A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

What is the Most Suitable Density for Winter Chicken House?

It is generally believed that an appropriate increase in the stocking density of the house can increase the temperature of the house, which is conducive to the winter insulation of the house, but the stocking density should not be too high. Tests have shown that the feeding density of each cage is <4.2, which can maintain the higher productivity of the laying hens and positively affect the cold insulation of the house. automatic poultry farming equipment.

Therefore, in the winter, the stocking density of the chicken house can be appropriately increased to increase the temperature of the house, which brings considerable economic benefits to the farmers and reduces energy consumption.


The Importance of Broiler Cage Management

The cage mode of broilers has long been common and is growing in size. The risk of breeding broiler chickens has also changed from the original disease prevention and control to epidemic prevention and control, focusing on market changes and focusing on feeding management, environmental protection and food safety.

In the daily production of battery cage system for broilers, feeding management is essential, and the nuances are effective, and the owners of the farms have paid great attention to them. For example, the first week of temperature, humidity, temperature difference, ventilation, food, boiled water, Salmonella prevention and control management; the second week of temperature, ventilation, temperature difference, respiratory disease prevention and control, control of light control materials, etc.; third week Ventilation, intestinal health care, control of light control; fourth week of ventilation, control of materials management; ventilation and fertilization management in the fifth week.


Do you Know the Most Suitable Density for the House?

The humidity, air quality, sanitation environment and sputum in the brooding house are all affected by the stocking density. The higher the density, the worse the sanitation environment in the house. The air is dirty, damp, and the smell is pungent, which is easy to cause bacteria to breed. It is prone to the phenomenon of grabbing food and grabbing water, which causes some chicks to be disabled and unable to eat enough, which is easy to develop, so setting a reasonable stocking density is the key to healthy growth of the chickens. In the first week, the chicks are small in size and can be kept at a density of 30 per square meter; and so on, by 5 per week, up to 10 per square meter in the 5th week. Automatic poultry systems in Nigeria.


What Preparations do you Need Before you Transfer the Hens?

The first step is to overhaul, clean and disinfect the breeding houses and equipment. Adjust the trough and sink to a suitable height during cage maintenance. In the brooding house, the chickens should be disinfected beforehand, and the sick, weak, and residual chickens should be selected and then transferred to the group. The ground flat chicken house should be laid in advance. In winter or early spring, if the temperature of the breeding house is too low, the heating equipment should be prepared and the temperature should be raised to the required standard.

The group should avoid the rain and snow, the winter should be at noon, and the summer should be transferred in the morning and evening when it is cool. When transferring groups, separate the strong and weak chickens while managing the number of chickens. The weak chicks can't refuel and continue to feed the feedstock until the weight reaches the standard and then refill. Injured chickens should be isolated as soon as possible due to environmental changes. Chicken broiler cages.


How to Disinfect the Chick House?

The chick house should be thoroughly disinfected according to the four-step disinfection method: cleaning, blasting, spraying, and fumigation. First, all the brooding utensils should be moved to the outside for cleaning and aired in the sun, and the house should be cleaned. Chicken layer cages.

Then rinse the floor with 2% caustic soda solution, and then spray the wall, mesh, ground net (iron) with gasoline blowtorch, and then use 2% to 3% caustic soda or 0.2% to 0.5% peracetic acid. Solution spray disinfects walls, nets and ceilings. Finally, every cubic meter of space was fumigated with 15 g of potassium permanganate and 30 ml of formalin. After 72 hours, the doors and windows were opened for ventilation.


What is the Ratio of Meat to Meat?

With the development of broiler scale and industrialization, the battery broiler cage has gradually applied refined farming to production practices during the breeding process. When it comes to the fine culture of broilers, it is necessary to talk about the meat-to-meat ratio of broilers. The ratio of meat to meat plays an important role in the breeding, because it is related to the production efficiency of the farm and the profit margin of the breeding.

Broiler-to-meat ratio refers to the amount of feed consumed per 5,000 gram of meat product produced by broilers. When calculating the ratio of meat to meat in the farm, the farmer needs to comprehensively analyze various factors, because there are many factors affecting the ratio of chicken to meat. In the process of feeding and management, we should pay attention to these aspects from time to time to minimize the ratio of meat to meat. The biggest profit margin.


Do You Know This Broiler Management System?

When breeding broiler breeders in broiler battery cages, in order to give full play to their excellent genetic potential and achieve the best economic benefits, it is necessary to provide a good environment for the house, paying special attention to the whole body weight control and uniformity management of the breeder. In the production management process of broiler brooding and breeding stages, body weight is the basis for the growth and development of chickens. Uniformity is the key to the production performance and economic benefits of chickens and chickens.


Why Need To Increase Chicken’s Protein Levels?

In order to let the hen enter the peak of laying eggs and achieve good chicken-raising benefits, it is necessary to pay attention to adjusting the nutrient composition of the feed in time to ensure the perfection and sufficient nutrition of the diet.

Increase protein levels. Everyone knows very well that eggs are a rich source of protein. Therefore, in the laying period of hens in the battery layer cages, more protein is consumed. On the one hand, it is necessary to maintain itself, on the other hand, it is produced. Experiments have shown that chicken protein consumption and chickens The egg production rate is related, so the protein material in the feed should be increased according to the increase in the egg production rate of the chicken. The method to improve protein is simple to add high-quality fishmeal, bean cake, etc. in the diet, and at the same time reduce energy feed.


Why Should We Increase the Nutrient Concentration of Feed Properly?

In the summer, when the broiler chickens temperature exceeds 25 °C, the feed intake of the chicken will be correspondingly reduced, and the intake of nutrients will be correspondingly reduced, resulting in decreased egg production performance and poor egg quality. Diets with higher nutrient concentrations are compensated. In the hot season, the energy of the laying hens is reduced compared to the usual feeding standards. Some experts believe that the energy concentration of feed should be appropriately reduced in summer; however, after laying hens, energy is the key to determining egg production rate. At high temperatures, energy intake is often insufficient due to reduced feed intake, which affects egg production rate. Tests have shown that the egg production rate can be significantly increased after adding 1.5% cooked soybean oil to the feed during high temperature in summer. To this end, it is necessary to appropriately reduce the amount of cereal feed such as corn, so that it generally does not exceed 50% to 55%, and appropriately increase the nutrient concentration of the feed to ensure the normal performance of its production performance.


What are the benefits of fermented feed for laying hens?

Microbial fermented feed has the effects of improving feed quality, improving feed digestion and utilization, and reducing feed costs. Among them, probiotics have the functions of promoting growth, resisting diarrhea, and enhancing immune function.

1. Easy to absorb and utilize.

The feed of laying hens with ingredient, soybean meal, can be fermented by probiotics to produce a large amount of active peptide. These active peptides are easy to digest and absorb in the feed, and can effectively stimulate the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, regulate the structure of the micro-organisms in the body, and are more conducive to the decomposition and utilization of feed nutrients in the entire digestive tract.

2. Inhibition of harmful bacteria.

The beneficial bacteria in the fermented feed can inhibit the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella in the body, maintain the balance of the flora in the intestinal tract, and keep the micro-ecological environment in the body stable and balanced for a long time to avoid intestinal diseases.


The Importance of Formulate the Correct Business Strategy For Chickens?

Now that farmers want to make their chicken farms get better benefits, they must pay attention to formulating business strategies. Farmers should make a long-term goal to make their chicken farms have a clear development. Direction, avoid and reduce blindness in production, and maintain production and market demand. The correct business decision-making should be based on the main and objective conditions, develop strengths and circumvent weaknesses, give play to their own advantages, establish production structures according to local conditions, and reasonably match the number of chickens in order to improve the output and quality of chicken farm products, reduce production costs, and increase chicken farms. profit.


Why Chicken Disease Occurs Frequently During the Feeding?

Because many poultry farmers do not have certain chicken raising techniques, resulting in frequent occurrence of various diseases in farming, which restricts the economic benefits of farmers, let me analyze the causes of frequent chicken diseases during chicken raising.

1. The conditions of disease control are weak: there are many farms and the scales are the same. The farming techniques of many farmers are very different. Therefore, some farmers with inexperienced technology have little ability to prevent diseases and treat diseases. The ability to control the disease is low, resulting in multiple epidemics and easy to develop.

2, the concept of prevention of disease: Many novice farmers have no idea of prevention greater than treatment, that prevention may also get sick, it is better to get sick and timely quality, resulting in the production process often overlooks the prevention of disease.