A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Do you know these "secret weapon" in chicken feed?

1.Mulberry Leaves. A broiler chicken for 4 weeks prior to the entry of a 3% mulberry leaf powder in the feed, which can significantly improve the broiler's meat aroma and quality while reducing the odor concentration in the chicken house.
2.Eucommia ulmoides leaves. The dried leaves of Eucommia ulmoides are ground into powder and incorporated into chicken feed for free feeding. Chickens fed in this way can effectively reduce fat and cholesterol levels, promote chicken tightness, and taste delicious and tasty, similar to pheasant.
3.Sunflower Seeds. Incorporation of 8% sunflower seeds or 10% wood shavings in the diet of laying hens can reduce the cholesterol in the egg yolk by 13%.

breeding more


How to make the hen lay many high quality eggs?

1.Waste paper ball. Cut and scrap waste paper, knead it into balls, and feed it in the feed. It is more than 1/3 of the eggs that are not feed. The reason is: After the chemical treatment of the pulp, the cellulose contained in the pulp is relatively pure, and the layer chicken is beneficial to digestion and absorption after eating. This method can not only increase the egg production rate, but also save feed.

Laying eggs

2.Linoleic acid and Linoleic. Acid can promote the growth of eggs. Add 3% linoleic acid to the feed. The weight of each egg can reach 59.6g. While taurine can inhibit the growth of eggs, experiments have shown that adding 0.5% taurine in the feed can reduce the weight of eggs by lg.


Amazing hen breeding technology!

According to the fast developing of society,people’s daily life is more and more modernization. under these circumstances, laying chicken breeding also more and more modernization.

clean chicken house

If you want to visit a chicken house,you must after several "points" disinfection, then you can entered the area of laying hens. And you can saw that all the sheds were sealed and strictly isolated from outsiders. The house had automatic temperature control. Internal control system for humidity and air. It has automatic conveyor belts separate eggs, chicken droppings and feeds. The automated egg selection equipment detects, sterilizes, sprays, and gradates each egg. Chicken manure is sent to the fermentation processing system through the underground dumper belt.Are you feeling amazing?


In which season the hens will be moulting?

The moulting habits of adult laying hens have vary greatly differences throughout the whole year, and the differences show cyclical changes. Feeding and management according with such rules can better achieve production benefits.


Under natural lighting conditions, adult chicken moulting in the fall, generally takes 3 to 4 months. Therefore, we must pay attention to changes in the lighting time and temperature in the house, timely insulation and supplemental lighting. To ensure the production performance of laying hens.
Thus,we can get a summary: laying hens will moulting in autumn, about 3 to 4 months. At this time, we must take care of chicken more carefully.


Why Hens Water Diarrhea in Summer?

Changes of drinking habits. During the whole year, chickens are very prominent in summer drinking water, at this time, thirsty desire to increase, so drinking water increased. Chicken's demand for water is following the weather’s become.


In the lukewarm climate condition, the hen’s water intake is equal to 2 times amount the feed; in hot conditions, the water intake is equal to 4 to 5 times among the feed.
Corresponding measures: The lack of water can most affect egg production, such as if lack of water for 24 hours, the egg production can be reduced by 30%. Therefore, it is necessary to provide enough water for laying hens. But provide too much water will have a bad effect, it has a limit in the amount of water, because excessive drinking water can cause water diarrhoea. Suitable drinking water for summer is 4 to 5 times the weight of feed.


Why Hens Eat a Lot in Winter?

As we all knows, winter is very cold.For against the cold, people usually eat more food. As the seam reason, feed intake of laying hens also increased significantly in winter. In cold winters, laying hens need to consume more nutrients to keep warm, so feed intake increases. When the chicken house’s temperature is lower than 22℃, the chicken feed intake increases by 1.3-1.5 grams per 1°C drop. Under these circumstances, we must pay more attention to chicken. In addition to improving the temperature of the chicken house under the premise of ensuring air quality, the more important is the ration should be converted into a winter diet, which means that more energy feed should be provided to resist the influence of low temperature.

chicken feeding


Effective ways to prevent chicken diseases

Many people take the method of adding drugs to chicken feed when the chicken is sick, but we have already said in the previous article that there are many drawbacks to this method. So, what's the best way? Today, I teach everyone a way that put drugs into drinking water.

put drugs in water

The use of drinking water for the breeding of chickens was better than the mixed feeding. First, drinking water can be restricted without any restrictions or without affecting the amount of feed intake. Second, most diseased chickens also drink water without appetite, although drinking water may be less. However, some drugs must be mixed in the feed, such as anticoccidial drugs or drugs for the treatment of chronic chicken cholera.


The disadvantage of adding medicine to chicken food

Like other animals, When using drugs for chickens, we should calculate the dose according to individual body weight. Although it is very simple to add calculated drugs to feed and drinking water, it is sometimes difficult to meet the individual needs of chickens because the concentration of these drugs is calculated based on the normal amount of water or feed intake of chickens, so this The breeding chicken is not very suitable for the period of restriction.

feed food

For example, when a commercial broiler is fed at the age of 5 weeks, it can consume more than 120 grams of feed per day, while the feed intake of broilers of the same age is only half. In addition, if the 3.5 kg weight of the breeding hen after the peak period of the egg production is more than 160 grams, it is only half of the free feed intake. In this way, these breeders will not be able to get their expected drug dose.


Precautions of breeding hens in a cage

Chicken layer cages provides a good production and living environment for laying hens. It can better display the production potential of laying hens, reduce disease transmission and infection, and facilitate management.
1. The best time to put a hen into a cage.
In order to ensure that the weight of young laying hens does not affect the opening and increasing of eggs, the laying hens are usually in 13-18 weeks old fashion cages (the latest is not later than 20 weeks old), and the chickens can be easily managed when they grow well. In 60-day-old fashion cages or grouped by weight and grouped in batches.
2. Inspection and maintenance of chicken layer cages equipment.
After the laying hens are installed, they generally do not change their living environment. Therefore, the hens should strictly inspect the corresponding facilities or equipment before loading the cages. Equipment that does not have maintenance value should be replaced in time to prevent it from reaching its function during use or during use. Claim.

precaution of breeding hens in cage

3. To prevent the increase of morbidity.
When the laying hens are caged, due to improper operation or temperature difference, the immune system is often reduced and the incidence rate is increased. Therefore, cages should be installed at night. At the same time, the methods of raising temperature, improving nutrition, and drug prevention are used to prevent the disease. The rate rose.
4. Control parasites.
Laying hens generally use the corresponding insect repellent to control parasites at 60 days and 120 days of age respectively. In order to save labor intensity and increase the control effect of parasites, a certain amount of insect repellent is generally used when loading cages. Feed separately.


Some different chicken farming ways

First, use chicken cage feeding.

Cage farming is the use of stacked or stepped cages to keep broilers in cages.

From the shell to the sale are kept in the cage. With age and weight Increase, generally can adopt the method of transfer layer and cage. battery cages for chickens generally use hard plastic baskets as single cages, and stepped cages are made of metal and plastic mesh sheets are laid on the bottom.

Cage Supporting Facilities: Waterline, automatic feed line.

Equipping cage equipment with excrement conveyor belt

used cage feeding chicken

Second, mixed feeding.

The method of mixed rearing is to use cages before 3 weeks of age, and after 3 weeks of age, the chickens are transferred to ground litter or raised on the net.

The combination of cage raising and flat raising has both the advantages of two feeding methods, and has promotion value for medium and small batches of broiler chickens. But in the middle, it needs to be transferred. It is troublesome, time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it can easily hurt chickens.

The best is the best. Any type of rearing method currently has its applicable area or type of production and management, and there are no absolute advantages or disadvantages. After fully

understanding the various feeding methods, the breeding households should choose the most suitable one based on their own economic and material conditions. The way of feeding.

used mixed method feeding


Do you know what is raising broilers?

First, ground litter leveling.
In traditional broiler farming, ground litter leveling is the most important feeding method.
The floor of the house is cleaned and thoroughly sanitised. After drying, a thick layer of litter is laid on the ground of the house. Broilers live on litter from the entrance to the sale, including feeding, drinking, activities, and rest.
Common litter: sawdust, shavings

chicken feeding

Second, net raising.
In the hen house, a net rack is erected at a certain height from the ground, a plastic net is laid on the net rack, and chickens live on the net.
The chicken droppings fall to the ground through the mesh or the gap between the bars, accumulate a feeding cycle and are cleared once the chickens are slaughtered. In the early days, the online leveling was generally operated by hand. Nowadays, large-scale farming is generally equipped with automatic water supply, feeding, cleaning and other mechanical equipment.



Is your chicken house and utensils clean?

First, the ground can be disinfected with 10% lime water or 2% hot caustic soda water. The proportion of bacteria poisoning enemy or extermination spirit is 1:300, 5% to 10% of the stinking water spray, and the ground and walls should be wet firstly when disinfected. It is worth noting that, if use of two or more disinfectants should be separated by 3 to 4 days.

clean chicken house

Second, the trough, sink or other utensils can be used 3% of the Soviet Union or 0.1% benzalkonium bromide solution soak for 2 hours, then wash dry and spare.

Third, the sheds were formalized with formalin and potassium permanganate. Per square meter of space with 15 grams of potassium permanganate, formalin 30 ml, temperature 22 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius, relative humidity 70%, when the disinfection of closed doors and windows fumigation for 24 hours, and then venting.