A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Method of breeding chicken

Nowadays, our society developing fast. More and more people beginning to farming poultry, then how to breeding chicken? In here you will learn more breeding techniques. Let's have a look.

Why is chicken disease frequently occurring?

With the rapid development of the aquaculture industry, many people have joined the breeding industry. However, due to certain chicken raising techniques, various diseases are frequently occurring in the breeding, and the economic benefits are not good in the later stage. What is the cause of frequent chicken disease in the process? 1. Nowadays, there are many farms and the scale is similar. However, many farmers have insufficient experience, and there is almost no ability to prevent diseases and treat…

What should pay attention to raising layer chicken?

With the development of the laying hen industry, the scale and technology of breeding are becoming more and more mature, and many people choose to breed laying hens. but raising layer chicken need some methods . So what do you need to pay attention to ? To fully analyze the cost, farmers often only look at the feed, surface unit price and ignore the real breeding costs. Feeding high-priced feeds has a high nutrient concentration and increased returns. Can not…

Drinking water system disinfection of chicken cages

Good drinking water hygiene will reduce the disease of the chickens and ensure the health of the chickens. How to disinfect the chicken battery cage drinking water system? 1. Open the water line and completely drain the water from the line.2. Fill the water line with a clean disinfectant solution.3. Observe whether the solution flowing out of the drain has the characteristics of a disinfecting solution, such as with a foam.4. Once the water line is filled with the cleaning…

The Importance of Egg Quality

The manufacturer of automated poultry system in Nigeria has proved that if the eggs used for hatching do not meet the requirements, the standard of qualified eggs can not be met, not only the hatching rate is easily caused during the hatching process, but also the hatching rate is reduced. After the chicks were weaker, the quality of the chicks was reduced, and the rate of death was higher in a week. At the same time, the better the eggshell…

Why are More and More People Feeding Hens?

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people's requirements for eggs are getting higher and higher. Not only do they stay on the nutritional requirements of eggs, but also pay attention to the safety of eggs. The eco-friendly and green eggs are more popular among consumers. Under such a general trend, some forward-thinking farms aimed at people's consumption needs and began to carry out laying hens. Although the laying rate of free-range ecological laying hens is not as high…

Why Does the Eggshell Soften?

Adding multivitamins to chickens is an effective way to promote high yield and stable yield of laying hens. Among all kinds of vitamins, especially vitamin D. When the diet is deficient in vitamin D for a long time, the egg production of the laying hen will decrease, the eggshell will become softer and thinner, and calcium absorption can also be severely affected. Layer chicken cages for sale in Zimbabwe can solve this question.

How to Effectively Disinfect the Chicken House?

For chickens, disinfection is very important. The chicken house should be fully disinfected before it enters the house. Fumigation of chicken houses is generally carried out by fumigation. The trough and the drinker can be disinfected with disinfectant, or some disinfectant can be placed in the house. If it is not the first time to raise chickens with chicken layer cages for sale in south africa, disinfection of the chicken houses begins with the chickens. After the broiler is out,…

Chicken Sickness Medication should be Cautious

If you used drugs to your chickens, you must strictly follow the instructions, including usage, dosage, treatment, etc. If veterinarian not allow to increase the dosage of medicine, You don't blindly overdo it and use it for a long time. The seller of battery cage system for broilers research shows that though many drugs names are different, but the active ingredients are same, so you must to check them when using them to avoid hidden excess. 

Why Should we Eliminate Sick Chickens in Time?

If there is a cock in the laying hens, it will consume more feed, increase production costs, and should be eliminated in time; timely eliminate the sick chickens that can not stand for a long time, lame legs, grin and blind eyes, and eliminate the special thin chicken before laying eggs. And sick chickens, chickens that do not lay eggs at the peak of laying eggs, and chickens with low egg production rate are eliminated in the middle of laying.…

What is the Most Suitable Density for Winter Chicken House?

It is generally believed that an appropriate increase in the stocking density of the house can increase the temperature of the house, which is conducive to the winter insulation of the house, but the stocking density should not be too high. Tests have shown that the feeding density of each cage is <4.2, which can maintain the higher productivity of the laying hens and positively affect the cold insulation of the house. automatic poultry farming equipment. Therefore, in the winter,…