A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Laying hen house design and chicken equipment and utensils

Chicken house design

1. Types of chicken houses: Different poultry equipment suppliers provide different kinds of chicken cages. Chicken houses are basically divided into two types, namely, open house (common house) and closed house.

(1) Open house: The most common form is a windowed house with walls on four sides, large windows on the south wall, small windows on the north wall, and no or no playground on the south side. All or most of these houses are naturally ventilated and naturally lit, and the temperature and humidity in the house vary substantially with the seasons. Due to the limited ventilation and light, ventilation and lighting equipment are often added to houses such as production management towels to supplement the lack of ventilation and lighting under natural conditions.

(2) Closed house: also known as windowless house. The roof of the chicken house is well insulated from the four walls; there is no window on all sides, and the interior environment is adjusted by manual or instrument control. Artificial ventilation and light are used in the house to control the temperature, humidity and air composition of the house by changing the amount of ventilation.



2. Structural requirements of various parts of the chicken house

(1) Foundation and ground: The foundation should be deep and strong. The ground requirements are higher than the outside, moisture-proof, flat, easy to clean and disinfect.

(2) Wall: good thermal insulation performance, can protect against external wind and rain. Use brick or stone to build the wall. The outside of the wall is covered with cement. The inner surface of the wall is covered with cement or white ash to prevent moisture and facilitate scouring.

(3) Roof: In addition to the single-sloping roof of the chicken house with a small span, the double-slope type is generally used.

(4) Doors and windows: The door is generally located on the south side of the south facing chicken house. The size of the door is generally 2 meters high and 1 meter wide; the two doors are 2 meters high and 1.6 meters wide.

The windows of the open house should be located on the front and rear walls, and the front window should be wide and lower from the ground to facilitate daylighting. The ratio of windows to floor area is 110-18. The rear window should be small, about 2/3 of the front window area, which can be higher from the ground for summer ventilation. There are no windows in the closed house, only emergency windows and ventilation inlet and outlet.

(5) Width, length and height of the house: The width of the house depends on the form of the roof of the house, the type of house and the method of feeding. The general width is 6 to 10 meters in an open house and 12 to 15 meters in a closed house.

(6) Operation room and walkway: The operation room is the place where the breeder operates and stores the tools. If the length of the house is not more than 40 meters, the operating room can be located at one end of the house. If the house is more than 40 meters in length, it should be placed in the center of the house.

The location of the walkway depends on the span of the house. The span of the flat house is relatively small. The walkway is usually located on one side of the house, with a width of 1 to 1.2 meters. When the span is greater than 9 meters, the walkway is set in the middle with a width of 1.5~. 1.8 meters, easy to feed with a car. Regardless of the span of the chicken house, depending on the arrangement of the chicken battery cages, the walkway between the chicken cages is 0.8 to 1.0 meters.


The importance of light on laying hens

Light is also very important for raising chickens in chicken battery cages . Light stimulation should not be used until the chicken has reached the appropriate weight. If the chickens that are lighter than the body weight standard are stimulated by light, the eggs will be produced less than normal, and the peak eggs will be reduced or the eggs will be dropped during the peak period.

The lighting system from brooding to laying hens should be carefully implemented, and the lighting time cannot be changed at will. The combination of the light system and the feeding system has a better effect, such as reducing the light during the brooding period and limiting the feeding to control the weight and sexual maturity; increasing the light and increasing the nutrient level at the beginning of the egg production to increase the egg production.

When the illumination is increased, it can not exceed 1 hour at a time. The control of the illumination time is mostly controlled by a self-control lamp device-timer or a manual time switch lamp. The control of the light intensity is generally controlled by a voltage transformer, and can also be controlled by replacing the wattage of the lamp. 

When the open house requires manual replenishment of light, it is advisable to add half of the time for manual replenishment to the morning and evening.



How to choose a reasonable chicken farm site?

In the chicken industry, many small and medium-sized farms do not have a correct understanding of site selection, site selection is also crucial, so how do we correctly choose a reasonable site?The author explains how to choose a good site to reduce losses for the chicken industry.


1. Laying site selection requirements


Site selection is closely related to health and epidemic prevention, environmental control, production safety, product quality and daily management of farms.


Slaughtered livestock and poultry are also, and livestock products processing factory must choose in the ecological environment is good, do not accept the industrial "three wastes" and agriculture, urban life, the production of medical wastes pollution siting should avoid the water source protection zone, scenic areas, densely populated areas such as environmental sensitive area, accord with environmental protection, veterinary epidemic prevention requirements, rational layout, production area and living area.


500 meters around the breeding area shall not be harmful to the environment, and some water sources have hidden dangers of pollution.


The farm must be equipped with certain instruments and equipment, such as changing rooms, disinfection rooms, veterinary rooms, etc.



2. Natural conditions of the chicken farm


Topography: the farm should choose higher terrain, dry and flat, good drainage and lee sun places.Plain areas generally choose flat open, higher terrain, conducive to drainage.Mountain site, generally choose sunny gentle slope, pay attention to avoid landslides debris flow.


Water quality: to understand the flow of surface water, groundwater level, water quality needs to understand the ph, hardness, transparency, there is no pollution and harmful chemicals.


Climatic factors: understand the local climate change, the chicken farm can not choose the mountain pass or winter wind direction in the valley, the poor ventilation of the small basin is not suitable for the construction of the farm.


Choose a suitable poultry equipment suppliers.


3. Social factors


Water, electricity, and transportation.


The environment of the farm and the quality of veterinary control conditions nearby are the key factors for the success or failure of the chicken farm.


Layer cage raising management points

In winter, the temperature is cold. In order to maintain the temperature inside the house, the majority of farmers use insulation measures such as closing doors and windows. On the one hand, chickens can induce respiratory diseases because they cannot breathe fresh air; on the other hand, chickens are in the air that is not circulating for a long time, and the detoxification of individual chickens will be propagated in a short time, affecting the entire flock. Throughout the outbreak of disease in recent years, it can be found that winter is a high incidence of severe infectious diseases, and farmers should pay high attention. In the third aspect, the chickens maintain a high normal physiological demand, and the feed standard should be adjusted appropriately to meet the chicken population. The need for weight and egg production. Based on the above three reasons, it is recommended that farmers should do the following work during the winter:


1. Chicken cage system

Due to the battery of multiple layers of cages, it is not convenient to catch chickens. The time for laying hens into cages can be extended appropriately. When individual chickens are laying eggs, they should be vaccinated, such as Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, and poultry. Vaccines such as influenza and egg drop syndrome are all exempted.



2. Feed replacement

When the flock's egg production rate reaches 5%, the prenatal feed should be replaced with a peak material. Refueling takes a one-week transition. At this time, the feed should be of good quality and stable in nutrients. Do not replace the finished feed and raw materials at will.


3. Regular antibody testing

Newcastle disease, bird flow induction, regular detection of antibodies, according to the changes in antibodies, timely immunization.


4. Check broken egg, soft egg

Break the eggs and soft-skinned eggs in advance to avoid the flow of eggs in the process, contaminating eggs and conveyor belts.


5. Strengthen the management of laying hens, supplement calcium in the afternoon



Why is the chicken still sick after disinfection?

Many farmers have blindness in the disinfection process, which makes the disinfection effect unsatisfactory. So why is this happening?

Disinfection is not a diligence, disinfection is a continuous disease prevention work for chicken in chicken farm equipment, so time is best not uninterrupted.

The disinfectant is not properly selected. The disinfectant is too singular. A disinfectant is easy to make the bacteria resistant. The same batch of chicken should use 2-3 kinds of disinfectant alternately. Note: Disinfectants should be selected with different ingredients instead of different trade names. Many disinfectants are synonymous with the same medicine.

The factors affecting disinfection are neglected. Under normal conditions, the temperature of the disinfectant is high and the disinfection effect can be increased. The experiment proves that for every 10 °C increase in the temperature of the disinfectant, the sterilization efficiency is doubled, but the water temperature of the disinfectant is not more than 45 °C. In addition, in the fumigation and disinfection, it is necessary to increase the room temperature to above 20 °C, in order to have a better effect, otherwise the effect is not good (invalid when the room temperature is lower than 16 ° C).

Residues will affect the disinfection effect of the disinfectant. Especially when disinfecting the brooding utensils before entering the chicks, it must be cleaned and disinfected first. It cannot be cleaned and disinfected in one step. Otherwise, the dirt or residual materials will seriously affect the disinfection effect, so that the disinfection is not complete. The concentration of the disinfectant and the concentration of the disinfectant are not as high as possible. If the concentration is too high, it will be wasted, and the second will corrode the equipment. Third, it may cause harm to the chicken.


What do you need to pay attention to when feeding chicks?

1. Reasonable lighting system

Light can increase the metabolism of the chicken, increase the appetite, increase the hemoglobin content of the red blood cells, convert the T-dehydrocholesterol into the vitamin D3 in the skin of the chicken, and promote the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Practice has proved that the length and intensity of illumination, the color and wavelength of illumination, the start and stop time of light stimulation, and whether the dark period is continuous or indirect will have an important impact on chicken activity, feeding, drinking water, physical development and sexual development. Generally, the first week uses 24 hours of light throughout the day, and the second week is 19 hours of light. Starting from the third week, the closed chicken battery cages can be illuminated for 8 hours a day. When the light intensity is applied, every 15 square meters of the house will be hung with a 40-watt light bulb at a height of 2 meters above the ground in the first week, and a 25-watt light bulb will be used in the second week.

2. Ventilation

Chicks have strong metabolism, and the amount of fresh air and exhaled carbon dioxide and water vapor required by the unit weight are high, and ammonia gas is continuously released from the chicken manure. Poor environmental factors will bring stress to the chickens, affect the normal activities of the chickens, affect the growth and development of the body, reduce the body's immune function, increase the chance of infection of the body, and hinder the growth and development of the chickens. Therefore, the brooding room should pay special attention to ventilation and ventilation. Ventilation and ventilation of the brooding room is a contradiction. The effective way to solve this contradiction is: early spring, late autumn and winter, when the air is cold and there is no ventilation equipment, it can be carried out while the chicken is eating, because the chickens are eating Material, in the active state, when the temperature is lowered by 2 ° C ~ 4 ° C, the chicken body is basically no hindrance, but to avoid direct wind blowing. Wait for the flock to finish eating, and when 2/3 of the chickens in the flock start or are drinking, close the window. It is strictly forbidden to open the window when the chicken is resting to increase ventilation. Otherwise, the chicken is prone to catch a cold, or thus induces a respiratory illness. Ventilation and insulation are often a contradiction to a contradiction. To solve this contradiction problem, the best way is to install a skylight on the roof or install a ventilation fan in the high window under the eaves.

3.Reasonable adjustment of stocking density

Feeding density directly affects the growth and development of chicks, especially the uniformity of chicks, the density is too large, the range of chicken activity is small, the chickens are squeezed, the feeding is uneven, the chicks are not neatly developed, the size is different; the density is too small, It causes waste of chicken houses and equipment, does not keep warm, and has low economic efficiency. It is generally appropriate to raise about 20 chicks of 1 to 7 days old per square meter. Later, as the age increases, the number of breeding is gradually reduced. When adjusting, the weak chicks should be kept separately, so that they can gradually keep up with the large group level.



The bad habits of raising chicken

It is not an easy thing to raise chickens. Mastering the skills and precautions of raising chickens can get twice the result with half the effort. But in fact, the management problem is the most important, or some small details of chicken raising, small habits are the decision whether you can The key to raising chicken

For broilers, the growth rate is very fast. It can be put out in less than two months. After the chicken is released, it is very important to carry out a large cleaning and disinfection of the house and Poultry Equipment for Sale. After spraying, you can fumigate for a few days, so disinfection is very thorough.

If you want to raise the chicken, it is very important to buy the chicken. You must go to a more formal place to buy. Don’t buy cheap chicken. If you buy weak chicken, it will not only grow slowly, but also Poor constitution, it is easy to contract the disease, and the damage caused by it can be big.

Many people breed, there is no process, but what to do when they think about it, but this will not have any good effect.

In fact, for diseases, of course, it is necessary to take prevention as the mainstay. If the problem actually occurs and then go to treatment, then the cost is very large, and the speed of transmission is fast, and the losses are also large. If you save money on prevention, when there is a problem, there will be a big loss, which is also very influential on the growth and development of the chicken.


Chicken house cooling management

It is well known that for chicken houses that use chicken farming equipment, cooling management of the house is very important. So what should we pay attention to in the management of the chicken house?


1. The effective temperature and somatosensory temperature of the chicken house, the air flow above the chicken can produce a convective cooling effect, thereby eliminating the moisture released by the chicken's normal breathing and wheezing. The flow rate through the entire house air can produce an "air cooling effect" on the birds. Whether the ventilation management of the house is effective, whether the chicken is comfortable, can not only look at the temperature displayed by the thermometer and the thermostat, must pay attention to the somatosensory temperature of the chicken. Special note: The best way to judge whether the environmental strength of the house is suitable and whether the flock is healthy and comfortable is to observe the flock, that is, to understand the comfort level of the flock according to whether the flock is eating, drinking, tweeting, mental state, etc. .



2. For the temperature setting of the chicken house, it is recommended that the temperature of the house be kept at 22 °C ~ 24 °C, and when the temperature reaches 32 °C or above, all the fans in the house can start to start, so the difference between the fans at all levels must be set. It is reasonable to avoid frequent starts of the fan. The temperature probe is placed 20 cm from the chicken back on the chicken house. Clean the probe with a dry rag every week to remove dust from the top to ensure a strong sensitivity.


3. Maintenance of ventilation equipment in the chicken house, maintenance of ventilation and cooling equipment. Regularly maintain and maintain the ventilation and cooling equipment of the house to ensure the best performance. In advance, the fan of each house will be maintained by the personnel of the power protection company, and all the wires will be connected for debugging. The setting of the fan is required to be automatic. Do not hit the manual to ensure the use. According to the actual situation of the site, equipment maintenance plans and procedures are formulated, such as black cover, blinds, fan blade cleaning, wet curtain pool cleaning, belt adjustment and replacement, generator commissioning and maintenance. Some common accessories to do the appropriate inventory and so on.



Chicken house ventilation management

It is well known that for chicken houses that use chicken farming equipment, ventilation management of the house is very important. So what should we pay attention to in the management of the house?

1. Seal inspection of chicken houses. In summer, the effective ventilation of the house is to maintain the airtightness, so that fresh air can enter the house (side wall vent or wet curtain) from the required place. Therefore, the site is required to check the tightness of each house, especially the doorway in the middle of the house, the slab, the connection between the wet curtain and the house. Longitudinal ventilation must ensure that air should be from both sides of the end of the house, not just from one side into the house. Air entering the house from both sides can fully mix the air inside the house without creating a dead angle.


2. The chicken house is under negative pressure management. Only a certain negative pressure can be formed in the chicken house to ensure that the vents entering the house have a certain wind speed. The horizontal ventilation requires a wind speed of 3 meters to 5 meters per second, and the longitudinally ventilated wet curtain. The wind speed of the curtain is 1.5 meters to 2 meters per second, and the wind speed of the chicken back requires 2 meters to 3 meters per second. The maximum wind speed of the chicken back cannot exceed 3 meters per second, more than 3 meters, and the chicken is prone to adverse symptoms. The field area should observe and record the negative pressure of the house to prevent the house from being under negative pressure. In addition, the intake pipe connected to the negative pressure controller should not be placed in the work space in the middle of the house, it must be placed outside and connected to atmospheric pressure.

3. Ventilation management of the chicken house. If the temperature difference between day and night is too large or the weather changes, it is necessary to use mixed ventilation to ensure the temperature of the house. Therefore, when transitioning from a horizontal vent to a longitudinal vent, it is important to pay attention to the management of the air inlet. That is, when the fan is switched from the first stage to the second stage or the third stage, the corresponding air inlet must be adjusted to reduce the negative pressure of the house, so that the wind speed is uniform and the temperature is consistent before and after the house. For example, gradually open the area of the wet curtain and increase the area of the vent, otherwise the negative pressure of the house will be too large, which will affect the efficiency of the fan.


How to reduce broken eggs?

For the farmers who raise the laying hens, the quality and quantity of the eggs is the key to determining the economic benefits of the farmers. Therefore, in the process of breeding the laying hens, the farmers should pay attention to the quality of the eggs in addition to the number of eggs. Even if the number of eggs is large, but the egg breaking rate will affect the benefits, then how to prevent egg damage during the feeding process, strengthen the quality of eggs, poultry cage manufacturers to tell the farmers.


1. Now most of them use the way of laying hens to raise laying hens. Therefore, farmers should pay attention to the selection of egg hen cage equipment. The size of the hens should be determined according to the number and variety of laying hens. And the type, the spacing of the iron bars at the bottom of the cage is generally recommended to be 2.5 cm × 5 cm. It should be suitable when designing the angle of the bottom of the cage. Small angles can not roll out the eggs in time, and the angle is easy to make the eggs fall to the ground. Bad or the impact of the egg rolling is large and broke each other, the general cage bottom slope should be maintained at 7-8 degrees.



2. Whether the feed formula fed by the farmer is scientific and reasonable will affect the quality of the egg. During the feeding process, the farmer must ensure the balanced nutrition of the feed. The nutrient level of the feed is directly related to the strength and hardness of the eggshell. An important factor in egg rate. When formulating feed, it is necessary to formulate nutrient-rich feeds in stages, especially calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D3 and crude protein. Although most of the current feeds are called full-price feeds, caged chickens cannot get extra vitamins, so the chicken farm can supplement the chickens with multi-dimensional and minerals twice a week.


3. If there are too many eggs in the egg trough, it will be prone to collision and damage, so the farmers should pay attention to increase the number of quail eggs and improve the quality of quail eggs during the feeding process, in order to prevent egg and egg collision and eggs. At the bottom of the cage, the chicken is trampled, and the eggs are to be smashed more than three times a day. The last time the quail eggs are arranged to stop the eggs in the cage before the lights are turned off at night, and the eggs can be prevented from being licked.


Misunderstanding of chicken medicine

Due to the lack of corresponding medication knowledge, some farmers have long added oxytetracycline, furazolidone and other drugs to the feed. As a result, the drug accumulates in the chicken body and damages the kidney, causing poisoning. At the same time, it also increases the cost of raising chickens and reduces farming. Economic benefits. Therefore, chicken farmers cannot arbitrarily administer drugs in feed, nor can they use drugs as health supplements or growth promoters for a long time.

After the chicken is sick, relying on his own experience to feed the drug, not only will it be ineffective, it will also delay the best time to cure the disease, and will not achieve the benefits of treatment. After the chicken is sick in Poultry Equipment for Sale, it is necessary to diagnose it in time, find out the cause of the disease, and prescribe the right medicine. Scientific use of drugs to ensure the course of medication, improve the effectiveness of treatment.

Excessive medication: Many chicken farmers believe that the quality of the drug is not guaranteed, increase the dose to ensure the efficacy; others believe that the greater the dose of the drug, the better the treatment effect; but whether it is prevention or treatment of chicken disease, a comprehensive understanding of the drug Active ingredients, drug content, dosage, medication units, etc., to achieve scientific use of the drug dose, in order to maximize the efficacy.

Some chicken farmers believe that the quality of raw materials is guaranteed, the cost is low, and the curative effect is good. This is not advisable. Chicken farmers do not understand the drug properties of the drug substance. Do not use the drug substance for the prevention and treatment of chicken disease. In actual production, it is best not to use the raw material drug directly. It is necessary to select the finished drug used by the manufacturer to ensure the prevention and treatment of chicken disease. Reduce the risk of medication.

If it is for the sake of saving trouble or conditional restrictions, all drugs are administered by mixing or drinking water, and are not used in accordance with the correct route of the drug, so that the effect of preventing and treating chicken diseases is not achieved at all, and sometimes side effects are caused.


Three conditions necessary for raising chickens

We all know that the existence of all things in time has its own specific conditions, and each condition is interdependent and mutually restrictive, as is the case for broiler breeding. Today, the three conditions that we have to give to the farmers to talk about the broiler cages are the same. They are complement each other and mutually dependent. These three conditions are less than the breeding work of any of the broilers. Successfully, let's talk to the farmers about the three conditions necessary for raising chickens in broiler battery cages:


1. Humidity in the chicken house

The humidity in the house has a great influence on the growth of the broiler. If the humidity of the house is lower than the 20%-25% required under normal circumstances, the conversion rate of the chicken feed will be greatly reduced. The ratio will increase by 10%; when the humidity is higher than the required 18%-20%, it will directly cause coccidiosis and various diseases and microbial pathogens. This shows that the control of humidity in the house is crucial for the growth of broilers.



2. The temperature inside the chicken house

Temperature control in the house is as important as humidity control, especially in winter and summer, where temperature in the house is not well controlled due to excessively high temperatures. The temperature of the house will directly affect the survival rate of the birds, so the temperature per minute in the house should be kept within the normal range. If the temperature in the house is lower than the required level of 34 degrees, the chicken must maintain its normal body temperature by increasing its own weight multiplied by 0.13% of the feed, which increases the feed to meat ratio. However, if the temperature in the house is higher than the required level of 34 degrees, it will cause respiratory diseases and a large number of bacterial infections. Not only does it cause great harm to the flock, it may even cause large-scale death of the flock, causing economic losses to the farmers.


3. Air quality in the chicken house

The quality of the air in the house is also very important for the growth of the flock. Especially when the air quality is poor, the main harmful gases in the gas are: harmful gases such as ammonia, carbon dioxide and dust. If the ammonia is too large, it will cause difficulty in breathing, inflammation of the cornea, and aggravation of the respiratory system; if the carbon dioxide is too large, it will cause diseases such as soft legs and ascites of the chicken. Therefore, farmers should regularly ventilate the house to prevent adverse effects from harmful gas.