The importance of battery chicken cages for intensive poultry farming projects

The battery chicken cages is one of the important poultry farming equipment for the development of intensive poultry farming. According to the physiological characteristics of chickens in different periods, rationally adjust the environmental conditions of the chicken house, and use the battery cage for poultry for ventilation.


  1. The small ventilation of the chicken cagesis to meet the basic physiological needs of the chickens, that is, the ventilation required for the chickens to maintain their life and health. According to the tidal volume of the poultry, the minimum ventilation rate is calculated as ≥1m³/h per kilogram of body weight. Even after the lights are turned off, the small ventilation rate should not be less than 0.7m³/h per kilogram of body weight.



  1. The transitional ventilation mode of battery cages for layer in the chicken house is also called mixed ventilation. That is, when the exhaust fans on the side walls are all turned on and still cannot meet the needs of the chickens, the longitudinal ventilation fans need to be turned on. Generally, this ventilation mode is used in spring and autumn (the period when the average temperature on the 5th is between 10 and 22 °C). .


  1. The longitudinal ventilation mode of the batterychicken cagesis a form of ventilation that uses the principle of the air cooling effect to make the temperature felt by the chickens reach or close to the ideal temperature when the temperature of the chicken house cannot be lowered to the desired target temperature. . There are generally three ways to cool down the chicken farm in summer: reduce the temperature of the chicken house through the wet curtain, reduce the relative humidity of the chicken house through ventilation, increase the airflow speed at the height of the chicken back, and reduce the body temperature. In summer, the ventilation is at least 60 times per hour, and the poultry chicken cages is fully ventilated within 1 minute. The high wind speed of the battery cage for poultry is 3m/s. Therefore, the length of the standardized chicken coop is generally less than 150 meters. From this, it can also be calculated that the need The number of fans.



Insufficient ventilation in the battery chicken cages house will lead to a decrease in the air quality in the chicken house, and excessive ventilation will also cause the temperature and humidity in the house to be out of balance. In the actual production process, it is necessary to combine factors such as season, humidity, wind speed and negative pressure, select an appropriate ventilation mode, reasonably adjust the wind speed and ventilation volume in the house, and adjust the air environment in the poultry chicken cages to a good state.


Introduction to common battery cage systems

The choice of battery cage system is also very important to raise high-yield and healthy chickens. Buying a comfortable chicken cage is also part of the successful development of poultry farming. So what are the common battery chicken cage systems?

Layer Chicken Cages

Layer battery cages are generally suitable for use from 15 weeks to the end of laying. The size of the chicken cage is 1950mm*450mm430mm (breeding 160 birds) 1950mm*350mm*380mm (breeding 120 birds). The bottom of the chicken cage has a 9° inclination angle. The top and back meshes have a large aperture range for flexible control. However, the apertures of the side nets are preferably 25-30 mm high and 40-50 mm wide. Because this net prevents chickens from pecking at each other, each cage can hold 3-4 chickens.


Brooder Cage for Chicks

Brooder cages are typically used until chicks are 140 days old. They are generally housed in cages with 3-4 layers overlapping. The total length depends on the size of the breeding. The height of the cage is 100-150mm, the length of each single cage is 1200mm, the height of the cage is 300-400mm, and the depth of the cage is 625mm. The mesh of the cage is rectangular or square. Each cage can hold about 12 chicks. A set of brooder cages can hold 150 to 200 birds.


Broiler Battery Cage

Growth cages are generally used when chickens are 41 to 140 days old, with three or four layers. Each single cage is 1050mm long, 800mm high and 420mm deep. Each cage can hold 17 chicks.


Battery Cage System

Most chicken cages are now battery chicken cages. The cage structure and stocking density are similar to rearing cages. Some farms also use flat nets to feed them.


The design of the battery cages has a significant relationship with the growth and development of the chicken. A more reasonable chicken cage design will be more conducive to the growth of chickens. The principles of battery cage system material selection, equipment maintenance, inspection and maintenance, chicken house disinfection, ventilation, chicken cage construction, and the quality of breeding personnel are unified and standardized. These behaviors are worth learning from.


Points for attention in the use of chicken battery cages?

The chicken battery cages is a breeding cage commonly demanded by farmers in the chicken industry today. Its advantages in farming are also obvious to all. However, in the process of practical use, farmers often fail to grasp the operating points of the battery cage for layer, so that its breeding advantages cannot be exerted.


In the process of raising, the goal of improving the health of laying hens is to ensure the development of hens in layer battery cages and reduce the occurrence of diseases. In the process of raising laying hens, in order to avoid the pollution of the breeding garden, the laying hen cage must also have a relatively stable treatment principle. The following is the first to popularize some of the key points that farmers must grasp in the use of battery cage for chickens.



  1. Match a certain proportion of crude fiber in the diet to ensure that a certain amount of high-fiber carbohydrates are formed in the body of the laying hens, reduce the activity of fungi in the laying hens, and reduce the probability of disease.


  1. First of all, farmers must ensure that the size of the chicken cage is suitable and the quality is up to standard before using the battery chicken cage to raise chickens. As long as these objective premises reach their goals, then the flock may have a suitable developmental situation.


  1. Layer battery cages are the primary equipment in the growth process of chickens, so farmers should ensure that the surface of the stacked chicken cages is clean and tidy during the use process to prevent the chicken cages from being infected with chicken feathers or chicken manure. The feces are to be liquidated in real time.


  1. The temperature drop of the battery cage for layersis also more critical, which will affect the development and development of the chicken. When the temperature is relatively high, the chicken cage must be cooled.


  1. Layered chicken cages are prone to uneven light exposure in the upper, middle and bottom layers of the layer chicken cages for sale during the breeding process, which will affect the average growth of the chickens. The light bulbs in the chicken house should be properly installed. It is recommended to install them in a one-on-one-down method, which can ensure that the chickens receive the light evenly.


  1. The use of battery chicken cages limits the activity of the chickens. If this continues for a long time, it may cause obesity in the chickens. In order to prevent such conditions from occurring, farmers can take the production of beating layer chicken cages or feeding troughs. Force the flock to move.

The above are some of the key points that farmers must grasp in the use of battery chicken cages. It is hoped that these points described today can be paid more attention to in the subsequent breeding process of farmers to ensure the success of chicken farming.


How to get rid of the smell of chicken manure in the chicken farm?

Are you bothered by the smell of poultry droppings? Are you worried that poultry manure will affect the development of the breeding project? Or would you rather be near a smelly chicken coop? So how do you get rid of the stench from the chicken coop? Today, poultry equipment manufacturers share a few tips for you.



  1. Use bedding products with good bedding and good water absorption. Litter is very important in the way of farming in a flat system. They absorb bird waste, especially the liquid part, thereby limiting harmful pathogens and ammonia production. Therefore, we need to use padding materials with good water absorption properties. Sawdust is one of the best absorbents you can get easily. It is easy to use and manage and is ideal for controlling poultry odor. They come with their own scent and are very readily available and inexpensive.
  2. From the moment you build your coop, it needs to be carefully designed to ensure good ventilation. An efficient and proper ventilation system needs to be considered when citing and constructing a poultry house. This will help keep the house well ventilated and reduce chicken manure odor. In fact, good air flow and circulation keeps the house dry at all times and manure odor is minimized. Automatic poultry environmental control systems - fan pads can also be installed around the house to help draw fresh air into it.
  3. Use lime or vinegar to remove fecal odor.Chicken manure from a battery cage system falls on the ground or on the manure belt, and eventually it will accumulate and give you a strong odor. One of the most effective ways to get rid of unpleasant odors in chicken coops is to use agricultural lime. Basically, they neutralize the pH and remove the unpleasant odors around.
  4. Buy battery cage systemBreeding chickens in battery cages can create a good sanitary environment for poultry. Because of the use of automated poultry manure removal systems, chicken manure can be centrally processed outside the house. Keep the manure out of the house thereby reducing the smell of chicken manure inside the house. In fact, this method is the most acceptable, convenient and clean.



The above are the 4 tips that poultry equipment manufacturers share to reduce the smell of chicken houses. Help poultry farms stay away from chicken manure odor. Hopefully everyone's chickens will smell fresh from now on.


The advantages of layer cage equipment to develop poultry breeding

The use of layer cage equipment to develop poultry farming is a popular form of animal husbandry. Chickens are raised to produce meat or eggs for food. Poultry (mainly chickens) are raised in large numbers, for example in chicken battery cages.



Advantages of developing layer breeding projects

With the improvement of living standards, people's demand for chicken products is increasing day by day. And the price of eggs in the market remained stable within the region. This has a certain relationship with the long breeding cycle. Less affected by price fluctuations is a distinct advantage of its farming. Moreover, when raising laying hens, it is not as tiring as broilers, and it is easier to manage in all aspects, so this is also an advantage.

Commercial hens typically start laying eggs at 16-21 weeks of age. Poultry farmers will get good income while keeping the same batch of pullets.

In addition, the use of poultry farming battery layer cages makes poultry farming easier. The chicken coops are stacked layer by layer, which means that the space in the chicken coop is fully utilized. Automated poultry farming equipment can realize automatic drinking water, feeding, egg collection, manure cleaning, environmental control, etc. Develop intensive poultry farming projects, 2 people can manage 30,000 birds.


Egg-laying systems often automatically control environmental conditions. For example, initially increase the duration of the mild phase to encourage egg laying at 16-20 weeks of age. The length of summer is then simulated, thereby stimulating the hens to continue laying eggs throughout the year. Usually, spawning only occurs during the warmer months. Some commercial hens can lay more than 300 eggs per year.


How to store chicken feed in layer baby chick cages?

Chicks require a lot of energy from farmers during the breeding process. The chick feed in the layer baby chick cages is also a key point in raising chicks. Therefore, the selection of brooding feed should be highly nutritious, and the quality and quantity of the feed should be up to the standard when feeding, so as to help the healthy growth of the chicks. However, the storage of feed is a big problem. Even the best feed is useless if it is not stored well. Therefore, we will introduce some key points for storing feed at ordinary times.




  1. Temperature: The temperature in the warehouse where the feed is stored will affect the storage of the feed. When the temperature is 15°C or below, some pathogenic microorganisms reproduce very slowly or even stop; but when the temperature in the warehouse reaches about 29°C, the pathogenic microorganisms will It reproduces very quickly; so farmers should pay attention to changes in temperature when storing feed. If farmers find insect disasters, they can use fumigation to eliminate insects.


  1. Humidity: The change of humidity in the warehouse will also affect the storage degree of the feed. With the improvement of humidity, molds multiply, so that the temperature and humidity in the warehouse increase, and the musty and sour smells appear one after another. The humidity should be controlled at 65% The following is appropriate.


  1. Lighting: External light will affect the consumption of nutrients in the feed. The nutrients in the feed are often mutated or accelerated by the light, and the light has a catalytic effect on the change of the feed. Excessive light exposure for a long time will affect the oxidation of fat in the feed, and also damage fat-soluble vitamins, and the protein in the feed will also be degraded due to light exposure.


  1. Oxygen: Farmers should pay attention to the fact that oxygen in the air can oxidize the fat in the feed, which will seriously affect the biological value of protein and damage certain vitamins, which not only affects nutrition, but also reduces palatability.


  1. Microorganisms: Molds and yeasts in the air may multiply due to changes in the warehouse environment, reducing the availability of raw materials, and may also cause poisoning due to toxins.


  1. The properties of the raw material itself: such as fineness, pH value, integrity, uniformity, moisture content, maturity, etc. Generally, the moisture content of the raw material is less than 13%, and most microorganisms can grow, and less than 10% can reduce the growth of insects. occur.


  1. Storage equipment and management: farmers should not only pay attention to the breeding management of chicken flocks. The management of feed breeding is also very important. It is recommended that farmers should not buy too much at one time when purchasing feed, so as to keep the feed fresh. , In addition, pay attention to the control of insects and rats in the warehouse, ventilation, warehouse turnover, entry and exit and other management work.


The above are the methods and methods shared by poultry equipment manufacturers to store feed for chicks. Hope it can help everyone.


It is necessary to ventilate the broiler battery cages on time

How to maintain continuous ventilation in broiler battery cages?


In fact, when breeding in battery chicken cages, most of our farmers only pay attention to the temperature in the chicken house, but ignore the ventilation in the broiler cage. Especially in the cold winter, in order to maintain the temperature of the chicken house and reduce the heating cost, broiler cage farmers usually do not ventilate the chicken house. It is speculated that insufficient ventilation in the house will lead to an increase in ascites in the middle and late stages of broilers.


At different weeks of age, assuming that broilers cannot be properly ventilated will constitute outbreaks of various diseases, so it is necessary to ventilate broiler cages on time.


The life activities of broilers are inseparable from oxygen. It is very important to ventilate the broiler cage while ensuring the normal temperature of the broiler cage. Ventilation can provide satisfactory oxygen to the flock, promote their migration, and maintain the health of the chicken and the conversion rate of the flowing feed. Especially when we are using broiler cages now, ventilation should be done frequently due to its high density. Ventilation can remove moisture, ammonia, dust and waste heat from the house and provide sufficient fresh air for the flock.



Poor ventilation and high ammonia concentrations can cause serious losses to production. Ventilation is the focus of the post-production management of broiler chickens. In the later stage, the body weight, feed intake and excretion of livestock and poultry are large. The carbon dioxide they exhale, the body heat they excrete, the water they excrete, the ammonia gas in the chicken manure accumulated in the house, and the dust floating in the air in the house, etc. If it cannot be discharged out of the house in time, the living environment in the house will become worse and worse, which will not only seriously affect the growth rate of broilers, but also increase the loss rate of broilers. The battery chicken cages must be clean during breeding.


It is necessary to choose mechanical ventilation for broiler cages, which can be divided into horizontal ventilation and longitudinal ventilation according to the direction of indoor air flow. There should be no dirt near the chicken raising equipment, the pipes of the chicken cage feeding equipment should be kept clean, and some parts of the equipment need proper lubricating oil to ensure the normal operation of the broiler cage.

The above is the relevant information of battery chicken cages introduced by chicken cage manufacturers. All farmers hope to pay attention to it, so as not to lose big and cause greater losses.


How can broiler cages be used to increase the growth rate of broilers?

Broiler battery cages are used in poultry farming. Put 2-3 chickens in each coop. Then install a trough and water tank at the location of the broiler cage. Through automatic feeding mechanism and water supply system, we can take care of poultry diet on time, so that all poultry can get enough food and water during feeding process, and at the same time get a lot of growth nutrients.


The battery cages is made of good quality and smooth galvanized material. It can well control the occurrence of problems such as foot injury and infection in poultry during exercise. At the same time, when manure is produced, it can be conveniently put into the manure collection device from the bottom of the cage, which facilitates the treatment of chicken manure and ensures a hygienic environment in the breeding environment.



Broiler battery cages are used for breeding. On the one hand, chickens are well isolated, preventing the entire breeding space from being infected when some poultry are sick, ensuring the overall hygiene of poultry, and greatly improving production efficiency.


Broiler cage equipment are directly related to the interests of farmers. The proportion of brooding, breeding and laying hens of many chicken farmers is out of balance and does not meet the requirements. The rearing area is often too small, the stocking density is too high, and the feed and drinking troughs are insufficient. It can be said that this is a common problem for chicken farmers, and it is also one of the important factors affecting the economic benefits of laying hens. Some chicken farmers raise more chickens and use less room or no extra broiler cages to feed chickens. Raising chickens in battery cages too early is not conducive to the growth and development of middle-aged chicks, thus affecting the egg-laying performance of hens. In laying hens, the harvest is after the hens lay their eggs.


Battery cage systems is of poor quality and is not matched, so the equipment for raising chickens, breeders and laying hens has specifications and proportions. The equipment should be matched to facilitate the normal growth and reasonable turnover of chickens, give full play to the utilization rate and operation rate of the equipment, and make the depreciation cost allocated to each hen or per kilogram of eggs more reasonable, thereby reducing production costs.


The Working Principle of The Automatic Feeding Machine of The Layer Cage System in The Poultry Farming Equipment

Automatic feeding machine equipment for layer cage system in poultry equipment. It is very common on medium and large farms. Not only saves time, but also reduces the labor of breeding personnel, and does not require many personnel. Only need to operate the equipment, the equipment can be automatically loaded. Let's take a look at the working principle of the automatic feeding machine for poultry farming equipment.



  1. The frame is welded with good rectangular steel, which has a large bearing capacity and no deformation of the structure.
  2. The walking power system is driven by an advanced cycloidal pinwheel reducer motor, which has no loss in driving. The failure rate is low, and the operation is stable, which improves the efficiency of the egg-laying area.
  3. The walking system is driven by chains and sprockets, and the guide rails are laid with square steel, which makes the walking smooth and increases the contact area.
  4. Thepoultryfeeding system of the automatic feeding machine of the poultry farming equipment adopts the design of core technology and is equipped with a homogenizer to ensure uniform feeding.
  5. The power distribution system adopts Chint electrical appliances and limit switches, which automatically stop at the end of walking. Various electrical control systems can also be designed according to the needs of users.
  6. The hoisting system of the automatic feeding machine of the chicken raising equipment consists of a flat conveyor and a vertical conveyor. The system controls the feeding through the photoelectric switch, which improves the work efficiency.


The above is the introduction of the automatic feeding machine of the layer cage system in the poultry equipment shared by the layer cage manufacturers. If farmers have any questions about other equipment, they can leave a message.


What should I do if the hens in the battery chicken cages do not lay eggs?

Poultry farming friends who use battery chicken cages to raise hens in the chicken coop. Free-range chicken farm breeders using meat and eggs. , if no eggs are laid, it is a great loss for the farmer. To this end, poultry equipment manufacturers will introduce the reasons and solutions for hens not laying eggs.


If the hens are just starting to lay eggs, it is easy to have misplaced eggs. In this case, the hens will have difficulty or no egg laying. At this time, the chicken breeder should assist the hen.

The specific method is: one person first grabs the hen's wings and thighs so that the chicken head is facing up and the chicken belly is facing out, then another person smears vegetable oil on the right finger, and then injects it into the coop cloaca to straighten the egg's position, then peel off the fallopian tube mucosa covering the surface of the egg, while slowly pressing the hen's abdomen with the left hand to squeeze out the remaining egg.



The above method is a treatment method that makes it difficult to lay eggs in the early stage of laying eggs. Usually, if the above methods are dealt with in an early stage, the problem of hens not laying eggs can be solved very well.

However, if the hen is not laying eggs and defecating frequently, the cloaca may be inflamed. At this time, the chicken breeder should feed the hens with oxytetracycline in the morning and evening, and at the same time wash the hen's cloaca with iodine dissolved in warm water, then turn the hen up and gently touch the hen's oviduct to help it return to its original state s position.

The above is the solution shared by poultry equipment manufacturers to deal with laying hens that do not lay eggs. Want to know more things about poultry farming. Please pay more attention to the website. You can also leave a message.

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