A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Layer chicken cage raises chicken the nutrients needed for feeding

We always believe that chickens are used to produce chicken and eggs for economic benefits. We can choose to raise chickens in chicken battery cages . In the production process of chickens, even if we are not producing eggs, we will not increase or decrease the weight of leisure. In order to maintain normal physiological functions, it is still necessary to continuously obtain various nutrients from the feed. This need for chicken is called maintaining nutritional needs.


Maintaining feeding is the minimum nutritional requirement for normal chicken life. Whether it is growing chickens, laying hens, or hens in the rest period, they must first meet maintenance needs. Because to ensure the normal production of chicken, we must first maintain a constant body temperature and maintain the normal function of the respiratory, digestive, circulatory, nervous and endocrine systems. Chickens need to carry out muscle activities of starting, lying, and walking, which consumes a considerable amount of energy.




Chickens need to maintain a variety of normal digestive and physiological responses in the cages of breeding equipment, such as maintenance of osmotic pressure, regulation of normal pH of body fluids, and maintenance of bone firmness, all of which require a certain amount of mineral elements and vitamins. In order to keep the cells and body tissues constantly updated, maintain the body shape, and the feathers continue to grow, etc., a certain amount of protein is needed to compensate. Otherwise, the chicken body will lose weight, lose weight, and deteriorate health. Therefore, it is impossible for a chicken to engage in any production activities while maintaining the nutritional level below the feeding level.


Regarding the nutrients consumed by chickens to maintain their rearing in poultry farming equipment for sale, the egg cage manufacturers believe that they cannot directly form chicken products, and there is no economic benefit. Therefore, in chicken raising, the greater the proportion of nutrients used to maintain consumption, the more products are produced. Less, the lower the feed reward. How to reduce the maintenance consumption of chickens and increase the proportion of production in production is crucial to the benefit of raising chickens. Shortening the growth cycle of broiler chickens, reducing unnecessary activities of chickens, and strengthening feeding management can all reduce the consumption of nutrients in chickens. Therefore, they are effective measures to improve the production level of chickens, improve feed conversion ratio and economic benefits.



How to use automated chicken equipment for efficient chicken raising?

How to use automated poultry farming equipment for efficient chicken raising? This may be a problem that farmers are more concerned about, so today the author will tell you how to raise high-efficiency chickens while ensuring a balanced diet.

1. Since you are now using automated chicken farming equipment to raise chickens, you can choose multi-layer chicken cages for chickens. This can avoid the disadvantages of raising chickens on the ground, prevent the growth of parasites, affect the growth and development of chickens, and effectively reduce the waste of feed.

2. When raising chickens using automated chicken farming equipment, it is necessary to eliminate low-yield chickens in time. Due to the large number of breeding flocks, it is inevitable that low-yielding chickens will occur during the breeding process. Therefore, in that case, we must decisively eliminate it, avoiding the waste of feed and reducing the rate of chickens.

3. In the process of raising chickens using automated chicken equipment, it is necessary to ensure that the house has a suitable temperature. This is important because the temperature of the house directly affects the amount of flocks raised. In general, the appropriate temperature for the flock is 12.8-23.9 ° C. This temperature allows the chicken to reduce the loss of body temperature and the loss of nutrients in the body.

I hope that everyone can use the above small knowledge to efficiently raise chickens.


Causing chicken stress factors in laying hen houses

Chickens are a relatively timid animal, especially when raising chickens in chicken layer cages for sale. Any sudden change in environmental conditions can cause stress in the flock. In the case of laying hens, a stress response will result in a slow growth of the laying hens and a decrease in egg production performance. So how do you reduce this stress response?





1. Large noise outside the house, or high and low temperature in the house, excessive density of the flock, poor ventilation, unreasonable lighting control, and excessive light can cause stress in the flock.

2. Eggs weighing, immunizing, transferring, breaking, and refueling can also cause stress reactions in the flock.

3. Strangers, as well as rats, dogs, cats, etc. entering the house will also cause a stress response to the flock.

4. The lack or deficiency of nutrients in chicken feed, the loss of water in the chickens, and the conversion of the working procedures of the breeders can cause stress in the flock.

Measures to reduce the stress of chickens in laying hens:

1. Keep the environment inside and outside the house quiet, avoid noise and loud noise.

2. Farmers should try to arrange at night when catching chickens, transferring groups and immunizing to reduce the disturbance to the chickens.

3. Except for the breeding personnel and technicians, other personnel are strictly prohibited from entering the chicken house. Animals such as birds, cats and dogs are strictly prohibited from entering the chicken house.

4. Control the various nutrients required by the chickens, and at the same time do the maintenance of the environmental conditions in the house when buy chicken farm equipment in Ghana.




Safe operation points for using fully automatic chicken equipment

The automatic poultry breeding equipment is an auxiliary equipment that many farmers now choose when they carry out breeding work. Especially in the chicken industry, the general farmers will use fully automatic chicken farming equipment to raise chickens, improving efficiency and efficiency. Most automatic chicken farming equipment is mechanized equipment, and should be operated in accordance with the safety regulations of the correct method, so as not to affect the safety of equipment and personnel. The author will briefly describe some of the key points of safe operation for using fully automated poultry farming equipment.

1. During the operation of the equipment, it is strictly forbidden to observe the operation and operation of the equipment, and it is strictly forbidden to open the relevant inspection port for maintenance. If it is really necessary to observe the operation of the relevant components during operation, professional personnel are required to follow the procedures and have the necessary personal protective measures.

2. When the farmer is inspecting, repairing and maintaining, the staff must ensure that the main power switch is disconnected and the main switch of the power supply is blocked, otherwise serious injury accidents may occur.

3. Installation, maintenance or maintenance of electrical equipment related to this equipment shall be carried out by professional electric operators in accordance with the regulations, otherwise serious injury accidents may occur.

4. The protective parts of the equipment are an important part of the equipment and should not be removed at will. If damage occurs, it should be repaired or replaced in time.

5. There are two travel switches installed on the nose and tail of the chicken breeding equipment feeder. Therefore, if the track wheel of the feeder hits any one of the travel switches, it will stop running. This requires the farmers to check regularly. Whether the stroke switch is sensitive, if the problem of failure occurs, it should be replaced in time, otherwise it is easy to pull the truck, and even lead to more serious consequences.

6. When the general automatic poultry farming equipment manufacturers produces the layer cage equipment, it will set a shock line at the bottom of the egg in the trough. This is to prevent the chicken from going to the quail egg, so this requires the farmer not to touch it with his hands to avoid being injured.

7. Many farming equipments need electricity. Therefore, farmers should pay attention to the operation of the power supply part. The power cord should be used with a special protective sleeve. There is also a wiring part of the equipment, there must be a special terminal block to prevent leakage and cause accidents.

8. When using or repairing equipment, the operator must be trained in professional skills and operate in strict accordance with the relevant operating procedures.

9. The device has relevant safety operation warnings. Please pay attention to and read these tips carefully when using or maintaining.


Safety operation points for automatic chicken equipment

Fully automatic poultry farming equipment is an auxiliary equipment that many farmers now choose when they carry out breeding work, especially the chicken industry. The common farmers will use automatic chicken equipment to raise chickens, improve efficiency and efficiency, and fully automatic. Most of the chicken equipment is mechanized equipment. It should be operated in accordance with the safety regulations of the correct method, so as not to affect the safety of the equipment and the human body. Here is a brief description of some safe operation of using fully automatic chicken equipment. Key points.


During the operation of the equipment, it is strictly forbidden to observe the running condition of the equipment and open the relevant inspection port for overhaul. If it is really necessary to observe the operation of the relevant components during operation, professional personnel are required to follow the procedures and have the necessary personal protective measures. When the farmer is inspecting, repairing and maintaining, the staff member must ensure that the main power switch is disconnected and the main power switch is blocked, otherwise serious injury accidents may occur.




The installation, maintenance or maintenance of electrical equipment must be carried out by professional electric operators in accordance with the regulations, otherwise serious injury accidents may occur. The protective parts of the equipment are an important part of the equipment and should not be removed at will. If damage occurs, it should be repaired or replaced in time.

In general, the automatic chicken equipment manufacturers will set up a shock line in the lower part of the trough when the egg cage equipment is being produced. This is to prevent the chicken from going to the quail egg, so this requires the farmers not to touch the hand. Touch to avoid being injured. Many equipments in breeding equipment need electricity. Therefore, farmers should pay attention to the operation of the power supply part. The power cord should be equipped with a special protective sheath, and the wiring part of the equipment should have a special terminal block to prevent leakage. Causing an accident.

The use poultry farming cage or maintenance of the operator must be professionally trained and operated in strict accordance with the relevant operating procedures. The device has relevant safety operation warnings, please pay attention to and carefully read these tips when using or maintaining.



Requirements for ventilation of chicken houses using poultry farming equipment

Most of the farmers' houses are now closed and will be mechanically ventilated using a fan of poultry farming equipment. The ventilation effect of the chicken house directly affects the quality of the chicken house. So, how do you do the ventilation work in the chicken farm during the breeding process? That is to follow the basic requirements of ventilation in the chicken house. The author will introduce the farmers to the basic requirements for ventilation of the house using poultry farming equipment.

1. Airtightness inspection: Mechanized ventilation using a chicken farming equipment fan should pay attention to check the tightness of the house, and the better the house is sealed, the better the ventilation effect of using the fan equipment.

2. Negative pressure management of chicken houses: Farmers should do a good job of negative pressure management of chicken houses, such as: 13-meter-wide chicken house, brooding negative pressure should be 20-25Pa. The negative pressure can be reduced to 10-15 Pa as the chicken age increases. Negative pressure is mainly required in the cold season, and summer is not required to be too high.

3. Management of vents: Farmers should pay attention to the number of fans when selecting fans for raising chicken equipment. It should be reasonably matched with the area of the house. Pay attention to the size and quantity of the fan to avoid excessive negative pressure. The chicken house is deprived of oxygen.

4. The specified amount of ventilation: usually the maximum ventilation in summer. Ventilation per kilogram of body weight per minute: 0.113 cubic meters of chicken and 0.062 cubic meters of broiler chicken. The minimum ventilation is generally 1/1O of the maximum ventilation. In order to prevent respiratory diseases and arthritis and parasitic diseases caused by moisture, ventilation must be carried out frequently. It is best to let 1/10 to 1/3 of the fans run continuously, and other heat sensors automatically control them.

5. Install the air filter unit: If available, install an air filter unit. That is, at all the air inlets, a filter is provided to prevent dust particles in the air from flowing inside the house. If the disinfectant is added to the filter to eliminate the pathogen attached to the mesh, the effect is better. When using the filter, care must be taken not to affect the amount of ventilation. And during regular inspections, the personnel entering the chicken house and the chicken cage equipment should be strictly disinfected.

6. Do not allow the flow of airflow to face the flock: when the house temperature is low, a baffle can be set to change direction so that the flock is not directly exposed to the wind.

7. Air flowing into the house: keep a low speed of 0.3 to 0.35 meters per second. Care should be taken to maintain room temperature as it passes through the flock. At the same time, the airflow speed of the whole house should be basically the same, there is no dead angle, no strange wind.

The above seven points are the requirements of the author for the farmers to use the fan to ventilate the house. The ventilation environment of the house is very important. Farmers should keep in mind the basic requirements of ventilation in the house to create a comfortable environment for the chicken flock.


Layer chicken breeding equipment to explain two kinds of lighting methods for raising chickens

The laying hens Chicken Breeding Equipment explains two methods of illuminating chickens. For laying broiler equipment, it is one of the more familiar equipments for farmers. It is one of the indispensable technical measures for modern chicken production for the light system, and it is based on the circadian rhythm of chicken. The following laying broiler equipment will give you an explanation of the two lighting systems for laying hens.





First, the light hours are kept stable: the number of natural sunshine when the chicken is 20 weeks old is detected. If it is 14 hours, natural light and artificial light supplementation are used from the brooding to maintain the daily light 14 Hours to 20 weeks of age, and then gradually extend the poultry farming cage light time to 16 hours according to the requirements of the laying period.


The second is to gradually shorten the illumination time: first find out the natural sunshine hours of the chicken to 20 weeks of age, add this number for 4 hours, as the light time at the beginning of the brooding, such as the nature at 20 weeks of age. The number of hours of sunshine is 13.5 hours, plus 17.5 hours after 4 hours, keeping this illumination time constant for 4 weeks, from 15 weeks of illumination per week to 15 weeks of illumination, to 20 weeks of illumination. It is just sunshine time. After 20 weeks of age, the lighting time is gradually increased according to the requirements of the laying period.



Cascading laying hen cage equipment introduction

The perfect poultry farming cage equipment can make the chicken have a comfortable growing environment, so that the chicken can grow healthily. Laying hen cage equipment for laying hens is the first choice for large-scale, intensive, and automated laying hens. It has the following characteristics:




1, small footprint, high space utilization, easy to achieve intensive and large-scale breeding. The space of the building can be fully utilized to reduce the cost of each chicken's site and construction investment. The chicken manure layering and cleansing in the chicken equipment greatly reduces the moisture of the chicken manure, and the utilization rate of chicken manure in chicken battery cages is high, and the environmental pollution is extremely small.


2, to achieve full automation control, greatly reducing the operator, reducing labor intensity and improving labor productivity. Energy loss is reduced due to inactivity in caged chickens. It can effectively improve the return of feed and save the cost of feed saving feed.


3, the use of fully enclosed feeding mode, is conducive to the prevention of infectious diseases. It is easy to raise the temperature of the house and save energy, so that the fuel cost of each chicken is greatly reduced.


4, can effectively reduce the incidence of intestinal diseases in chickens. It is also possible to detect the disease in a timely manner so as to be eliminated in time, which is helpful for controlling the incidence of large groups.

The chicken feed line tray in the chicken raising machinery uses engineering plastics as the main production material. The production intensity is high, there is no poison and pollution, and the maintenance cost is greatly reduced. Among them, its long service life is greatly extended. The automated laying hen equipment can provide conditions for chicken scale farming, and the chicken feed tray can be used for 50-70 chickens at the same time. And the professional material level sensing system is attached to the machine, and the whole process can be controlled by computer programming to realize the automation and high efficiency of chicken raising. It can help you automate your feeding in the farm. After setting, it is necessary to carry out regular inspections to achieve operation, and the failure rate is low. And can be scientifically adjusted according to the development of the chicken, feeding more reasonable science


If want to improve your economic efficiency, raise chicken in broiler cages

The ultimate goal of farmers to raise chickens is to obtain good economic returns, so in recent years many farmers have been constantly looking for scientific farming methods for breeding broilers. In recent years, through comprehensive comparisons in many aspects, farmers in the broiler breeding industry are generally using broiler cages poultry farming equipment for raising chickens. The following is mainly to tell the farmers about the economy of using chickens in broiler cages for farmers. benefit.




1. The use of broiler cages to raise chickens has increased the number of raises by farmers, which can increase the income from the sale of chickens in the later stages of farmers.

2. The use of broiler cages to raise chicken cages has a small footprint, which can make full use of the advantages of space, so that farmers can save the use of the house area and reduce the rental costs of farmers.

3. When using chickens in broiler cages, the farmers can more intuitively observe the living conditions of the flocks, so that the farmers can find out the various situations of the flocks in time, so that the farmers can find out the situation in time to take measures to avoid unnecessary Economic losses.

4. When raising chickens in broiler cages, the chickens can be separated from the feces, thus reducing the chance of the chickens contacting the feces and reducing the disease of the flocks, saving farmers a lot of medical costs.

5. When raising chickens in broiler cages, the activity of the flocks will be greatly reduced, and the conversion rate of the feed will be increased, which will save the farmers a lot of feed costs.

6. When chickens are raised in broiler cages, the phenomenon of flocks can be avoided, so that the damage of the flocks can be effectively prevented.

The above points are the considerable economic benefits when using chicken battery cage for broilers . I hope that through today's narrative, farmers can have a more comprehensive understanding and understanding of the advantages of broiler chickens.



How to scientifically raise chicks using poultry farming equipment?

Feeding of chicks is a stage that every breeder of broiler chickens has to go through. The chicks refer to the flocks that were born soon. The chicks have poor physiology and low resistance. In order to obtain a better survival rate, farmers need to be carefully and scientifically raised to ensure the survival rate of the chicks and lay a solid foundation for adult chickens. The authors refer to the recommendations of poultry equipment manufacturers and farmers to teach farmers the key points of scientific breeding of chicks.

1. When the chicks are transported to the brooding house, work on boiling water and food. The boiling water and food for chicks should be based on the principle of first boiling water and then feeding. After the chicks are out of the shell, some of the yolks have not been absorbed. The drinking water of the chicks can accelerate the metabolism of this nutrient. Feeding the chicks should be done: the chicken feed is nutritious, digestible, and palatable. The full price of the chicken feed is appropriate, the trough is sufficient, and the feeding frequency is gradually reduced according to the age. Because the digestive function of the chick is poor, it can not be overeating. If it is overeating, it will cause indigestion, causing digestive tract disease.

2. Control the ventilation, light and disease in the house

(1) Control ventilation: reasonable ventilation of the chicken house can discharge the harmful gas inside the chicken house outside the chicken house. Let the fresh air enter the house, so that the house can reach a fresh and comfortable environment, so that the chicks can grow healthily.

(2) Control lighting: Reasonable light can promote growth and bone development, prevent diseases and improve production performance. When the chicks are 3 weeks old, they can put the chicks outside the house at noon on sunny days (the climate is warmer), soaking the sun and exercising for 1-2 hours. This will not only promote the growth and development of the chicks, but also promote the chicks to gradually adapt to the natural environment.

(3) Controlling the occurrence of diseases: young chicks are small and have poor disease resistance. Once an epidemic occurs, the infection is fast, the mortality rate is high, and the loss is large. Therefore, farmers are required to do the disinfection work of the chicken house and the immunization work of the chicken.

3. Control the temperature, humidity and density inside the house. The right temperature is the key to raising chicks:

Generally, chicks have temperature requirements of 34 to 35 ° C for 1 to 3 days, 32 to 33 ° C for 4 to 7 days of age, and 2 to 3 ° C per week for 7 days of age until 20 ° C. After about 6 weeks, the chicks can adapt to the natural environment. Maintain proper humidity in the chick house: the humidity in the brooding house is too high or too low for the growth and development of the chick. The ideal humidity is 70% to 75% of the relative humidity in the first week, and 65% in the second week, and 55% to 60% as much as possible from the third week. Also pay attention to the density of the chicks: reasonable stocking density is an important condition to ensure the health and growth of the flocks. Generally, it is 30/m2 at the first week and 25/m2 at the second week, the third week. The time is 20/m2, 15/m2 at the 4th week, and about 10/m2 at the 5th week. In addition, the stocking density of chicks must be flexibly controlled according to the variety, season, gender, and structure of the house, ventilation conditions and feeding methods.

The above is the author's focus on the farmers, the use of poultry farming cages for scientific breeding of chicks. It is hoped that farmers can focus on this, which not only can reduce the incidence of disease in chicks, but also effectively improve the survival rate of chicks, which will also help to increase the breeding efficiency of farmers.



What are the advantages of using a chicken cage?

Layer chicken cage is a kind of equipment used to raise laying hens at home and abroad. The reason for the wide application is because the design of the layer cage provides a comfortable environment for the chickens, so that the chickens can grow faster and more eggs during the feeding process, saving trouble and materials. The advantages of the layer cages are mainly reflected in the front net and the cage door. The density of feeding, the angle of the egg, and so on.

Layer cages are divided into deep cages and shallow cages or light, medium and heavy layer cages depending on the feeding process, variety, size and weight of the laying hens.

The comfort of the layer cage is closely related to the design of the cage. The front net design of the layer cage is generally composed of a vertical wire and a few horizontal wires. The vertical wire gap is between 4.5 and 6.5 cm, and the cage door is generally 2-3 wires connected to the front net and opened like inside or outside.

The layer cage uses the advantages of a comfortable chicken cage. The chicken feeding position can be changed arbitrarily and can accommodate more chickens to eat together. The structure is simple, the materials used are small, the installation control is relatively simple, and it is easy to get started. Layer cages can reduce the chance of hens being injured and better protect the feathers of the birds.

The automatic poultry farming equipment realizes automatic management: through the setting of the central control computer system, the automatic management of the temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting, roller blinds, etc. in the house is realized.

The high-density laminated cage of laying hens has the advantages of saving land, reducing feeding cost and improving labor productivity. It is a new intensive and high-g-feeding management mode for laying hens, which is in line with the development trend of modern laying hens.



Why do chickens in cages often get sick?

It is not easy to raise chickens in layer chicken cage . What is the reason why chickens are often sick during chicken raising?


First, what is chicken disease?

1. Chicken diseases can be divided into infectious diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms, accounting for more than 70% of chicken diseases; nutritional metabolic diseases; poisoning diseases; parasitic diseases; other diseases.

2, the causes of chicken disease include the cause, cause and cause of death, the cause is directly caused by chicken disease, the incentive is to promote the cause of chicken disease, the cause of death is the cause of death in the final body failure; the three are closely related, The process of chicken disease is expressed from different angles; in the process of prevention and control of chicken disease, prevention and control should be carried out from three aspects at the same time, and the principle of “cultivating weight in prevention and prevention in treatment” should be adhered to, so that the chickens can be smoothly released.






Second, the cause of chicken disease:

1. The cause of chicken disease

The cause of chicken disease is the direct cause of a chicken disease. For common diseases, the cause basically refers to a specific pathogenic pathogen. For example, the cause of chicken chronic respiratory disease is Mycoplasma gallisepticum and chicken cholera. The cause of the disease is that the cause of Pasteurella and chicken white diarrhea is Salmonella, the cause of chicken white crown disease is the Leptoplasma hominis, etc. After these pathogens are infected, they self-reproduce in the body. After reaching a certain number, they can cause cells and tissues. Organ damage, decreased function, and the involvement of the immune system, the infected tissue has an inflammatory reaction, which in turn causes systemic or local symptoms and signs. Since these chicken disease characteristics are caused by specific pathogens, it is the cause of chicken disease.

2, the cause of death of chicken disease

Most chicken diseases will end in the late stage of animal death. The causes of death are complicated. Pathogenic microorganisms will continuously release toxins during the process of metabolism. Some of these toxins will cause red blood cell hemolysis, and some will cause changes in blood physical and chemical properties. Some cause neurological dysfunction, some trigger the related enzyme activity is inhibited, so the entire body's metabolic function is unbalanced, unable to meet the physiological needs and death, the death cause is mostly caused by the disorder of the function of tissues and organs, caused by the stop of metabolism.


Most chickens now use chicken cages and poultry farming cage equipment to raise chickens. This farming method is more efficient and efficient.