A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

How to start poultry farming industry?

Before you start your chicken farm business, you must develop a poultry farming business plan, which is very important for all types of things. The plan is like a road map, it tells you where your business is going. The plan will tell you where you are now and what to do next. Your poultry farming business plan should include the following points.


  1. Choose the type of poultry

The first step in starting a poultry business is to choose the type of poultry. The type of bird you will choose here is layer chicken or broiler. The market prospects of these two are still very good. You can choose any of them, it's entirely up to you. You can also consider some other types of birds, such as ducks, geese, etc.


  1. Choose the type of poultry cage

Another important factor to consider before the final plan of the chicken farm is the type and size of the chicken cage. Maybe you are thinking that there is no need to think so much before starting a business, but believe it actually is. Estimating the cost of chicken cages will have a positive and negative impact on your entire poultry business plan. Chicken cages are currently on the market mainly with stepped cages and stacked cages. Farmers can choose concretely and reasonably.


  1. Sort out areas of interest

Setting goals is very important, and poultry business cannot be carried out without goals. You must choose a path where you want to start your business. This will focus your attention on one point and ensure a higher level of professionalism, but if you want to work in two areas, then there is no problem. Farmers also need to know what kind of business the farmed species are mainly engaged in. For example, laying hens are mainly used for laying eggs, and broilers are mainly used for chicken production.


Introduction to the common ways of raising chickens

With the continuous development of the breeding industry, modern automated poultry breeding equipment is now widely used. The equipment provides heating equipment, ventilation equipment, water supply equipment, feeding equipment, egg collection equipment, feces cleaning equipment and other functions, saving manpower, convenient and fast. However, there are also different feeding methods, which are briefly introduced in the following editor.


  • Litter flat rearing

It is suitable for dry climate areas, and the chicken raising equipment is used to raise chickens, chickens, broilers or breeders. The chicken house uses a concrete floor, and bedding such as grass shells, sand, broken stems or sawdust on the floor of the chicken house. Chicks live on the bed, but they are usually unclear. After a feeding cycle, the bedding and chicken manure are removed together. This breeding method requires less investment, fast construction, and less equipment. However, crows are in direct contact with feces and are susceptible to chicken diseases and require more bedding and labor. In recent years, this type of financing has gradually decreased.

  •  Online flat raising

Galvanized nets, wooden strips or bamboo strips are placed in the chicken body 60 cm above the ground to form a grid bed, and the chickens live on the net. Chicken manure falls to the ground through nets or grilles and can be cleaned manually or mechanically on a regular basis. It is suitable for chicken and broiler breeding, but the grille and metal are easily corroded, and it is difficult to observe the living conditions of the chicken. Advantages: reduce the contact between chickens and feces, and the chicken bed is dry and hygienic.

  • Battery cages of raising chicken

Poultry battery chicken cages to raise chickens is the current and trend of raising chickens. It can not only use the space of the chicken coop to a greater extent, but also save manpower and material resources for the farmers. With the use of auxiliary equipment, farmers can raise chickens more easily.



What you can't do in the poultry laying hen cages?


In order to ensure the egg production performance of the chickens living in the poultry breeding layer cages, farmers must not only find a good breeding method, but also do a good job in normal breeding management. The main function of laying hens is to lay eggs. Farmers may have encountered problems with soft egg shells and small eggs. And the quagmire, let’s talk about some things that can’t be done in poultry battery cages in order to make chickens lay better.

Eggshell calcium supplements. Eggshells are a good calcium-supplementing feed, but they are prone to spoilage and carry bacteria, etc. Ingestion of such eggshells by laying hens can easily cause diseases. Therefore, farmers should pay attention to disinfecting the eggshells when using eggshells to supplement calcium for laying hens.

Sudden change of material. Although the vegetative reproduction period and the brooding period of the laying hens are different, the refueling work of the laying hens needs to be completed before laying, and there must be a certain transition time, and do not suddenly refuel.

Overweight. We need to know that laying hens are not broilers and do not need to be too heavy. Excessive weight of the layer will affect the laying performance of the layer. Fat hens accumulate too much fat in their bodies, which will cause a sharp drop in egg production or stop production.

Lack of calcium and phosphorus. Farmers must pay attention to sufficient calcium and phosphorus during the laying period of laying hens. 3% calcium powder or 5% gypsum powder can be added to the feed, and some charcoal slag or small sand can be added.

The above is the laying hen breeding techniques shared by the supplier of automated poultry raising equipment. I hope that the above content can help you raise chickens better.


How to get the best cost-effective poultry chicken cage?


The choice of chicken cages will affect the gold problem of farmers. So today we will take a look at how to choose the cost-effective poultry chicken cages.

Purchasing reliable quality chicken raising equipment, farmers can inquire and observe the material of the chicken cage when purchasing. Generally, hot-dip galvanized chicken cages are used. Its surface is smooth, it will not harm the chicken feet, and it is also beneficial to the health of the chicken.

The complete set of equipment should be conducive to the normal growth and development of the chickens and reasonable turnover, and make full use of the utilization and operation rate of the equipment to make the depreciation cost distribution of each hen or each kilogram of eggs more reasonable, thereby reducing production costs.

Nowadays, most of the laying hens are raised in cages, and the chicken cage is an indispensable equipment. Chicken farmers generally pay more attention. The cage is the place where the hen lives, produces and sleeps. The quality of the cage cannot be ignored. The quality of the bottom of the cage, the width and slope of the cage are particularly important. Farmers must make multiple comparisons and purchase products of excellent quality.

The above is the method of purchasing cost-effective equipment shared by farmers who want to purchase automated poultry breeding equipment. I hope my sharing can play a role when farmers can buy equipment.


Supporting use of automated chicken farming equipment

The chicken farms have various equipment for raising chickens. The most flammable effect seems simple to many people, but in fact it needs to be distributed and used reasonably. So what are the commonly used chicken raising equipment? I will explain in detail today.


The artificial feeding appliances for small chicken farms include troughs, artificial watering devices, etc. Large appliances are generally automatic feeding systems, and automatic drinking water systems are all placed in chicken battery cages, which will greatly reduce labor costs.


The chicken manure cleaning equipment in the farm is fully equipped. Many large chicken farms use automatic manure removal systems. A manure conveyor or scraper is installed under the chicken coop to automatically clean the chicken manure.


Lighting equipment for chicken coops. Install heat preservation lamps in the chicken coop. When the climate changes or the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, the heat preservation lamps should be turned on to reduce the large temperature difference and prevent the chicks from being pressured by the climate. Energy-saving lamps are generally used in chicken layer coops, which can illuminate the normal diet of chickens.


Most users who raise chickens at home will choose to raise chickens in cages. Now automated poultry layer cages are very convenient to raise and manage chickens. Every chicken is fed the same way, there is no disorder, and it is found to prevent the chickens from fighting each other and grabbing food. For example, the height of the small chicken coop and the big chicken coop is different from the cage space, and the drinking water equipment and heat preservation equipment are also different.


The above is the function of chicken raising equipment and other utensils. The tools used before the operation need to be invested, so investment is also needed. If you want to know more products in the future, you can continue to pay attention to our website updates.


How to use chicken farming equipment for a long time

Many farmers are now using breeding equipment to raise chickens. Because this will increase the efficiency and profit of chicken breeding. So what should I do if I want to use the device for a long time?

First of all, to complete each batch of our chicken breeding equipment, we need to check the line snapshot and screw tightening as soon as possible, and upgrade the system again. Most of the broiler cages we use are made of metal. Because it is metal, it will inevitably rust, and if it is not properly maintained, it will be more corrosive.


The chickens are raised indoors, so the chickens can be in contact with the broiler cage at any time. If the chicken skin touches the rusty part, this is not necessarily a good thing. Under normal circumstances, automated chicken farming equipment has a long service life, which can be as long as 10-20 years, but the premise is that the cleaning and disinfection of automated farming equipment is very important, but it is also an important one. This is a very complicated task, and it must be handled carefully while cleaning and disinfecting.



Choose feed according to the growth stage: feed accounts for about 60% of the cost of breeding. Feed is an important factor to ensure high income for chickens, and it is also the basis of the chicken industry. In order to ensure the normal production performance of broilers, farmers choose economical feed for feeding.


When choosing a feed, it is necessary to consider the various nutrients required by the egg broiler at different growth stages to improve the meat quality and production performance of the egg broiler, increase its weight, and promote the improvement of benefits.


Learn to operate automated chicken farming equipment: automated chicken farming equipment is a relatively large-scale mechanized equipment that requires operation and maintenance. Therefore, farmers must pay attention to learning the correct method of operation whether it is operated by themselves or by workers. Different equipment has different operating methods. Only reasonable and scientific operation can guarantee the good effect and efficiency of the equipment and guarantee the service life of the equipment. In addition, we must also pay attention to the regular maintenance of automated chicken breeding equipment in order to discover and solve problems in time to ensure and extend the service life of the equipment.


How to raise chicken production in layer cages


How to raise chicken production in poultry layer cages? I believe this is where the farmers have doubts about raising chickens. Now let's talk about how to effectively increase the production of laying hens.

 We must know that light is the source of life for all things. Therefore, light is also an important factor affecting laying hens. After entering the autumn, the light gradually weakened, so pay attention to supplement. In layer feeding, reasonable supplementation of light is an effective way of low consumption and high yield, which can not only increase the egg production of the layer, but also improve the egg quality.


Reasonable lighting. Different light colors and wavelengths have different effects on laying hens. Experiments have proved that under the same conditions of other breeding conditions, the laying rate of hens raised under red light is significantly higher than that of hens of other colors, generally by about 20%.

The light should always be stable. Adding light to eggs generally starts at 19 weeks of age, and the light time ranges from short to long, and it is best to increase it by 30 minutes a week. When the light time per day reaches 16 hours, you must maintain a stable light, not for a long time and short. The best way is to add light every morning and evening.

The light intensity should be appropriate. For normal laying hens, the required light intensity is generally 2.7 watts. In order for the multi-layer caged chicken coop to have enough illuminance for the foundation, the illuminance during the design must be increased, generally 3.3 to 3.5 watts per square meter. Therefore, it is best to install light bulbs in the chicken coop with 40-60 watts. Generally, the height of the lamp is 2 meters, and the distance between the lamp and the lamp is about 3 meters. When installing more than two rows of light bulbs in the chicken house, they should be arranged crosswise. The distance between the light bulbs against the wall and the wall should be half the distance between the bulbs. Replace the damaged bulbs at any time. Wipe the bulbs once a week to maintain proper indoor brightness.


Automatic chicken farming equipment manufacturers share the methods to increase egg production of laying hens. Breeders can provide the chickens with a reasonable time of light, allowing the chickens to produce more eggs.


How the laying chicken equipment for scientific use it?

How should the laying hen equipment be used scientifically? The development of many industries in life is inseparable from the stepped layer equipment. Sometimes some inconspicuous factors may lead to a big gap, so farmers will choose to use chicken raising equipment when raising layer hens.


The feed tanker of the laying hen equipment delivers the feed to the feed storage tower outside the chicken house on time. Then the horizontal feeding device sends the feed in the turret to the feeding hopper of each row of cages according to the set time.


After a driving hopper is filled with feed, the horizontal feeding device automatically stops feeding. The feeding crane runs backward according to the set time, and when it runs to the end of each row of cages, the crane stops automatically. During operation, the hopper of each layer of the crane corresponds to a trough, which can evenly drop the feed in the trough, and each chicken can freely eat fresh feed.


After the chickens have eaten the feed in the trough, the feeding carriage will automatically move to the front of the cage, and then automatically stop at the head position. During the running process, the driving truck once again drops the feed evenly in the trough. This process completes a feeding procedure. The number of feedings in a day depends on the craftsmanship of each farm. The water supply line of the cascading layer equipment is set in the middle of the top of each layer of poultry chicken battery cages. Each cage is equipped with two nipples for the chickens on the left and right sides to drink. A V-shaped sink is set below to drink the chickens. The water splashed from time to time catches it, and then evaporates naturally. In this way, the splashed water will not fall into the chicken manure, making the chicken manure more dry.


At the front end of each water line, a filter, a smart water meter, a medicine dosing device and a pressure reducing regulator are installed. Through the digital information of the smart water meter, it is possible to understand the daily drinking status of the chickens, laying hens, and how to use the laying hen equipment correctly. The working procedures of the laying hen breeding equipment can also judge the health status of the chickens.


What issues should be considered in intensive chicken cages

Now the chicken industry is vigorously promoting intensive and large-scale breeding models. Chicken cage equipment is the basic equipment for intensive breeding. Therefore, many farmers are transforming to cage breeding. Before chicken cages are raised Farmers have to consider many aspects of the problem and cannot proceed blindly. They need to consider the purchase of chicken cages, chicken raising technology and cost, as well as chicken feed and other issues. Only when they are prepared can they not panic in the process of raising chickens.


1. Selection of chicken cage equipment: chicken cage equipment varies according to different types of chickens. There are three types of chicken cage equipment: layer cages, broiler cages, and brooding cages. Farmers need to choose the appropriate type according to their own chicken breeds. The specifications of chicken coops and chicken coops. In addition, you can consult several manufacturers when choosing. Don’t look for cheap, you need to consider high-quality and low-cost equipment. The quality of chicken coops is related to the service life.


2. Chicken raising technology: Reasonable and scientific chicken raising technology is the key to success. Only by learning scientific chicken raising technology, feeding management and other issues can the chickens be better raised, different chickens and different growth stages, The feeding and management required are all different, so farmers must work hard on the technology of raising chickens. Before raising chickens, they must learn and understand the common epidemic diseases of the breeds of chickens, the feed management at each stage, and what feed nutrition is needed. 


3. The cost of raising chickens: This is something that farmers must consider. Only after calculating the cost, can the farmers know how much benefit they have gained after raising the chickens. The cost of raising chickens generally includes: (1) Purchase by the farmers In addition, farmers need to consider the price of chicken cages and other chicken-raising equipment. Generally, the service life of the equipment is more than ten years. Therefore, farmers need to average the cost of the equipment when calculating the cost of the equipment. (2) Feed cost, which is generally more than the total cost of raising chickens; (3) The cost for farmers to purchase chicken fry; (4) The funds for immune disinfection of farmers during the breeding process should also be calculated In the cost; (5) the funds for the treatment of diseases


4. Chicken feed: Feed is the key and foundation to ensure the healthy growth and production of chickens. Therefore, feed is very important. Before raising chickens, farmers can understand the nutritional needs of each stage of the chicken species they want to raise. And the price of feed on the market.





The correct management method for the rearing of stacked layer cages

Under the development of automation, the battery layer cage breeding mode has been widely recognized by the majority of layer farms. This breeding method has a small area and high space utilization. The layered cleaning of chicken manure can not only improve the utilization rate of chicken manure, but also It also reduces the degree of environmental pollution. At the same time, labor intensity is reduced and productivity is improved.


Due to the inconvenience of multi-layer cages, it is inconvenient to catch the chickens. The laying time for laying hens can be appropriately extended. Vaccines that require immunity, such as Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, avian influenza, and egg drop syndrome, should be completely immunized before being basketed. over. When the egg production rate reaches 5%, the prenatal feed should be replaced with peak feed. The refueling will take one week for the transition. At this time, the feed should maintain high quality and stable nutritional content, and do not change the finished feed and raw materials at will.


In order to ensure the service life of the equipment, lubricate the transmission parts such as the transmission sprocket and gears of the transmission box once a month when in use. Clean up the surface of the egg roller and the fecal roller in time to prevent the accumulation of debris from causing the fecal belt to burst or break the roller shaft. Clean up the impurities in the soft and broken egg collection tray in time. The ventilation system should be adjusted appropriately for side wall ventilation and roof ventilation according to the different seasons. Always keep the lighting bulb clean to prevent affecting the light intensity.





If only the driving roller rotates when cleaning manure, the manure conveying belt does not move, it may be jammed because of excessive chicken manure. The manure conveying belt should be operated regularly, and the expansion bolts at both ends of the driving roller should be tightened to remove foreign matter. If the chicken manure on the manure belt is thin, it may be that the drinking fountain is leaking, the connection of the water tank is not sealed well, and the chicken is diarrhea. It is necessary to replace the drinking fountain, apply sealant to the joint, and administer medicine for treatment.


If the egg broken rate is high, it may be due to the chicken pecking the egg, the egg shell is thin, the egg claw on the automatic egg collecting machine is broken, the egg rolling off the cage net collides with the egg on the egg belt, and it comes out of the automatic egg collecting machine. The egg collided with the egg on the central egg line. You can use the electric shock line to change the feed formula, find out the broken egg claw and replace it, use the egg blocking line to adjust the height of the egg picker to make it buffer.


During the operation of the equipment, it is strictly forbidden to observe the operation status of the equipment personally and open the related inspection ports for maintenance. During inspection, repair and maintenance, the staff must ensure that the main power switch is turned off and the main power switch is blocked, otherwise serious injury accidents may be caused. Two travel switches are installed on the head and tail of the machine, and the rail wheel of the feeder will stop running when it touches any one of the travel switches. Regularly check whether the travel switch is sensitive, and if it fails, replace it in time, otherwise it is easy to damage the feeder and even cause more serious consequences.


Common misunderstandings in the use of poultry automated chicken raising equipment

With the continuous popularization of automated chicken breeding equipment, more and more users want to obtain economic benefits in a short period of time. However, due to the speed benefits of automation, farmers will encounter some problems in management, which may affect the health of chickens.

  • Do not disinfect the automatic chicken farming equipment before use. Before entering the chicken house, whether it is a new chicken house or an old chicken house, a disinfected chicken house must be established to reduce the existence of pathogenic microorganisms. However, most chickens are not properly disinfected, resulting in incomplete disinfection, and chickens are prone to get sick. Therefore, before entering the flock, it should be thoroughly disinfected and the tools should be disinfected.


  • Do not pay attention to the choice of chicken. Some farmers are not clear about the source of the chickens, resulting in unclear health status of the chickens. When choosing chickens, you should buy chickens from farms with production and business licenses and reliable quality.


  • Chickens. Drinking water and boiled food are unreasonable. It is more important to open food and drink water. Drinking too much water can cause chicken dehydration and death, and eating too much can cause some chickens to eat other foreign bodies. The chickens should be placed in a cage, let them rest in the transport box for 30 minutes, then release the drinking water for 2-3 hours, and then sprinkle the feed on the plate. Anti-epidemic drugs can be added to drinking water.


  • Improper temperature control. Chicks need a more suitable temperature to grow. Because temperature directly affects the number of chickens that survive, too low a temperature will cause the chicken's body temperature and resistance to decline, and cause a variety of diseases. Too high temperature can cause thermal effects and hot wind strokes.


  • The awareness of hygiene and epidemic prevention is not strong. Chicken house hygiene is the key to ensuring the healthy growth of chickens, so chicken house hygiene management is more important. Be aware of isolation and disinfection when using automated chicken breeding equipment.


The above is the sharing of poultry battery cage chicken equipment suppliers, hoping that farmers can integrate the above misunderstandings to better develop the breeding industry.



Problems that should be paid attention to in large-scale breeding of broilers

There are many farmers who raise broiler chickens. And most of them are raised using broiler breeding equipment. What are the problems that should be paid attention to in large-scale breeding of broilers?


Carefully do all-in and all-out breeding. If there is a serious infectious disease. Then it will be quite difficult to deal with. Therefore, the chicken house must adhere to the all-in and all-out system. Ensure the safety of broiler epidemic prevention.




There must be awareness of biosafety and epidemic prevention. Don't be reluctant to disinfect the chicken farm. Especially broilers are kept in broiler chicken coops. Once a disease occurs, it will spread the entire chicken house. Doing a good job of disinfecting the chicken coop will reduce a lot of trouble. In actual work, in view of the high mobility of breeders, technical training for breeders should be done at any time, so that biosafety awareness can take root in chicken farms, and immunization tracking files should be established to ensure the serious implementation of broiler immunization procedures.


In the process of using drugs to prevent diseases, some breeders are greedy for cheap and buy fake and inferior drugs from informal channels. Or in the process of treating diseases, blindly use drugs, and poisoning occurs from time to time. Not to mention the development of drug resistance, it will bring difficulties to the future treatment of drugs. Therefore, we must pay attention to the safety of the use of drugs.


The quality of the breeder directly affects the production level of the broiler. The understanding and application of new knowledge, new concepts, and new technologies are also closely related to the quality of the breeder. Therefore, a series of rules and regulations shall be formulated and improved to regulate the breeder’s performance. Operation and disease prevention and control work, through continuous training, to improve the professional and technical level of breeders and the ability to accept new technologies is a key measure to improve the level of chicken raising.