A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Chicken Breeding Technology-Summer Chicken Management Points

During the summer season, the weather is hot, which often causes the chickens to eat less, grow slowly, reduce egg production, and even cause chickens to die. Based on the experience of integrated poultry farming equipment manufacturers, talk about your own opinions on the management of chicken management in summer.
1. Change the ambient temperature.

The optimum egg laying temperature for laying hens is 13-25 degrees, while the summer temperatures generally exceed 25 degrees. Therefore, changing the ambient temperature and creating a good microclimate for laying hens is a top priority for chicken farmers in summer. The specific method is to do a good job of greening in the spring, planting trees and vines around the house to clear the weeds around the house; before the summer season, build a pergola on the sunny side of the house; The exterior wall is painted white! Brush it in white to reduce heat absorption by dissolving 0.50 kg of salt with 46 kg of water, adding 40 kg of lime, 4.2 kg of white cement, adding 68 kg of water, stirring evenly, painting or spraying the roof and External wall, this method can reduce the temperature in the house by 1.5-2 degrees. In addition, we must pay attention to strengthen the ventilation of the house, convective heat dissipation, conditional installation of the wet curtain, and vertical ventilation to cool down.

2. Disinfect the chicken spray.

In the case of continuous high temperature, especially in the field where the number of chickens is concentrated! "It is best to install spray equipment in the chicken house. Generally, the two water pipes are 6 meters apart, and a nozzle is installed every 3 meters on the water pipe. When the weather is hot at noon. Spray several times, can reduce the temperature of 3-5 degrees ' (Note: to choose a highly effective, non-irritating, low-odor disinfectant, so as not to induce chicken respiratory disease).
3. Reduce the stocking density.

Increase the number of drinking fountains and feeding area. In the summer, it is necessary to clean up the flocks in time and eliminate sick, disabled, weak chickens and fake hens to reduce the stocking density and feeding costs.

4. Shearing and cooling.

Chickens do not have sweat glands, and the way to lower their body temperature is to dissipate heat by speeding up breathing, opening the mouth and wings. Therefore, at night, the feathers of the neck, back, wings, chest and abdomen, inner thighs, etc., which affect heat dissipation, can be cut off. The principle of shearing is as follows: the depth of the shearing is not to damage the skin and the large capillary tube does not flow after cutting. The long tail of the chicken tail and the long feather of the chicken wing should not be cut, and the cut in the early summer is less, and the cut in the summer.

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