. In addition, some debris and dirt around the equipment should be cleaned up. This will not only ensure that the chicken growing environment is beneficial, but also extend the life of the equipment.



Second, because poultry farming equipment is basically in operation for a long time, it is necessary to ensure that the lubrication work between the equipment must be done well. Farmers should pay attention to whether the engine should be oiled and changed. Do not let the equipment make a rubbing noise. Pay attention to the condition of the oil tank to ensure that the oil pressure is normal and the oil path is unblocked.

The most important point is that the farmers must follow the relevant safety operating procedures in the daily use process, do not overload the equipment, ensure that the safety protection measures are complete and reliable, and promptly eliminate unsafe factors when problems are found.

The above is the daily maintenance of automatic poultry farming equipment shared for farmers, I hope everyone can learn.


Modern poultry farming equipment battery chicken cage

Modern chicken production is the use of modern scientific and technological equipment to manage chicken production, so that it can be professionalized and socialized, and make better use of various resources. Improved breed breeding, feed processing, disease prevention, management, and equipment production form an automated ladder. Poultry battery chicken cage system to achieve the goal of stable production, high efficiency, high quality, pollution-free and low cost.


What is modern chicken farming equipment?

The concept of modern chicken production can be summarized as: use modern labor means and modern science and technology to equip the chicken industry. Using modern economic management methods to scientifically organize and manage the chicken industry, in order to realize the internal specialization and various links of the chicken industry.

The socialization of chickens, the rational use of chicken germplasm and feed resources, (breeding, feed processing, disease prevention, management, and equipment production automation), establish a reasonable production structure and ecosystem for the chicken industry, and continuously improve labor productivity , The product rate and commodity rate of eggs and chicken meat will achieve stable, high-yield, high-quality, and low-cost chicken industry to meet social needs.



1 ladder chicken cage

The full-step chicken coop has 2~3 layers, and its advantages are: ①The cages of each layer have large open area, good ventilation and uniform illumination; ②The manure removal operation is relatively simple; ③The structure is simple and easy to repair; ④When the machine fails or power outage Convenient for manual operation. The disadvantage is that the stocking density is low.


2 half-step chicken coop

In order to further increase the stocking density, on the basis of a full-step cage, the upper and lower layers are partially overlapped to form a half-step chicken cage. Its feeding density is higher than that of the full ladder, which can generally be increased by about 30%, but it is lower than that of the stacked type. Compared with the full ladder chicken cage, due to the obstruction of the manure baffle, the ventilation effect is poor, but the operation is more convenient and it is easy to observe the status of the chickens.


3 battery chicken cage

The upper and lower layers of the half-step broiler cage are completely overlapped to form a stacked chicken cage. There is a conveyor belt between the layers to remove the chicken manure. Its advantages are: high house feeding density, greatly reduced chicken farm floor area, and improved production efficiency of breeders; but higher requirements for chicken house construction, ventilation equipment and manure removal equipment.


How does the layer cage system help farmers develop poultry industry

As long as you ask the farmers who have used the layer cage system how they feel about raising chickens, he will definitely tell you that it is too convenient. So what makes poultry farming equipment popular among farmers?

Guaranteed chicken survival rate. Farmers are very aware that to carry out poultry breeding projects is to make more profits by raising chickens. If the survival rate of chickens cannot be guaranteed, breeding will not be profitable. The poultry equipment system can better manage and care for the chickens and ensure the survival rate of the chickens. In addition, when buying chicken fry, farmers need to go to a regular factory to choose high-quality chicken fry.



Increase the laying rate of laying hens. The aquaculture industry is a relatively complex industry. If you want to increase the egg laying rate, you must meet the daily needs of laying hens and provide adequate nutrition. If the farmers use the automatic egg collection system, the egg breakage rate is 0.3%.

Reduce the breakage rate of eggs. If farmers use manual egg picking, not only will they need to hire staff to increase their expenditure, but it will also increase the chance of egg breaking. If an automatic egg collection system is used, the breakage rate of the egg collection is very small, and workers are no longer required to pick up eggs.

The above is where the automatic layer cage system helps farmers in poultry farming. Hope that through the above introduction, can help farmers to have more understanding of poultry farming equipment.


How to clean the chicken house?

Tools and raw materials: high-pressure water, gun hose, rag Material: water



Methods and steps:


(1) The chicken house can be washed 2 to 3 days after finishing the house. When flushing, follow the principle of up and down and inside and out to ensure the flushing effect and work efficiency, while also saving costs. The sequence of flushing is: ceiling, chicken layer cage system and broiler cage system, feed trough, manure board, air inlet, wall, floor, storage room, rest room, operation room, manure ditch, to prevent the area that has been washed from being renewed Pollution, corners, manure ditch and other corners are the focus of flushing to avoid the formation of "dead corners"; the flushing wastewater is discharged out of the house through the rear of the house and cleaned or fermented in time to prevent it from polluting the farm area and the chicken house environment.


(2) Scrub the parts where the drinking water pipe and the cage contact, wire troughs, material troughs, motors, fans, etc. that cannot be washed or are not easy to be washed. Personnel entering the chicken house must wear clean overalls and work shoes; use clean water and clean cloths when scrubbing; clean the cloths in time; the sewage from washing cloths should not be discharged or spilled in the chicken house, but should be discharged outside the chicken house.

(3) After washing and finishing, the work effect should be checked. The storage room, chicken cage, manure board, manure ditch, equipment control switch, lock box, exhaust outlet and other parts should be checked (each part should be at least Take 5 points or more) to ensure that there is no residual feed, chicken manure, chicken feathers and other dirt. If the flushing fails, the organization should be reorganized immediately.


What novice farmers should pay attention to when using automatic poultry farming equipment?

Automatic poultry farming equipment is very different from traditional farming methods. The use of automated poultry farming equipment to raise chickens has become a trend, and many people are also transforming and upgrading chicken cages. For chicken novices, what are the points to pay attention to when using fully automatic chicken farming equipment?

First of all, you must choose the right chicken raising equipment for your chicken house. Although fully automatic poultry farming equipment is indispensable, the fully automatic chicken breeding equipment adopted by some farmers due to price or blindly following the trend basically does not match their own chicken cages, resulting in waste of resources or insufficient equipment purchase. Common chicken cages, drinking water equipment, ventilation and cooling equipment, feeding equipment, and manure removal equipment in the common fully automatic poultry farming equipment are indispensable.



Second, we must be familiar with the use of fully automatic chicken farming equipment. Although the fully automated chicken raising equipment is simple and quick to operate, it still requires familiarity and learning. Some farmers do not understand it clearly, and it is easy to cause inefficiency, equipment loss and other problems during use.

In addition, disinfection should be carried out before using the fully automatic chicken raising equipment, and the equipment and environment should be disinfected and sterilized from time to time according to their own conditions during use to reduce the prevalence of chickens.


Issues that should be regulated in automatic poultry farming equipment to raise chickens

Nowadays, automatic poultry farming equipment has become the choice of many chicken farms. Good chicken farming technology and methods can not only allow chickens to grow better, but also allow chicken farmers to get better economic income.

But at the same time, there are also some chicken farmers who also use automatic chicken raising equipment, but they have not obtained better benefits. What is the reason? The chicken cage system manufacturers believe that they should not let go when using automatic poultry farming equipment, and should be standardized. Problems in the chicken process.

First, the poultry equipment must be disinfected before and after use. This will not only ensure the sanitation and safety of the chicken coop, but also reduce chicken disease. Note that the disinfection procedures must be standardized to avoid the poor environmental sanitation of the chicken coop that affects the health of the chickens due to inadequate disinfection.

Secondly, when using automatic chicken breeding equipment for feeding, the purchase of feed should be regulated. There are many types of feeds on the market, so you can't blindly pursue low-cost feeds when you buy them. Farmers should choose the correct feed for feeding according to the actual situation of the chicken group.

The most important thing is that farmers should pay attention to epidemic prevention of chickens. Chickens live in battery chicken cages at the same time, and epidemic prevention is the top priority. Farmers should observe the condition of the chickens on time every day. Once sick chickens are found, they should be isolated and treated immediately.

The above are the problems that the shared poultry equipment should pay attention to when raising chickens. It is hoped that farmers can better carry out breeding projects and create more benefits through standardized use of the pen.


Why is it more environmentally friendly to use modern poultry farming equipment?

With the development of society, people are more and more aware of the importance of the environment, and many countries are paying more and more attention to environmental protection. Now the mode of poultry breeding is also changing to environmental protection. The use of modern poultry farming equipment can enable chickens to be managed in an orderly manner, and the chicken manure can be treated harmlessly and with a recycling effect, which is very beneficial to environmental protection.

At this stage, most of the automatic battery cage systems are three-tier or four-tier. The farmers of this tier of chicken cages are very convenient for chicken management. Now the poultry farming equipment has formed a systematic, complete and automatic system, so for farmers with a large number of farms, the use of poultry equipment to develop the breeding industry is a very good opportunity.


Modern poultry systems include poultry cage system, poultry water supply system, poultry feeding system, poultry manure removal system, poultry egg collection system, poultry environmental control system, poultry management system, etc.

In addition, the poultry manure removal system and the egg collection system are respectively arranged on both sides of the net cage support system, and the manure removal system automatically removes the manure to the outside of the breeding equipment. The egg collection system arranges and arranges the produced egg collection on its own, and places it on the egg tray. Multiple systems cooperate with each other and operate in an orderly manner, realizing a larger-scale automated breeding.

The poultry systems cooperate with each other to allow farmers to create more profits while reducing costs, and make the poultry farming industry more environmentally friendly.


Feeding and management of chickens in laying hen cages during laying period

The layer hen cages are kept at all stages of the laying period. According to the laying stages of laying hens, it is divided into pre-laying period, mid-laying period and late-laying period. Next, we will bring you the feeding and management of each stage of layer cage breeding.


Early stage of laying. Usually, 21-24 weeks of age is the expected date of delivery, and adult chickens are transferred from the ground to the three-dimensional cage of the laying hen house. At this point, the pre-installed paper feeding starts. The calcium content in the diet should be increased from 1% to 2%. During this period, the chicken's ovaries and secondary sexual characteristics developed rapidly, and the feed intake increased significantly. It must be allowed to eat freely to meet its nutritional needs. At present, there are two ways to provide nutrition to laying hens: one is to adjust the supply of nutrients in the diet according to the gradual increase in egg production rate. The other is to start as early as possible when the egg production rate reaches 5-10%. At this stage, Newcastle disease, avian influenza, egg drop syndrome and other vaccines should also be vaccinated in accordance with the immunization program to prevent postpartum immunization from affecting egg production.


Mid-laying period. 25-42 weeks of age is the mid-laying period. Under normal management conditions, the egg production rate of 23-24 weeks old chickens should reach 50%. During this period, the egg production rate will increase rapidly. Reach the peak period of egg production. The main task during the peak period of egg production is to maintain the stability of nutrient supply and the consistency of management work, avoid various stress factors, except for the breeding staff of the chicken house, other personnel are not allowed to enter the chicken house. The color of the breeder's clothes is relatively fixed, and materials, water or electricity cannot be cut off. The temperature must be uniform and appropriate, especially the environment must be quiet.


Late laying period. 43-72 weeks of age is the late stage of laying, and protein supply should be adjusted appropriately according to the drop in laying rate. Generally, when the egg production rate exceeds 85%, the daily protein intake of each chicken is 18 grams; when the egg production rate drops to 80-75%, the daily protein intake of each chicken is reduced to 16 Gram; When the egg production rate drops to 70-65%, each chicken needs to eat 14 grams of protein per day. In addition, due to the hot summer weather, the appetite of laying hens is reduced and the feed intake is reduced. Therefore, the protein level in the diet should be appropriately increased. Winter is cold, and the energy required to maintain body temperature increases. Therefore, the metabolizable energy level of the feed should be appropriately increased to avoid affecting the egg production rate.


The above is the management of the early, middle and late stages of laying eggs in the shared layer cage. Farmers must not only strengthen the management of the chicken house, but also play the role of automatic chicken raising equipment to make chicken raising a relaxed and happy thing.


Important issues in the key links of broiler feeding in autumn

1. Strengthen the disinfection of chicken cage and equipment


According to the chicken house and the date of receiving the chickens, arrange the preparation work progress of washing, cleaning, disinfection and empty house reasonably. Generally, the next batch of broiler chickens will be entered at least 2 weeks after the sale to ensure the preparation of the chicken house. And enough empty house time.


2, the choice of chicks


Choosing young ones must choose strong young ones, and eliminate weak young ones and remnant and abnormal young ones. The characteristics of the strong young are: well-developed, clean and shiny feathers, dry, lively and active, the cry is clear and loud, the eyes are big and energetic, the standing firm, the hand grip is strong, the reaction is quick, the abdomen is soft and elastic, and the umbilicus is well healed , No bleeding marks. Weak chicks are lacking in energy, have loose feathers, close their eyes and shrink their heads, stand unsteadily, and have eggs.


The yellow is not absorbed well, the umbilicus is protruding, and there are bleeding marks.



3, environmental control


The environment has a great influence on the growth of the chicks, especially after the autumn, the temperature gradually decreases, the temperature difference between day and night is relatively large, and the stress on the chicks is strong, so you should be extra careful at this stage.


4. Drinking water management


It must be ensured that it is not contaminated by E. coli and other pathogenic microorganisms. Drink warm water at the same room temperature for the first week, then use deep well water or tap water. Appropriately add 2.5%~5% glucose, brown sugar and multivitamins for broilers in the drinking water in the first 3 days; after the chicks enter the brooding room, they must drink water for 3 to 4 hours and then start the first feeding; the drinking fountains should be placed evenly and at a moderate height. Clean and disinfect 1 to 2 times a day, and the storage time of water tanks and buckets should not exceed 3 days; try to record the daily drinking water amount. If the drinking water amount is abnormal, it is often a sign of abnormal feeding management or disease in the flock.


Intensive chicken farming to build that kind of chicken house

Intensive chicken farming has become the main method of modern farming. So what kind of chicken house should be built for intensive chicken farming? I will share it with you today.

The types of chicken houses are basically divided into two types, one is an open type chicken house, and the other is a sealed type chicken house.

Open chicken house: The most common form is a chicken house with windows on all sides, large windows on the south wall, and small windows on the north wall. There is no setting on the south side and sports field. Most of these chicken house are naturally ventilated and light, and the indoor temperature and humidity basically change with the seasons. Due to the limited natural ventilation and light, chicken houses such as production management towels are often equipped with ventilation and lighting equipment to supplement the lack of ventilation and light under natural conditions. The windows of an open chicken house should be set on the front and back walls, and the front windows should be wide and low from the ground to facilitate lighting. The ratio of windows to floor area is 1:10~1:8. The rear window should be small, about 2/3 of the area of ​​the front window, which can be high from the ground, and it is ventilated in summer.


Sealed chicken house: also known as windowless chicken house. The roof and walls of this chicken house are well insulated, and there are no windows on all sides. The indoor environment is adjusted by manual or instrument control. The chicken house adopts artificial ventilation and light, and by changing the size of the ventilation, the indoor temperature, humidity and air composition are controlled. The sealed chicken house has no windows, only emergency windows and ventilation.

House span, length and height: The span of the chicken house depends on the form of the roof of the chicken house, the type of chicken cages and the feeding method. The general span is 6 to 10 meters in open chicken house and 12 to 15 meters in closed chicken coops. The length of the chicken house generally depends on the span of the chicken house and the degree of mechanization of management. A chicken house with a span of 6 to 10 meters, a chicken house with a length of 30 to 60 meters, a large span of 12 meters, and a length of 70 to 80 meters. A chicken house with a high degree of mechanization can be long, but generally it should not exceed 100 meters. Otherwise, the manufacture and installation of mechanical equipment are difficult, and the materials are difficult to solve.

The height of the chicken house depends on the feeding method, manure removal method, span and climatic conditions. In areas with small spans, dry maintenance and low heat, the chicken house does not need to be too high. Generally, the eaves of the chicken house are large with a span of 2.0 to 2.5 meters. For multi-layer cages, the height of the chicken house is about 3 meters. Or the uppermost chicken coop is 1~1.5 meters away from the roof, which is a suitable high-bed closed chicken house. The lower part is equipped with a manure pit with a height of 4.5~5 meters (1.8~2 meters higher than ordinary chicken houses).

The above is the type of chicken house that needs to be built for intensive chicken farming. Regardless of the type of chicken house, farmers need to purchase automatic poultry farming equipment.


Chicken cage manufacturers teach you how to catch chickens reasonably

In the process of raising chickens, when the chickens should be put out for slaughter, "catch the chicken" is a job that every farmer has to do. In addition, chicken flock immunization, transfer, slaughter, disease diagnosis, etc. all need to catch chickens.

  1. Choose the time to catch the chicken. It is recommended that farmers choose to catch chickens in the morning and evening when the light is darker and the temperature is lower. Because the movement of the chicken is reduced in the dark environment, it is easy to be caught.
  2. Remove the breeding equipment that affects the catching of chickens. Feeding troughs, water troughs and other facilities may affect the catching of chickens. Therefore, farmers can dismantle, raise or dismantle these facilities when catching chickens to prevent chickens from colliding while running and causing them to be injured.
  3. Catch chickens in a small group. For users who use chicken battery cages to raise chickens, it is relatively simple. The number of chickens in the cage is limited and it is easier to catch chickens. Users who use other methods to raise chickens can use the screen before catching the chicken. Divide the sheep into small groups to reduce deaths from fright and crowding.
  4. Actions should be brisk. In the process of catching chickens, farmers should capture the movements gently and quickly. For smaller chickens, you can hold the whole body directly with your hands, but not too tightly. For larger chickens, you can start by holding their legs behind their backs, turning them upside down and gently placing them in the basket. It is strictly forbidden to lift one leg by grasping the wings to avoid fracture.

The chicken cage manufacturers teach you this: When catching chickens in a chicken farm, you must master the technical knowledge, so as not to hurt yourself or the chickens in the process of catching the chickens, and at the same time bring pressure to the chickens.


The reason why fully automatic chicken breeding equipment is popular among farmers

Modern chicken farms are an important part of standardized large-scale chicken farming. Nowadays, fully automatic chicken raising equipment has been widely used in modern chicken farms. Why is fully automatic chicken breeding equipment so popular among farmers and the market?

 First of all, the use of fully automatic chicken farming equipment can effectively realize factory, standardization, standardized management and environmental automation control, so that many large chicken farming companies have benefited from teaching. Many practices have proved that the modern chicken industry uses fully automated chicken breeding equipment to make many chicken companies have a very high degree of automation in the daily chicken raising process, which can save land and labor resources in the factory. At the same time, it can provide good environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, light and ventilation) according to the chicken's production requirements and the chicken's growth and development rules to ensure the healthy growth of the chicken.

The modern chicken farm adopts fully automatic chicken raising equipment, which can effectively control the environment and is not susceptible to external adverse factors (high temperature, severe cold, strong wind, heavy rain), so that the chickens can grow and develop healthily in a stable environment and have the ability to resist risks. ability. The chicken farm implements closed-loop feeding management, which is conducive to the control of epidemic diseases and drug residues. This equipment can help farmers improve their feeding work and avoid repeating many tedious tasks. At the same time, it also ensures the full use of food, avoids problems such as feed spillage, and cultivates high-quality laying hens, which is conducive to protecting the health of consumers. In addition, when using fully automatic chicken raising equipment, according to the needs of the chickens, the input raw materials can be fed automatically without any spillage, which not only ensures the cleanliness and order of the chicken house, but also avoids the propagation of diseases and saves feed, avoid waste.

The above is the reason why the automated chicken raising equipment is welcomed by the farmers. Farmers can choose battery chicken cages, automatic manure removal equipment, automatic drinking water equipment, automatic feeding equipment, automatic egg collection equipment, etc., suitable for breeding farms.