A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

How to improve the chick survival rate

Only the survival rate of chicks can increase the economic efficiency of the farmers, otherwise it will cause great losses to the economic benefits of the farmers. What are the methods to increase the survival rate of the chicks?

1. First, choose chickens in regular factories, and choose chickens with good health and no bad performance. Avoid chickens that are thin and have no spirit.

2. Water is a very important factor for chicks. After the chicks are out of the shell for 12 hours, they should be provided with clean drinking water in time. So as not to cause death.

3. It is necessary to reasonably arrange the density of chicks in poultry farming equipment for sale. Too much or too little is not good. The reasonable density of common chicks is: 0-4 weeks old, 20-25 per square meter; 5-7 weeks old is 10 -20 only.

4. Scientific illumination, the illumination time is 24 hours at 0-3 days old, 16-19 hours at 4-14 days old, and can be taken care of after 15 days of age.


The orientation principle of chicken farm construction

Farm building orientation, a lot of people say "facing south" well, actually, in the actual henhouse built, not all the chicken coop according to this law to determine the chicken head, because of the construction of the hen house area is different, the seat of the sunshine duration and the ventilation rate is different, in order to build a convenient for management and production of chicken, chicken orientation choice should be carried out according to the following two principles.


1. The principle of cold and heat.To avoid the cold and summer is to avoid the sun in the summer to the chicken coop, winter and can have good access to the sun.For example, in the north, it is cold in winter and the chicken coop is oriented towards the south. In winter, the sunlight is inclined to shoot, which can make full use of the temperature of solar radiation for cold insulation. In summer, it can also avoid direct sunlight to the chicken coop, causing heat stress to the chickens.The chicken coop that slants south is preferred with southwest direction, such can lengthen the time of illumination in winter, summer also is helpful for ventilated fall heat.



2. Maintain a 30-60 degree Angle with the dominant wind direction.We all know the importance of chicken farm ventilation in the breeding process, so the direction of the chicken farm must consider the wind direction.According to the findings, the size of the chicken coop ventilation, depending on the Angle of wind into the chicken coop.If the wind direction Angle is 0 degrees, the wind into the chicken house is directly through the chicken house, is not conducive to winter cold insulation;If the wind direction is 90 degrees, the wind is not easy to enter the chicken coop, the ventilation effect will be poor, the airport to remove harmful gas, epidemic prevention and other adverse.According to professional experience, with the dominant wind direction into 30 degrees to 60 degrees Angle to the best direction of the chicken farm, can not only avoid draught, but also conducive to epidemic prevention. Select suitable poultry farming equipment to facilitate daily operation and management.


The misconception of cooling

When we raising chicken in poultry cage suppliers,We all know the most important thing to raise chickens in summer is to cool down. The temperature in summer is relatively high. Therefore, cooling and heatstroke prevention is an important task. Give chickens a suitable growth space and reduce the occurrence of stress reaction. Here, we should pay attention to the correct cooling method. It helps the chicken to grow, so what are the wrong ways to cool down?

1. Many farmers only pay attention to the cooling work of laying hens during the laying period. In fact, the chickens in each stage need good cooling work. When the ambient temperature is too high, the feed intake of the chicks will also be affected by the high temperature. Reduce, thus affecting the growth and development of chicks.

2. When building a chicken house, trees will be planted around it. It is considered to be able to shade and reduce the temperature of the house. However, there are more trees, and all kinds of birds, insects, mosquitoes, etc. will increase. These insects are the source of disease. Lead to a major outbreak in the chicken farm. A wet curtain can be installed in the house to cool down.

3. Improper drinking water immunization: In order to prevent the outbreak of infectious diseases in summer chicken flocks, the vaccine is vaccinated by drinking water, but when the drinking water is immunized, the farmer should reasonably carry out the above internal immunization, the selection of vaccine, the preparation and the correct immunization of drinking water. The method must be mastered by the farmers, otherwise the phenomenon of drinking water immunity failure is easy to occur.


Feeding management tips during brooding

Healthy chicks are the first step towards the success of aquaculture, and the most crucial step. How to breed brooding scientifically and efficiently has caused more and more attention and attention from the majority of farming practitioners. According to many years of experience, scientific brooding must take seven good points:

1. Disinfect before entering the chicken cage

Thoroughly remove organic matter before disinfection. Excessive organic matter will affect the disinfection effect. Do not rush to clean after spraying the disinfectant. Wait for a period of time to make contact with the bacterial virus and then wash it. The fumigating time must be long enough. Ensure that the gas is fully volatilized, so as to avoid damage to the respiratory mucosa of the chicken after entering the chicken battery cages. If the chickens in the previous batch have a strong infectious disease, they should be fumigated and disinfected at the same time.

2. Temperature

The brooding start temperature is 34 to 32 degrees, the temperature of the chicks should be low, and the temperature of the weak chicks should be high. After that, it will fall steadily by 2 to 3 degrees every week until it is stable at around 21 degrees. The temperature is kept constant to avoid large fluctuations in temperature difference. The thermometer is evenly distributed in the house and can be adjusted at any height so that the bottom of the thermometer is at the same height as the chicken back. Learn to watch the flock status Shi Wen: evenly distributed, comfortable, suitable for temperature; away from the heat source, open mouth to breathe, the temperature is too high; close to the heat source, squeeze the pile does not love moving, the temperature is low.



3. Humidity

One week old chicks require higher air humidity and a suitable relative humidity of 65% to 75%. Dry air causes dehydration of the chicks, dry skin, dry chicken feet, and prone to respiratory diseases. In the 1-2 weeks of the brooding house, a kettle is placed on the stove to evaporate the humidified air, and vinegar is also available. The high temperature and high humidity environment makes the chicken difficult to dissipate heat, and the heat and humidity are uncomfortable. The low temperature and high humidity environment accelerates the heat dissipation of the chicken, the cold is cold, and the resistance is reduced. Too much coagulopathy, chicken white sputum and colibacillosis are common in the house.

4. Chicken raising density

The number of chicks should be determined according to the area of the house. If the density is too large, the growth will be slow, the time for slaughter will be prolonged, the size will be differentiated, the ratio of meat to meat will increase, and the income will decrease. Too small a density reduces the utilization of the house. Chicken hour chicken house is sufficient area, it is appropriate to enlarge the feeding area properly, although more heating costs, but the growth is rapid, even and neat, more profitable chicks when the density is large, need to expand the shed in time, especially in winter: 1 ~ 2 weeks old, 30 / m2, 3 ~ 4 weeks old, 20 / m2, 5 ~ 6 weeks old, 12 ~ 15 / square.



The benefits of the Egg Collection Machine

Large-scale farmers need the Egg Collection Machine in poultry farming cage, and the benefits of Egg Collection Machine are not only the liberation of labor but also many other advantages.

First, The material of the Egg Collection Machine on the egg laying machine is the kind of material called polypropylene which we usually see. The purpose of the material is because the material is very resistant to bacteria. Although its surface has not been treated anyly, it still functions as an acid and alkali, and because it does not absorb water, it will not The temperature and humidity in the house change. On the contrary, the Egg Collection Machine of this material will not absorb a lot of dust when working because it has an antistatic material.

Second, reduce the egg breakage rate: in the process of transporting eggs, the laying hen equipment will slowly absorb some ultrasonic waves onto the eggshell, so that the eggs can not be easily damaged during the picking process, and the eggs can be guaranteed. Have a very good cleaning effect. And if it is picked up by traditional labor, it will not guarantee the cleanliness of the eggs, and we need to gently handle the eggs when we pick up the eggs, which will be a waste of time. With the appearance of such laying equipment, It can be said that it is very practical and very convenient.


What should farmers pay attention to when raising chickens in spring?

In the early spring, the climate is relatively cold and changeable. The temperature is high and low, and the cold air and cold currents invade the chickens. Moreover, the low egg production rate and slow growth have become common phenomena in chicken raising. So what do you need to pay attention to in order to raise chickens in chicken battery cages in the spring?
1. Disinfection

In early spring, the temperature is lower and the frequency of bacterial activity declines. However, the climate is still cold and the resistance of chickens is generally weakened. Therefore, if you ignore the disinfection at this time, it will easily lead to disease outbreaks and cause heavy losses.

Therefore, we must pay attention to disinfection work, and we must not be sloppy.

2. Keep warm

In the early spring and early evening, the temperature difference is large and the weather changes rapidly. It brings a lot of inconvenience to the chickens, especially the low temperature affects the chickens very obviously, especially the cold.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the feeding density can be appropriately increased, the doors and windows can be closed, the straw curtains can be added, the warm water and the stove can be warmed to maintain the cold insulation. If the temperature is increased by the coal stove, the gas poisoning should be closely observed.

3. Ventilation

Ventilation is an important issue in raising chicken! While keeping warm, it is also necessary to ensure that the house has fresh air circulation. Correct handling of the relationship between insulation and ventilation is very important for raising chickens in spring.

Due to the low temperature in spring and the high density of feeding, the emphasis on the insulation of the house is often neglected by ventilation and ventilation, which can easily lead to air pollution in the house and a large number of germs. Long-term inhalation of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide in chickens can easily lead to high incidence of diseases such as E. coli and chronic respiratory diseases. Therefore, ventilation can not be ignored.

4. Disease prevention

According to the analysis of spring weather, temperature difference and climate, we can easily see that spring chickens are prone to chronic respiratory diseases, avian influenza, and spring festivals are also easy to stimulate fascia disease. Therefore, we must do a good job in chicken disease prevention. Once the condition is discovered, take measures as early as possible to minimize losses.

The resistance of chickens in spring is declining, and the prevention and treatment of chicken diseases cannot be ignored. It is necessary to regularly vaccinate the flocks. According to the actual situation, targeted feeding of preventive drugs, appropriate increase in the content of vitamins and trace elements in the feed, enhance the body of the chicken, improve the immunity of the chicken, so as to improve the breeding efficiency.


Precautions for raising chicken in spring

The weather in spring is easy to change. The temperature difference between the climates makes the chickens frequently sick. We should do a good job in epidemic prevention to increase the resistance and prevent diseases.

The cause of the disease:

1, due to the relatively large temperature changes in spring, the temperature difference will be very large, if the chicken house is not doing the work of insulation, it is easy to have a stress reaction that causes the chicken's resistance to decline and cause disease. Or to keep warm without ventilation or to reduce the number of ventilation, which will cause the chicken's ammonia to exceed the standard causing respiratory disease in chickens.

2, if the sanitation environment is not good, the chicken manure is not cleaned up or the environment and feeding equipment are not often disinfected, then the chicken's resistance will decline, and the disease will be infected.


1, keep warm, due to the large temperature difference in spring, the weather changes quickly, if the temperature is low for a long time, the chicken is prone to catch a cold, so be sure to keep warm.

2, to maintain ventilation, insulation should also pay attention to more ventilation to improve the air quality of the chicken house to avoid the concern of the chicken house insulation and neglect the ventilation of breathable chickens for a long time inhaled carbon dioxide and other harmful gases.

3, spring is the season with the most disease, so it is necessary to do a good job of disinfection in time to prevent the occurrence of disease.

4, remember to add more feed to the chicken nutrition, spring needs more nutrients to enhance the resistance of the chicken, different chickens need different nutrients.

In the spring, the chickens should be carefully managed, diligently clear the chicken house, pay attention to the disinfection and sanitation of the chicken poultry cage equipment . If it is found that sick chickens must be isolated and treated in time to avoid large-scale infection


Is an open chicken house good or a closed chicken house?

The use of chicken cages to raise chickens is a popular chicken raising method in the chicken industry. The chicken cages are raised in a multi-layer cage. The breeding density is large and the number is large. It is very popular among farmers, using chicken cages to raise chickens, and which are Need to pay attention to the chickens to pay attention to the matter, only pay attention to all aspects of feeding points, scientific and reasonable breeding can be able to raise the higher yield of the chickens, the following authors to tell the majority of farmers to use the chicken battery cages in spring Chicken's precautions.


Chicken houses can be divided into three types: open chicken houses (ordinary chicken houses), semi-enclosed chicken houses and closed chicken houses. Open house: the most common form is four walls, south walls and large windows. There is a window house in the north wall with small windows, and there is or no sports field in the south. All or most of these houses are naturally ventilated and naturally lit, and the temperature and humidity in the house vary substantially with the seasons. Due to the limited ventilation and light, ventilation and lighting equipment are often added to houses such as production management towels to supplement the lack of ventilation and lighting under natural conditions.



Second, semi-enclosed chicken coops: This kind of chicken house adjusts the environment inside the chicken house by opening windows or roller blinds, relying on natural ventilation in the mild climate season; in the unfavorable climate, closing the window or roller blind, opening The air inlet and fan are longitudinally ventilated. The open and confined house can make full use of natural resources, can realize manual regulation under severe climatic conditions, and realize horizontal and vertical ventilation in the form of ventilation. Therefore, it has the dual functions of open and closed chicken houses.


Third, the enclosed chicken house includes two kinds of window houses and no window houses. The enclosed chicken house uses artificial or microcomputer control equipment to adjust the internal environment of the chicken house to meet the optimal growth conditions of the chicken. The ventilation of the enclosed chicken house is completely carried out by the fan. In the summer, the wet curtain ventilation system is used to cool down. In winter, the heating is not specifically supplied, but the heat emitted by the chicken body itself is maintained, and the temperature inside the house is maintained within a relatively suitable range. The lighting in the house is based on the need of light for different ages of chickens, and the light intensity and lighting time of the lighting equipment can be adjusted at any time.


For the main point of raising chicken

1. Preventing pathogen contamination, whether it is size, free-range or cage, it is very important to prevent foreign pathogens from entering the chicken farm.

2, to prevent chicken immunity is low, due to lower temperatures in early spring, the doors and windows of the chicken house are closed tightly, ventilation is reduced, but the harmful gases generated by chicken exhaust and chicken manure fermentation will accumulate in the chicken house, easy to induce the respiratory tract of the chicken, etc. disease. Therefore, it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between ventilation and warmth, so that the air inside the house is fresh, but the ventilation should be careful not to blow the cold air directly to prevent the chicken from catching a cold.

3. The disinfection work should run through the whole process of raising chickens in chicken farm equipment. In early spring, the temperature is lower and the frequency of bacterial activity declines. However, the climate is still cold and the resistance of chickens is generally weakened. However, disinfection must also be done and disinfected regularly.

4. Light is the driving force of all life activities. Early spring is still a long night, and the laying hens often cause a drop in egg production due to insufficient light. In order to overcome this natural defect, it can be compensated by artificially supplementing the illumination. Under normal circumstances, the total time of daylighting should not be less than 14 hours, but not more than 17 hours.


What is mainly included in chicken equipment?

Chicken equipment includes not only chicken battery cages, but also heating equipment, ventilation equipment, water supply equipment, feeding equipment, lighting equipment and egg laying equipment.


1. Heating equipment. The brooding method of flue heating is more suitable for small and medium chicken farms. Bricks or adobes are used to form flue pipes. Larger brooding rooms can use long flue. Smaller brooding rooms can use field-shaped surrounding flue. When designing flue, the diameter of flue inlet should be larger. It should be gradually reduced to the outlet, so as to facilitate the circulation of heat and smoke, and prevent smoke from falling.


2. Ventilation equipment. Closed houses must be mechanically ventilated to address ventilation and summer cooling. There are two kinds of mechanical ventilation: air supply type and exhaust type. Air supply type ventilation is to use a fan to forcibly send fresh air to the house to form a positive pressure inside the house to remove the dirty air. The exhaust type ventilation is to use a fan. The dirty air in the house is forcibly extracted, so that a negative pressure is formed in the house, and fresh air enters the house through the air inlet.

3. Water supply equipment. Flat chicken cage can use the hanging tower type automatic drinking fountain. The drinking fountain is suspended from the ceiling by the hanging rope. The top inlet hose is connected with the main water pipe, and the incoming water flows into the drinking tray through the control valve. Health and water saving.


4. Feeding equipment. The main use of the trough, the cage chickens use a long trough, the automatic feeding is fed by the feeder and the chain feeder, the flat chicken can use this feeding method, can also be fed with feed bucket. The chicks should use a shallow tray of feed, and the shape of the trough affects whether the feed can be fully utilized.


5. Lighting equipment. Incandescent lamps are currently widely used for illumination. Many chicken farms have a timer switch that automatically controls the lights to replace the manual switch lights, ensuring accurate and reliable illumination time. It can also be illuminated by fluorescent tubes, which are directed towards the ceiling so that the light is reflected through the ceiling to the ground. This scattered light is softer and evener.


6. Egg laying equipment. Double-layered egg cartons can be used for breeding broiler breeders or flat hens. In addition to flat net culture, bred chickens are often used in overlapping or stepped brooding cages. Laying hens are basically caged. Cultivating cages and caged chickens can make full use of space, increase feeding capacity, good sanitation, facilitate epidemic prevention, and save feed.







Laying hen house design and chicken equipment and utensils

Chicken house design

1. Types of chicken houses: Different poultry equipment suppliers provide different kinds of chicken cages. Chicken houses are basically divided into two types, namely, open house (common house) and closed house.

(1) Open house: The most common form is a windowed house with walls on four sides, large windows on the south wall, small windows on the north wall, and no or no playground on the south side. All or most of these houses are naturally ventilated and naturally lit, and the temperature and humidity in the house vary substantially with the seasons. Due to the limited ventilation and light, ventilation and lighting equipment are often added to houses such as production management towels to supplement the lack of ventilation and lighting under natural conditions.

(2) Closed house: also known as windowless house. The roof of the chicken house is well insulated from the four walls; there is no window on all sides, and the interior environment is adjusted by manual or instrument control. Artificial ventilation and light are used in the house to control the temperature, humidity and air composition of the house by changing the amount of ventilation.



2. Structural requirements of various parts of the chicken house

(1) Foundation and ground: The foundation should be deep and strong. The ground requirements are higher than the outside, moisture-proof, flat, easy to clean and disinfect.

(2) Wall: good thermal insulation performance, can protect against external wind and rain. Use brick or stone to build the wall. The outside of the wall is covered with cement. The inner surface of the wall is covered with cement or white ash to prevent moisture and facilitate scouring.

(3) Roof: In addition to the single-sloping roof of the chicken house with a small span, the double-slope type is generally used.

(4) Doors and windows: The door is generally located on the south side of the south facing chicken house. The size of the door is generally 2 meters high and 1 meter wide; the two doors are 2 meters high and 1.6 meters wide.

The windows of the open house should be located on the front and rear walls, and the front window should be wide and lower from the ground to facilitate daylighting. The ratio of windows to floor area is 110-18. The rear window should be small, about 2/3 of the front window area, which can be higher from the ground for summer ventilation. There are no windows in the closed house, only emergency windows and ventilation inlet and outlet.

(5) Width, length and height of the house: The width of the house depends on the form of the roof of the house, the type of house and the method of feeding. The general width is 6 to 10 meters in an open house and 12 to 15 meters in a closed house.

(6) Operation room and walkway: The operation room is the place where the breeder operates and stores the tools. If the length of the house is not more than 40 meters, the operating room can be located at one end of the house. If the house is more than 40 meters in length, it should be placed in the center of the house.

The location of the walkway depends on the span of the house. The span of the flat house is relatively small. The walkway is usually located on one side of the house, with a width of 1 to 1.2 meters. When the span is greater than 9 meters, the walkway is set in the middle with a width of 1.5~. 1.8 meters, easy to feed with a car. Regardless of the span of the chicken house, depending on the arrangement of the chicken battery cages, the walkway between the chicken cages is 0.8 to 1.0 meters.


The importance of light on laying hens

Light is also very important for raising chickens in chicken battery cages . Light stimulation should not be used until the chicken has reached the appropriate weight. If the chickens that are lighter than the body weight standard are stimulated by light, the eggs will be produced less than normal, and the peak eggs will be reduced or the eggs will be dropped during the peak period.

The lighting system from brooding to laying hens should be carefully implemented, and the lighting time cannot be changed at will. The combination of the light system and the feeding system has a better effect, such as reducing the light during the brooding period and limiting the feeding to control the weight and sexual maturity; increasing the light and increasing the nutrient level at the beginning of the egg production to increase the egg production.

When the illumination is increased, it can not exceed 1 hour at a time. The control of the illumination time is mostly controlled by a self-control lamp device-timer or a manual time switch lamp. The control of the light intensity is generally controlled by a voltage transformer, and can also be controlled by replacing the wattage of the lamp. 

When the open house requires manual replenishment of light, it is advisable to add half of the time for manual replenishment to the morning and evening.