A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Tips for Chicken Breeding

In here, I will share many poultry farm design and construction knowledge for you. Poultry farming is not so easy, but I can tell you many knowledge about poultry farming.

Precautions and points for using chicken cages to raise chickens

In the current chicken industry, many users are using chicken cage equipment for breeding, but in the process of breeding, we must pay attention to some problems in order to achieve better results in chicken cages: 1. When caged chickens are used in multiple cages, it is necessary to breed three or four times more chickens than the flats, so that the farmers can increase the benefits from the quantity, and the chickens grow and produce in the cages. It…

How to prevent the chicken cages from getting wet?

The high temperature and high humidity season is very unfavorable for the normal growth of laying hens and broilers. The high temperature and high humidity of the chicken house can cause heat stress in the flock, reduce feed intake, and reduce the growth performance. Therefore, in the process of raising chickens in the summer, in addition to the cooling work, the farmers should also prevent excessive moisture in the house. Let's talk to farmers about how to prevent chickens from…

Cooling heatstroke prevention for chickens in summer

In summer, the weather is hot and the feed intake of chickens is reduced, which in turn affects egg production rate, egg weight and broiler production speed. Here are some ways to prevent and cool down the summer chickens for your reference. 1. Greening and cooling: Planting vines such as creepers around the chicken house, allowing them to climb the wall and roof of the chicken house not only to block the strong sunlight, but also to reduce the indoor…

How to raise chickens when the weather is hot

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and there will be heat stress. The heat stress refers to a series of abnormal reactions of chickens in the high temperature environment due to the regulation of body temperature and physiology. Feed intake, production performance, feed conversion rate, etc., have different degrees of impact, and even chickens have heat shock and death. So how do you prevent heat stress? Take effective measures to reduce the temperature of the house, you can plant…

Why are chickens lacking nutrition?

Maybe you often have such questions when raising chickens in poultry equipment for sale. Why do I raise chickens seriously? It is the same as raising chickens before. Why do my chickens sometimes suffer from lack of nutrition? There are the following reasons regarding the lack of nutrition in chickens. 1, if you excessively pursue the growth rate of chicken, want to let the chicken grow faster, give the chicken some excessive nutrient feed, although this will achieve the effect,…

The basic principle of prevention of chicken disease in laying hens

In the face of the new characteristics of disease occurrence, producers should establish a prevention-oriented epidemic prevention concept. Poultry equipment manufacturers believe that a series of strict epidemic prevention measures should be established to infiltrate the epidemic prevention into every production link, do a good job in daily comprehensive prevention and control, control the epidemic in the bud, and maximize the economic benefits of farming. 1. Implement the epidemic prevention policy that prevention is the priority and treatment is the…

Three measures to cool chickens in summer

High temperature in summer is the biggest obstacle to raising chicken. Chickens do not have sweat glands, so they cannot evaporate their body's calories by evaporating sweat. Therefore, we should artificially cool the chickens. The following small series introduces you to several common farm cooling measures. 1. It is necessary to improve the internal and external environment of the chicken house and strengthen the function of cooling and heatstroke prevention. Try to enhance the insulation capacity of the roof and…

Cage layer healthy breeding technology

The main features of caged laying hens 1. Easy to manage At present, most of the laying hen farms have a large scale, and the number of laying hens has a certain scale, and the caged way helps to manage. Farmers can place a large number of laying hens in cages for feeding, which is convenient for sanitation and also helps daily management. 2. The health status of the laying hen is better. In the process of laying hens, the…

How to improve the productivity of chicken farming?

1. Ring maintenance chicken is the trend: Nowadays, the industry is promoting environmental protection in various industries, and the chicken industry is no exception. Now many pig farms and chicken industry are rectifying their own environment, saving energy and reducing emissions. The pollution of the environment is the development trend of the chicken industry. In the past, the manure water in the chicken farms was flowing everywhere, the flies were flying all over the sky, and the smell around the…

How to maintain chicken farming equipment?

Anyone who has used fully automatic chicken equipment should know the benefits of chicken equipment. Although it feels a bit expensive when you buy it, you will feel the value of your money when you use it later. The automatic chicken raising equipment saves a lot of manpower and material resources, and greatly reduces the cost of raising chickens. Even tens of thousands of chickens can only be solved by 3-5 people. Is it very exciting to see this place?…